
Terms for subject General containing Situations | all forms | exact matches only
a difficult situation yielded place to a favourable one困难的局面让位于顺利的局面
be in a desperate situation处境危急
But in other situations, a liver transplant may be the only cure for acute liver failure但是在其他情况下,肝脏移植可能是急性肝衰竭患者的唯一治愈希望
Congestion is typical in most metropolitan cities, but to be honest, the traffic situation in Paris now is becoming ridiculous交通拥堵在大都市里是个很普遍的现象,不过老实说,巴黎的交通形势已经糟糕透顶了
current situation现状
existing situation当前形势
game-forcing situations进局逼叫进程
general situation map空防总配备图
in normal situation就地
in normal situation在现场
in normal situation在正常位置
initial situation原始位置
Jewelry seller Chow Tai Fook aims for a Hong Kong IPO in the first quarter of 2012, people familiar with the situation said Monday知情人士周一表示,珠宝零售商周大福计划于2012年第一季度在香港上市
My current situation is quite urgent, since I got my leukemia relapse this time目前我的情况非常紧急,因为这次我是白血病复发。 (recurrence, 小贴士: sign 是医生或者其他人观察到的某种事实或者特征。medical sign 是医生在体检 (physical examination)过程中发现的某种医学事实或者特征。当然,也可能医生与病人都注意到了某种状况,那么它可以既是 symptom 也是 sign。比如,疼痛 (pain )只能是 symptom, 因为医生无法感受到病人的疼痛;而血细胞数量值只能是 sign, 因为病人无法感知。不要混淆 sign 和 indication, 后者是使用某种治疗方法的根据,在中文中似乎也翻译为“症状”。)
save the situation解救危局
save the situation化险为夷
save the situation挽回局势
save the situation挽回局面
study a situation firsthand直接研究情况
the situation is capable of improvement情况可以改进
the situation solicits the closest attention这情况须密切予以注意
we are presented with a situation where...即…
we are presented with a situation where...我们面临碰到这样一种情况