
Terms containing Situations | all forms | exact matches only
commer.a breakeven situation收支平衡状态
gen.a difficult situation yielded place to a favourable one困难的局面让位于顺利的局面
commer.a keen appreciation of the market situations对市场情况的深刻认识
China, polit.a situation rarely seen in the history of Chinese legislation在中国立法史上是少有的
tech.abnormal situation异常情况
expl.accidental initiations often involves situations where the explosive is exposed to impact or become squeezed between impacting objects意外引爆通常是由于炸药暴露在环境中受到撞击、或与撞击物体之间发生挤压摩擦所导致的
fin.achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation实现互利共赢
tech.action variable in decision situation决策形势中的行动变量
tech.actual growing situation实际长势
China, lawactual situation实际情况
China, lawactual situations现实情况
China, polit.adapt to the new situation适应新的形势
busin.administrative situation管理状况
agric.admissible situation容许形势
tech.admissible situation宜取形势
econ.affect the situation影响形势
agric.agricultural situation农业状况
agric.agricultural situation农业形势
agric.agriculture situation农业状况
agric.agriculture situation农业形势
avia.air situation coordinator空中位置坐标方位仪
mil., air.def.air situation display空情显示器
avia.air situation display空中情况显示
avia.air situation filter centre空中情况鉴定中心
avia.air situation message空中情况信息
avia.air situation officer空中情况军官
mil., air.def.air situation reporting communication空情报知通信
avia.airborne maritime situation control system机载航海情况控制系统
avia.airborne air traffic situation display空中交通情况显示
avia.airborne traffic situation display空中交通情况显示器
avia.aircraft situation display飞机状态显示
avia.aircraft situation display飞机位置显示
busin.allocation situation分配状况
avia.alpha situation displayalpha 位置显示器
econ.alter the situation改变局势
expl.an explosive situation非常危急的形势
tech.analytic region of resources situation资源形势分析范围
tech.analytical region of resources situation资源形势分析范围
econ.analyze the situation分析形势
tech.angle of situation位置角
China, lawanimal epidemic situation动物疫情
busin.appraisal of a project from the overall situation of the national economy项目国民经济评价
agric.awareness of the market situation了解市场情况
tech.base situation基本情况
China, lawbased on the actual situation根据实际情况
gen.be in a desperate situation处境危急
China, polit.be in line with specific situation of China符合中国实际
China, polit.be in line with the actual work situation of people's congresses符合人大工作实际
busin.be unable to cope with a situation左支右绌
nautic., tech.blackout situation船舶失电
expl.blasting situation爆破场景
China, lawbusiness situation经营情况
busin.business situation经济情况
tech.business situation经济状况
gen.But in other situations, a liver transplant may be the only cure for acute liver failure但是在其他情况下,肝脏移植可能是急性肝衰竭患者的唯一治愈希望
sport.catch in a tight situation比分咬得很紧
sport.catch in a tight situation势均力敌
agric.changed situation of scientific and technical funds科技基金变化态势
China, lawchanges in the situation情势变化
agric.choice situation选择状况
busin.choice situations hypothetic选择状况假设
busin.circuit situation report流通情况报告
auto.commercial situation市场情况形势
agric.competitive situation竞争状况
busin.competitive situation竞争态势
tech.competitive situation竞争的局面
busin.complex decision-making situation复杂决策情形
China, lawconceal the true situation隐瞒真实情况
avia.conflict situation冲突性情境
securit.conflict-of-interest situations利益冲突情况
tech.conform to actual situation合乎实际
gen.Congestion is typical in most metropolitan cities, but to be honest, the traffic situation in Paris now is becoming ridiculous交通拥堵在大都市里是个很普遍的现象,不过老实说,巴黎的交通形势已经糟糕透顶了
econ.Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法
railw.contact situation接触状态
China, lawcontrol of the epidemic situation疫情控制
econ.control the overall situation把握全局
avia.convective situation对流情况
fin.correctly judge the international and domestic situation正确判断国际国内形势
China, lawcorresponding situation相应的情形
China, lawcritical situation处境危急
tech.critical situation紧急情况
tech.critical situation notification临界状态通知
agric.crop production situation作物生产态势
horticult.crop productive environment and situation作物生产环境和状况
work.fl.Crop Prospects and Food Situation作物前景与粮食形势
agric.crop situation栽培情况
agric.crop situation栽培状况
agric.crop situation index作物情况指数
tech.crossing situation交叉相遇局面
fin.current international economic and financial situation当前国际经济金融形势
China, lawcurrent situation现实情况
gen.current situation现状
tech.Cutting quality depends on the material surface situation, cutting speed and material thickness切割质量取决于材料表面情况、切割速度及材料厚度
tech.danger situation危险状况
auto.dangerous situation危险情况位置,地点,环境
tech.decision situation决策状况
tech.decision situation决策形势
consult.decision situation决策情况
securit.default situation失责情况
securit.default situation违约情况
nautic., tech.defined situations of hazard and accident已定义危险与事故状态
nautic., tech.defined situations of hazard and accident危险与事故状态定义
China, lawdelay the report on epidemic situation延误疫情报告
econ.demand and supply situation供求形势
econ.demographic situation人口状况
econ.demographic situation人 口状况
nautic., tech.design situation设计状态
anim.husb.deteriorating situation衰退情势
China, polit.development of situation形势发展
China, lawdevelopment of the situation事态发展
ecol.development situation发展状况
busin.diagnosis of the whole situation整体情况诊断
tech.diagram of the situation对势图
earth.sc.digital situation model数字位置模型
sport.disadvantageous situation不利局面
tech.disequilibrium situation不平稳状态
tech.disgusting situation恶劣情况
tech.domestic situation国内形势
commer.dominate the situation控制局势
busin.double bind situation双重约束情况
tech.dredging situation display挖泥情况显示器
China, lawearthquake situation震情
econ.economic situation经济形势
agric.economic situation经济形势状况
tech.effect factors of resources situation影响资源形势的因素
avia.electronic horizontal situation display电子水平位置显示器
avia.electronic horizontal situation display电子式水平情况显示器
avia.electronic horizontal situation indicator电子水平姿态指引仪
avia.electronic horizontal situation indicator电子水平状态指示器
avia.electronic horizontal situation indicator电子水平位置指示器
avia.electronic situation awareness system电子位置认知系统
avia.electronic vertical situation display电子式垂直情况显示器
avia.electronic vertical situation display电子式垂直位置显示器
avia.elevator horizontal situation indicator升降舵水平位置指示器
busin.embarrassing situation困窘性局面
tech.emergency network of the situation of a disaster紧急灾情通信网
auto.emergency situation紧急情况处境,形势
tech.emergency situation紧急情况
fin.employee situation report员工情况报告
mil., air.def.enemy situation correlation element敌情关联单元
mil., air.def.enemy situation correlation element敌情态势相关单元
avia.energy situation correlation elements能量状况相关要素
avia.enhanced situation awareness system增强型状态认知系统
earth.sc.environmental situation环境形势
China, lawenvironmental situation环境状况
econ.envisage the international market situation展望国际市场形势
China, lawepidemic situation疫情
China, lawepidemic situation of infectious diseases传染病疫情
econ.estimate of the situation推测情况
econ.estimate of the situation情况评估
China, lawexisting local situation地方实际情况
gen.existing situation当前形势
consult.existing urban situation城市现状
expl.Experience indicates that this tends to overestimate the top size in most blasting situations经验表明、这种方法往往高估了大多爆破场景的最大粒度
mil., air.def.expert system for situation assessment情况评估专家系统
China, lawexplain the situation作出说明
China, lawexplain the situation说明情况
tech.exposed situation无掩遮物的地带
agric.exposed situation露天场所
tech.exposed situation暴露的场所
agric.extreme situation极端情况
fin.face the new situation and new demands面对新形势新要求
avia.favorable air situation适合的空中环境
tech.financial situation财务状态
securit.financial situation金融状况
busin.financial situation analysis财务状况分析
tech.financial situation statement财务情况说明书
China, polit.firmly establish the concept of giving high priority to the Party, the overall situation, the people, democracy and the legal system牢固树立党的观念、大局观念、群众观念、民主观念、法制观念
econ.flexible situation灵活的情况
fin.fluctuation in the economic situation经济形势波动
busin.fluctuations in the economic situation市况变动
busin.fluctuations in the economic situation经济形势的变动
tech.fluidity of decision situation流动性决策形式
econ.food supply situation食品供应状况
tech.formulation of decision situation决策形势的构成
fin.fundamental improvement in the economic situation经济运行根本好转
bridge.game-forcing situations进局逼叫进程
avia.general air and surface situation总的空中和地面情况
avia.general air situation总的空中情况
avia.general air situation总空'情
busin.general situation总趋势
gen.general situation map空防总配备图
tech.general weather situation天气形势
securit.grasp the overall situation把握大局
nautic., tech.hazard situation危险状态
tech.high chaotic situation高混沌态
baseb.hit situation击球局面
baseb.hit situations战术击球
avia.horizontal situation display导航显示器
avia.horizontal situation display电子航道罗盘
avia.horizontal situation display水平状态位置显示
avia.horizontal situation display水平状态显示器
avia.horizontal situation display indicator水平姿态显示指示器
avia.horizontal situation indicator航道罗盘
avia.horizontal situation indicator水平状态指示器 (可以显示至导航设备的航向和距离、磁航向、航迹、航向和航迹、航向偏差的仪表)
avia.horizontal situation indicator/course deviation indicator水平位置指示器/航向偏差指示器
avia.horizontal situation indicator/electronic flight instrument system水平位置指示器/电子飞行仪表系统
avia.horizontal situation video display水平位置视频显示器
tech.housing situation居住状况
tech.housing situation住房状况
agric.hypothetical situation假定情况
econ.I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施
tech.ice situation冰情
China, lawin light of the development of the situation根据事态的发展
China, polit.in light of the present situation针对实际情况 (of)
China, polit.in line with new situations针对新情况
gen.in normal situation就地
gen.in normal situation在现场
gen.in normal situation在正常位置
China, polit.in the face of a complicated and fluid international situation面对复杂多变的国际形势
econ.In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内
econ.In view of the present situation we have made much concession考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步
commer.In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer我方不能向你方报盘
commer.In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer鉴于目前的情况
avia.initial situation起始情况
avia.initial situation最初情况
econ.initial situation初期状况
busin.initial situation初态
gen.initial situation原始位置
agric.initial synoptic situation原始天气形态
fin.international financial situation国际金融形势
busin.international financial situation国际财务状况
USA, spaceInternational Magnetospheric Study/Satellite Situation Committee国际磁层研究/卫星状态委员会
commer.international situation国际形势 (与国内形势 (domestic situation)相对)
China, polit.international situation国际形势
ecol.investigating in current situation现状调查
securit.investment situation投资情况
gen.Jewelry seller Chow Tai Fook aims for a Hong Kong IPO in the first quarter of 2012, people familiar with the situation said Monday知情人士周一表示,珠宝零售商周大福计划于2012年第一季度在香港上市
China, lawkeep the development of the situation under control控制事态发展
agric.large-scale weather situation大[天气]形势
tech.large-scale weather situation范围天气形势
tech.law of the situation形势规律
busin.let the situation give the order因势利导
tech.load-supply situation负载及供电情况
China, polit.look at the overall situation通观全局
ecol.macroeconomic situation analysis宏观经济形势分析
China, polit.major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State关系国家全局的重大问题
China, polit.major projects of strategic importance to the overall situation事关全局的战略性重大课题
China, polit.make of decisions in accordance with law on major issues that have a bearing on the overall situation of the State依法就关系国家全局的重大问题作出决定
econ.market situation行情
auto.market situation市场形势环境,情况
busin.market situation商情
busin.market situation市场状况
securit.market situation of securities证券市场情况
securit.market situation of securities盘面
busin.market supply and demand situation市场供求状况
tech.market supply-and-demand situation市场供求情况
busin.means to save the situation补救办法
tech.meeting situation会船局面
tech.meeting situation相遇局面
securit.merger situation合并情况
tech.meteorologic situation天气情况
tech.meteorologic situation天气形势
tech.meteorological situation天气情况
tech.meteorological situation天气形势
fin.monetary situation银根
busin.monetary situation金融形势
commer.monopoly situation垄断局面
econ.most likely situation最可能情
econ.most likely situation"最可能"准则
tech.multivariate decision situation多变决策形势
gen.My current situation is quite urgent, since I got my leukemia relapse this time目前我的情况非常紧急,因为这次我是白血病复发。 (recurrence, 小贴士: sign 是医生或者其他人观察到的某种事实或者特征。medical sign 是医生在体检 (physical examination)过程中发现的某种医学事实或者特征。当然,也可能医生与病人都注意到了某种状况,那么它可以既是 symptom 也是 sign。比如,疼痛 (pain )只能是 symptom, 因为医生无法感受到病人的疼痛;而血细胞数量值只能是 sign, 因为病人无法感知。不要混淆 sign 和 indication, 后者是使用某种治疗方法的根据,在中文中似乎也翻译为“症状”。)
USA, spacenational intelligence situation report国家情报形势报告
manag.nature of the situation环境的性质
busin.nature of the situation环境性质
tech.non-zero-sum situation非零和情况
food.serv.nutrition situation营养状况
food.serv.nutritional situation营养状况
tech.operating situation运行情况
tech.operating situation运转情况
tech.operational situation运行情况
tech.operational situation运转情况
avia.originating access situation始端接入情况
econ.Our area was badly damaged by recent typhoon and we hope you will understand our situation fully我地区最近受台风严重危害,希望你们充分体谅我们的处境
tech.over loan situation借款过多状况
China, polit.overall situation大局
securit.overall situation in the securities market大盘
China, lawoverall situation of reform, development and stability改革发展稳定大局
China, lawoverall situation of stability稳定大局
busin.overloaned situation借款过多状况
tech.overtaking situation追越局面
tech.passing situation两船通过情况
agric.pathological situation病态情况 (situatio pathologica)
fin.people close to the situation知情人士
tech.petroleum situation石油动态
econ.Please wait and see until the situation is favourable for the start请观望,等到有利时机再开始
commer.political situation政局
China, polit.political situation of democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面
busin.population situation人口状态
econ.practical situation实际情况
tech.prefire situation inspection灭火前环境状况的调查
busin.present situation目前情况
tech.present situation map of station站场现状图
econ.problem situation问题之存在
expl.problem situation不利情况
expl.problem situation不利形势
expl.Problem situations can arise when the transmission of stress waves within the rock mass are interrupted在岩体内传播的应力波中断时、会出现不利形势
tech.problematic social situation不能预测的社会情况
econ.profit/loss situation盈亏状况
econ.proportion in overall situation全局比例
econ.proportions in overall situation全局比例
mil., air.def.radiation situation map辐射态势图
expl.real blasting situation实际爆破情景
tech.real situation真相
China, lawreality of the situation现实情况
busin.replacement situation取代状况
China, lawreport of animal epidemic situation动物疫情报告
China, lawreport on epidemic situation疫情报告
China, polit.residential situation居住状况
tech.resolution into factors of the resources situation资源形势因素分析
fin.returns in disequilibrium situation不均衡状况下之报酬
sport.reverse the situation扭转局面
anim.husb.sanitary situation卫生状况
avia.satellite situation center卫星状态中心
avia.satellite situation display room卫星情况显示室
USA, spacesatellite situation report卫星状态报告
gen.save the situation解救危局
gen.save the situation化险为夷
gen.save the situation挽回局势
gen.save the situation挽回局面
tech.sea area situation chart海区形势图
busin.search situation搜索情况
agric.security situation安全态势
agric.seedling situation苗情
agric.seedling situation幼苗情况
horticult.seedling situation diagnosis system苗情诊断系统
busin.sequencing situation排序状况
China, polit.set store by the overall situation以大局为重
agric.sheltered situation在掩蔽情况下
tech.sheltered situation隐蔽场所
AI.situation-action rule情景动作规则
adv.situation analysis现状分析
econ.situation analysis情况分析
securit.situation analysis形势分析
agric.situation analyzer态势分析器
tech.situation analyzer势态分析器
avia.situation and status形势与地位
avia.situation and status情况与状态
mil., air.def.situation and threat assessment态势和威胁估计
mil., air.def.situation apperceive态势感知
tech.situation approach to management情况管理原则
mil., air.def.situation assessment态势估计
avia.situation assessment姿态评估
China, lawsituation at the scene现场情况
nautic., tech.situation awareness状况告知
avia.situation awareness display情况觉察显示
avia.situation awareness mode姿态感知模块
tech.situation board气候情况测绘板
construct.situation board空中情况标绘板
avia.situation board空情标图板
AI.situation calculus情景演算
adv.situation comedy系列幽默剧
adv.situation comedy情景喜剧
tech.situation control势态控制
avia.situation display姿态显示器
avia.situation display情况显示
mil., air.def.situation display radar情况显示雷达
avia.situation display情况显示器
avia.situation display状况显示
tech.situation display computer情况显示计算机
avia.situation display console姿态显示操作台
tech.situation display console情况显示台
avia.situation display console情况显示器操作台 (预警)
avia.situation display converter情景显示转换器
mil., air.def.situation display tube状况情况显示管
tech.situation-display tube情况显示管
avia.situation information display姿态信息显示
tech.situation map势图
auto.situation normal情况正常
China, lawsituation of employment就业状况
China, lawsituation of production safety安全生产状况
tech.situation of project工程状况
tech.situation of world mineral reserves世界资源储备状况
tech.situation plan地盘图
tech.situation plan位置图
tech.situation recognition势态识别
tech.situation record战况图
econ.situation rent地位租金
busin.situation rent位置地租
econ.situation report情况报告
busin.situation report形势报告
earth.sc.situation reports情况报告
tech.situation room情况室
AI.situation semantics情境语义学
tech.situation summary情况综合报告
mil., air.def.situation synthetic indicator情况综合显示器
econ.situation vacant招聘启事 (报刊上广告栏)
busin.situation vacant征聘人员广告栏
econ.situation value地位价值
tech.situation variable情况变量
econ.situation wanted求职启事
busin.situation wanted求职待聘广告栏
econ.situations vacant报纸招聘单
agric.special situation特殊态势
sport.special situation特殊情况
securit.special situation证券特情使股价出现变化的因素
fin.special situation fund特殊情况基金
fin.special situation stock特殊情况股票
AI.speech situation言语情境
busin.standing situation现状
securit.statement explaining the financial situation财务情况说明书
tech.strategic situation战略
agric.stress situation胁迫状况
sport., psychol.stress situation紧张情境
agric.stressful situation胁迫情况
gen.study a situation firsthand直接研究情况
econ.study the economic situation研究经济形势
busin.supply and demand situation供求情况
anim.husb.supply situation供应情况
agric.supply situation供应状况
busin.supply-demand situation供求情况
tech.surface situation地势图
commer.survey market situation观察市场形势
earth.sc.survey of land use situations土地利用现状调查
tech.survey situation碎部测量
tech.synoptic situation天气情况
agric.synoptic situation天气[图]形势
desert.synoptic situation天气形势
tech.synoptical situation天气情况
tech.synoptical situation天气形势
tech.tactical situation态势图
avia.tactical situation awareness战术姿态意识
avia.tactical situation display战术情景姿态显示
tech.tactical situation display战术情况显示器
avia.tactical situation display战术态势显示器
avia.tactical situation display indicator战术情况姿态显示器
China, polit.take both the international and domestic situations into consideration统筹国际、国内两个大局
busin.take stock of the situation估计形势
tech.take the whole situation into account统筹全局
tech.terminal situation终结情况
econ.The analyses on the market situation indicate that some competitors are selling short because of low prices市场形势分析表明一些竞争者由于价格下跌而卖空
expl.The crushed zone model has been shown to provide a realistic estimate of the proportion of fragments passing 1 mm for a wide variety of materials and blasting situations有人证明使用这种破碎带模型、遇到各种岩石和爆破环境时、能可靠地估算过筛直径为1mm 碎岩的比例
econ.the economic situation经济形势
econ.the explosive situation爆炸性局势
econ.the financial situation财务状况
econ.The general situation of the world economy is favourable to us世界总的经济形势对我们有利
econ.The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation政府决定采用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势
econ.The new change of the market has restored confidence in better economic situation市场的新变化恢复了人们对经济形势好转的信心
China, polit.the overall situation in the implementation of the central budgetin <-> 2006中央预算执行主要情况
econ.the overloaned situation借款过多状况
commer.The present market situation may mislead one to think that the prices are going down目前市场情况可能让人误以为价格将下跌
commer.The report on the market situation at your end is a great help你方市场报告很有作用
commer.The report will give you a clear idea of the market situations这-报告将使贵方清楚了解该市场的情况
econ.the serious situation严峻形势
econ.The shareholders discussed the company's financial situation at the annual general meeting股东们在年度股东大会上讨论公司的财务状况
econ.The situation in the world market needs close analyzing世界市场的情况需要进行周密的分析
gen.the situation is capable of improvement情况可以改进
tech.the situation of mineral resources矿产资源形势
gen.the situation solicits the closest attention这情况须密切予以注意
econ.The sudden change in the situation has caused the company to suffer a reversal in the Middle East形势的突变使该公司在中东由赢利变为亏损
econ.The unfavourable market situation closed down that company不利的市场情况使那家公司倒闭
econ.They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development我们认为目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展
econ.They will keep us informed of any change in the situation他们会随时告知我们情况的变化
econ.This right is confined to special situation此项权利限用于特殊场合
avia.threat situation威胁态势
sport.tight situation困境
consult.topological situation拓扑学的情况
avia.track situation display轨迹情况显示
auto.traffic situation交通情况处境,状态
tech.traffic situation交通场所
avia.traffic situation display交通情况显示器
avia.traffic situation display交通情况显示
tech.true plot diagram of situation绝对运动图
China, lawtrue situations真实情况
busin.trying situation尴尬局面
tech.uniqueness of decision situation决策形势的唯一性
baseb.unsettled situation守方站错位
avia.unstable situation不稳定的状态
expl.Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低
tech.variable in decision situation决策形势中的变量
avia.vertical situation垂直状况
avia.vertical situation display垂直情况显示器
avia.vertical situation display垂直状态显示
avia.vertical situation indicator垂直状态指示器
econ.Voluntary liquidation is the situation where a company itself decides it must close and sell its assets自愿清算指一个公司本身决定停办并出售资产的现象
sport.vulnerable situation难以防守的地位
sport.vulnerable situation难防守的地位
busin.waiting line situation排队状况
commer.watch the market situation注意市场形势
tech.water quality situation水质状况
econ.We agree on your analysis about the whole situation of the market, but with some reservations我方同意你方关于整个市场行情的分析,但有些保留
econ.We are not lacking in information on the current market situation我们不缺当前市场情况的资料
gen.we are presented with a situation where...即…
gen.we are presented with a situation where...我们面临碰到这样一种情况
econ.We are unfamiliar with your market situation since we haven't been fully informed由于我方始终未得到全面详细的信息,对你方市场不了解
commer.We should like to inquire about the recent market situation in Australia我们想探询有关澳大利亚最近的市场情况
tech.weather situation天气形势
commer.We'll appreciate your clarification of the market situation我们将感谢你方对市场形势的澄清
commer.We're keeping the market situation under constant observation我方一直注意市场情况的变化
securit.whole market situation大盘行情
securit.whole market situation大盘
econ.win-win situation双赢局面
steel.work roll situation工作辊窜辊位置值
tech.working situation工作情况
agric.world cotton situation世界棉花生产概况
earth.sc.World Food and Agricultural Outlook and Situation Board世界粮农形势展望委员会
econ.You are right when you analyse the market situation in the world你对国际市场行情的分析是对的
econ.You should understand that this delay has placed us in an embarrassing situation你们应当了解这次延误已使我们处于为难境地
tech.zero deviation situation零漂移位置
anim.husb.zoosanitary situation兽医卫生情况
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