
Terms for subject Economy containing Situations | all forms | exact matches only
affect the situation影响形势
alter the situation改变局势
analyze the situation分析形势
Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法
control the overall situation把握全局
demand and supply situation供求形势
demographic situation人口状况
demographic situation人 口状况
economic situation经济形势
envisage the international market situation展望国际市场形势
estimate of the situation推测情况
estimate of the situation情况评估
flexible situation灵活的情况
food supply situation食品供应状况
I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施
In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内
In view of the present situation we have made much concession考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步
initial situation初期状况
market situation行情
most likely situation最可能情
most likely situation"最可能"准则
Our area was badly damaged by recent typhoon and we hope you will understand our situation fully我地区最近受台风严重危害,希望你们充分体谅我们的处境
Please wait and see until the situation is favourable for the start请观望,等到有利时机再开始
practical situation实际情况
problem situation问题之存在
profit/loss situation盈亏状况
proportion in overall situation全局比例
proportions in overall situation全局比例
situation analysis情况分析
situation rent地位租金
situation report情况报告
situation vacant招聘启事 (报刊上广告栏)
situation value地位价值
situation wanted求职启事
situations vacant报纸招聘单
study the economic situation研究经济形势
The analyses on the market situation indicate that some competitors are selling short because of low prices市场形势分析表明一些竞争者由于价格下跌而卖空
the economic situation经济形势
the explosive situation爆炸性局势
the financial situation财务状况
The general situation of the world economy is favourable to us世界总的经济形势对我们有利
The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation政府决定采用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势
The new change of the market has restored confidence in better economic situation市场的新变化恢复了人们对经济形势好转的信心
the overloaned situation借款过多状况
the serious situation严峻形势
The shareholders discussed the company's financial situation at the annual general meeting股东们在年度股东大会上讨论公司的财务状况
The situation in the world market needs close analyzing世界市场的情况需要进行周密的分析
The sudden change in the situation has caused the company to suffer a reversal in the Middle East形势的突变使该公司在中东由赢利变为亏损
The unfavourable market situation closed down that company不利的市场情况使那家公司倒闭
They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development我们认为目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展
They will keep us informed of any change in the situation他们会随时告知我们情况的变化
This right is confined to special situation此项权利限用于特殊场合
Voluntary liquidation is the situation where a company itself decides it must close and sell its assets自愿清算指一个公司本身决定停办并出售资产的现象
We agree on your analysis about the whole situation of the market, but with some reservations我方同意你方关于整个市场行情的分析,但有些保留
We are not lacking in information on the current market situation我们不缺当前市场情况的资料
We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed由于我方始终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解
win-win situation双赢局面
You are right when you analyse the market situation in the world你对国际市场行情的分析是对的
You should understand that this delay has placed us in an embarrassing situation你们应当了解这次延误已使我们处于为难境地