
Terms containing Show | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a fashion show时装展览
econ.a motor show汽车展览
econ.a participation show合作节目
gen.a picture show一场电影
econ.a show window陈列橱窗
expl.A simplified outline of the ammonium nitrate-based explosives product life cycle is shown in the figure此图显示的是硝酸基炸药产品生命周期的简单轮廓
econ.a trade show商品展销会
busin.agricultural show农业展览
avia.air show航空展
China, lawarrange for show of pornographic audiovisual products组织播放淫秽音像制品
tech.as shown如所示
commer.as shown above如上所述
commer.as shown above如上所示
auto.auto show汽车展览会
auto.auto show车展
commer.be shown at the exhibition在展览会上展岀
gen.be shown to be被证明是
anim.husb.bench show动物展览评比会尤指犬、猫
tech.bitumen show沥青显示
gen.boss the show操纵
gen.boss the show主持
cloth.Brown short skirt and white loose T-shirt of British style can show your vitality of youth棕色短裙配白色英伦风的宽T恤可彰显您的年轻活力
China, polit.by a show of hands举手表决方式
adv.Can you show me some table runners?你能拿些桌巾给我看看吗?
gen.Can you show me the comfort station?您能告诉我公共厕所怎么走吗?
busin.cattle show家畜展览会
agric.cattle show家畜展销
gen.chat show电台或电视台的现场采访节目
auto.classic-car show经典老爷车展览
anim.husb.coaching show驾车比赛
tech.construction material show建筑材料展览
tech.construction show建设展览
tech.construction show施工演示
tech.constructional material show建筑材料展览
gen.Could you please show me your room card?请您出示一下房卡可以吗?
gen.Could you show me this camera?可以让我看看这款相机吗?
agric.crops show preview作物预展
bridge.cue-bid to show control控制显示扣叫
busin.cum show小费
nautic., tech.5D show五维表演
geol.dead oil show死【重质】油显示
fin.deal road show交易路演
busin.dealer show经销商商品展览
tech.design engineering show设计工程展览会 (场)
auto.Detroit Motor Show底特律车展
gen.Do I have to show my ticket to get my bags?领取行李要出示机票吗?
busin.do not show in damp place勿放置潮湿处
adv.dog and pony show陈述
adv.dog and pony show盛大表演
securit.dog and pony show推介会交易公司介绍新产品的研讨会
dril.drilled show钻遇油气层时的油气显示
golf.drive for show and putt for dough推球是钱
golf.drive for show and putt for dough谚语开球是秀
gen.Excuse me, sir! I'm very sorry for the delay. Here we have some drinks for you to enjoy. It is free of charge to show our apology对不起,先生。非常抱歉菜上晚了。 我这儿有些喝的供您享用,是免费的,以表达我们的歉意
agric.farm equipment show农具展销
agric.farm equipment show农具展览
busin.fashion show时装表演会
adv.fashion show时装秀
tech.fiber show露丝
tech.figure shown by number数码表示的图幅
tech.flash and show a light闪示和出示灯光
tech.flash and show a light闪示一下信号灯
agric.flower show花卉展览
agric.flower show花展
tech.fluorescent show荧光显示
agric.fruit show果品展览
tech.gas show气苗
construct.gas show石油〔天然气〕苗
tech.gas show天然气苗
tech.gas show天然气露头
geol.gas show天然气显示
gen.Go to the barrier and show your ticket to get in去那边检票处,出示一下您的票就可以进去了
geol.good show of gas气显示良好
geol.good show of gas好的气显示
geol.good show oil英国伦敦地质调査所
geol.good show oil油气显示良好
geol.good show oil油显示良好
geol.good show oil好的油显示
geol.good show oil and gas好的油气显示
gen.hang show the white flag投降
gen.hang show the white flag挂白旗
gen.have a show of好像
gen.have the show of好像
tech.highway show公路外观
tech.highway show公路展览
gen.Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot好莱坞的电影制片人认为美国人大多喜欢看动作片,于是许多电影便充斥着演员开车、开飞机或徒步追逐的场面
anim.husb.honey show蜂蜜展览
commer.horse show马展
anim.husb.horse show良马展览会
agric.horticultural show园艺展览
gen.I'll show you to the Reception Desk when you arrive at Caesars Palace Hotel. Now, I'll pick your baggage您到凯撒皇宫酒店后,我带您到接待台。现在,我先取走您的行李
gen.in open show公然
gen.in show表面上
gen.in show外观上
China, polit.incomplete statistics show that据不完全统计
tech.information show样品展示
auto.international auto show国际汽车展览会
auto.International Show Car Association国际汽车展览协会
auto.international truck show国际货车展览
securit.internet road show网上巡迴推介
securit.internet road show网上路演
expl.It is shown that the largest impacts in the explosive life cycle occur in the processes of manufacture of ammonium nitrate可见、炸药生命周期的最大影响出现在硝酸铵的生产过程中
gen.January 16th is San Antonio Atonement Day in Spain. Men show their braveness by riding horses through the fire1月16日是西班牙的圣安东尼赎罪节,男人们骑马穿过火焰来展示他们的勇敢
agric.judge at show展览会评判员
bridge.limit jump raise to show a singleton显示单张限制性跳加叫
multimed.Live action musical puppet show真人实景音乐剧
agric.livestock show家畜展览会
tech.logging show采运作业面
tech.lubricator show glass润滑器示油玻璃管
gen.make a good show好看
gen.make a show ofM 表现 M
gen.make a show ofM 夸示 M
auto.make the show【动】使…有资格比赛
multimed.MIDI show controlMIDI 显示控制
econ.motor show汽车展览
tech.natural gas show气显示
multimed..NET show.NET 秀
geol.no detect show gas未检出天然气显示
geol.no gas show天然气显示
geol.no show无显示
geol.no show无显示【说明】
gen.no show fee违约金
geol.no show fluorescence or cut无荧光或侵入显示
geol.no show oil无油显示
geol.no show oil and gas无油气显示
dril.No show oil & gas无油气显示
securit.non-deal road show无交易巡回推介
securit.non-deal road show非发行路演
tech.oil and show correlation油-油苗对比
tech.oil show漏油显示
construct.oil show石油〔天然气〕苗
dril.oil show显示
tech.oil show油苗
tech.oil show油源
tech.oil show油显示
geol.oil show analysis油苗分析
geol.oil show analyzer油苗分析仪
geol.oil shows油苗
dril.oil shows显示
geol.oil shows油显示
tech.oil-gas show and solid bitumen油气显示和固体沥青
gen.on show展览中
econ.on show展览
gen.on show被陈列着
gen.One of the suitcases hasn't shown up其中一件行李没有找到
adv.One Show金铅笔奖
tech.order to show cause说明理由令
adv.over show过期海报展示
adv.package show连续剧
adv.package show成套节目
tech.picture show画展
gen.picture show电影
gen.please show me the drawings请把图纸给我看看
gen.Please show me your boarding pass, sir先生,请出示您的登机牌
gen.please show the drawings to all of us请把图纸给我们大家看看
gen.Please show your passport and declaration card请出示护照和海关申报卡
gen.Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote初步结果显示共和党获得了 n%的选票
expl.Previous studies by many experts also show that flyrock can be avoided if the powder factor is smaller than a critical value。很多专家以前的研究也表明、如果单位炸药消耗量小于临界值、飞石现象是可以避免的
agric.prices show a downward trend物价呈下跌趋势
agric.prices show an upward trend物价呈上涨趋势
gen.put up a good show干得很漂亮
econ.put up a show举行表演
gen.radio show无线电设置〔展览〕
geol.rainbow show of oil石油彩虹显示
tech.recent studies show that近代研究指出
refrig.refrigerated show-case冷藏陈列柜
adv.road show街头表演
fin.road show路演 (指股票承销商帮助发行人安排的发行前的调研活动)
fin.road show巡回推介
adv.road show巡回表演
tech.road show道路展览 (会)
adv.road show流动联展
agric.Royal Dublin Show英国皇家杜卜林农机展览
gen.run the show操纵
gen.run the show主持
tech.sand shows砂岩油苗
China, polit.share the feelings of the people and work for the good of the people, exercise power for the people, show concern for the people and bring benefit to the people权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋
gen.show a bold front做出勇敢面对现实的样子 (on)
gen.show a bold front显出厚颜无耻的样子 (on)
gen.show a bold front显岀大胆对抗的样子 (on)
gen.show a bold front勇敢地面对 (on)
gen.show a disposition to put it off表示要延期
agric.show a downward trend物价跌落趋向
securit.show a downward trend or expect to decline看淡行情预计不乐观
China, polit.show a keen sense of responsibility以高度负责的精神
China, polit.show a keen sense of responsibility to the Party and the people本着对党和人民高度负责的精神
agric.show a tendency to decline物价跌落趋向
agric.show a tendency to rise物价上涨趋向
econ.show a turn from loss to profit转亏为盈
busin.show a turn from loss to profit扭亏为盈
gen.show one's age显得精伸不济
gen.show one's age显出老态
agric.show an upward trend物价上涨趋向
econ., agric.show and sale展销
securit.show and tell list公示表
anim.husb.show animal展览家畜
anim.husb.show animal展览动物
adv.show bill招贴海报
auto.show bill海报
adv.show bill招贴广告
tech.show bottle陈列瓶
busin.show business影剧业
tech.show business展示会上
tech.show cabinet陈列室
tech.show card货样纸板
busin.show card招贴
tech.show card样品卡
tech.show card color广告涂料
tech.show card color蛋黄胶水调颜料
tech.show card colour广告涂料
tech.show card colour蛋黄胶水调颜料
gen.show one's cards开表明
gen.show one's cards公开自己的计划
gen.show one's cards摊牌
tech.show case陈列窗
tech.show case试片电影院
tech.show case试演影片用的电影院
tech.show case展览橱
tech.show case陈列橱
tech.show case商店橱窗
tech.show case玻璃柜台
securit.show case陈列橱窗
securit.show case展示橱窗
busin.show case商品陈列柜
busin.show case展览
busin.show case货柜
securit.show-cause letter要求提出理由的信函
nautic.show one's colours开表明
China, polit.show concern for and support programs for physically and mentally challenged persons关心和支持残疾人事业
anim.husb.show condition肥膘
anim.husb.show condition高等膘
gen.show confidence in对…表示信任
sport.show dissent by word or action以语言或行动表示异议
tech.show drawings展览图 (片)
gen.show evidence of有…的迹象
gen.show evidence of证〔说,表〕明
gen.show one's face露〔出〕面
gen.show fight不示弱
avia.show fight表现斗志
gen.show fight显示斗志
dril.show gas天然气显示
dril.show gas气苗
earth.sc.show gas天然气迹象钻井
earth.sc.show gas and condensate气和凝析油显示
geol.show gas and water气和水显7K
busin.show girl广告女郎模特
gen.show great resolution表示极大的决心
anim.husb.show ground家畜展览会场
anim.husb.show ground展览评比会场
tech.show ground展览会场
gen.show one's hand开表明
tech.show house花草陈列馆
tech.show house花房
tech.show house剧院
commer.show-how技术示范 (属于专有技术 (know-how) 一项内容)
sport.show impetuosity急躁的打法
gen.show in陪进
gen.show indifference to不关心
gen.show indifference to不计较
gen.show indifference towards不关心
gen.show indifference towards不计较
gen.show interest inM 对 M 表示关心
gen.show interest in对…表示关心〔兴趣〕
gen.show itself露头
gen.show itself呈现
auto.show lorry开发研究用货车
auto.show lorry概念货车
tech.show metal sheet陈列的金属
tech.show methods of coal analysis result煤质分析结果的表示方法
China, polit.show most concern about最为关注
expl.show much concern about the people in the affected area非常挂念灾区人民
gen.show much feeling forM 对 M深表同情
sport.show no fear for a strong opponent不畏强手
commer.show no neglect of duty不玩忽职守
sport.show no sign of letup不甘落后
securit.show of hands举手表决董事会或股东大会表决方式之一
dril.show of oil and gas油气显示
earth.sc.show of oil, gas and water油-气-水显示
gen.show of reason似乎有理
econ.show off炫耀 (one's wealth, 财富)
gen.show off渲染
sport.show off表现自己
gen.show off炫耀
gen.show off夸示
gen.show on the screen放映
gen.show out送出
bridge.show out示缺
gen.show over带领…参观一遍
tech.show piece范例
busin.show piece陈列的样品
busin.show piece展览的样品
tech.show piece展品
tech.show place供参观的场所
China, lawshow place演播场所
tech.show place名胜地
construct.show place名胜
tech.show place展览场所
tech.show place展出地
sport.show plenty of guts表现勇敢
sport.show positive reaction to the drug test药检呈阳性
sport.show power显示力量
auto.show prep展出前准备
agric.show preview展览会预展
busin.show price展品价
gen.show promise有希望〔前途,出息〕
tech.show rafter外露椽
tech.show rafter明椽
gen.show readiness to + inf.表示愿意
econ.show repeated deficits显示累亏
tech.show repeated deficits亏累
gen.show respect for照顾
gen.show respect for关心
gen.show respect for考虑
gen.show respect for尊重
China, lawshow respect to the will of the villagers尊重村民意愿
gen.show reverence for对…表示尊敬
agric.show ring家畜展览场
tech.show room展销室
econ.show room样品陈列室
tech.show room展览室
gen.show room陈列〔展览〕室
gen.show round带领…参观一遍
agric.show selection显示选择
gen.show no signs ofM 有 M 的迹象
tech.show slight breaks显示轻微开裂
tech.show slight breaks略现瑕疵
gen.show slurry淤泥现象
bridge.show squeeze显露挤牌法
tech.show stand陈列台
tech.show stand陈列棚
tech.show stand展销台
securit.show stopper设置收购障碍被收购的目标公司采取合法的行为设置障碍阻止被收购
securit.show stopper展示障碍物
gen.show the cloven hoop现出原形
gen.show the cloven hoop露出马脚
gen.show the cold shoulder toM 排斥 M
gen.show sth. the fire把某物稍稍热一下
nautic.show the flag出头露面
nautic.show the flag打出旗号
nautic.show the flag英国军舰到外国港口进行正式访问
gen.show the cloven hoof露马脚
gen.show the cloven hoof显原形
China, lawshow the legitimate certificate出示合法证件
gen.show the measure ofM 表示M的程度
gen.show the measure ofM 成为M的标准
China, lawshow the paper出示证件
gen.show... the ropes熟悉〔懂得,告知,告以〕内幕 (秘诀,窍门,规则)
econ.show the summer suits陈列夏装
gen.show M the way给 M 指路〔作示范〕
gen.show the white feather胆怯
gen.show the white feather示弱
sport.show the yellow card出示黄牌
adv.show through透视
adv.show through透印
China, lawshow true repentance after committing a crime犯罪后有悔改表现
tech.show type展览型
gen.show undue favour to偏爱〔袒〕
dril.show up暴露
gen.show up显出
gen.show up表〔出〕现
gen.show up出席
dril.show up发觉
gen.show up显〔暴,揭〕露
tech.show-up time rule上班即计时惯例
gen.show want of care表现出不够细心
tech.show window商店橱窗
tech.show window lamp bulb橱窗灯泡
tech.show window lamp shade橱窗灯罩
tech.show-window lighting橱窗照明
China, lawshow one's work certificate出示工作证件
geol.shows of condensate凝析显示
geol.shows of free oil游离油显示
geol.shows of gas气苗
geol.shows of gas天然气显示
geol.shows of gas and condensate天然气和凝析油显示
geol.shows of gas and distillate天然气和凝析油显示
geol.shows of gas and oil油气显示
geol.shows of gas and water天然气和水显示
geol.shows of gas and water气水显示
geol.shows of oil油苗
geol.shows of oil油显示
geol.shows of oil and gas油气显示
geol.shows of oil, gas and water油气水显示
geol.shows oil and water油和水显示
tech.slide show幻灯
multimed.slide show幻灯片演示
agric.slide show presentation滑块显示
geol.slight show of oil轻微油显示
dril.slight show of oil and gas少量油气显示
geol.slight shows of gas轻微气显示
geol.slight shows of oil轻微油【少量】显
geol.slight shows of oil and gas轻微油气显示
geol.small show油气微弱显示
sport.sports show体育实况转播
sport.steal the show抢出风头
adv.straddle show超时节目
adv.strip show独立成集的广播、电视剧
tech.structural material show建筑材料展室
adv.talk show访谈节目
adv.talk show脱口秀
milk.Tests show that 10 % of the liquid milk supply has been contaminated with melamine有10%的液态奶已被检出含有三聚氰胺
econ.The accounts of our company show a deficit本公司的账面出现了赤字
econ.The complete agreement between the buyer and the seller is shown on the face and reverse side of the order买方与卖方之间的完全协议列于本订单的正反页上
econ.The consideration was determined by the net profits shown in the account books at the end of the fiscal year报酬根据账册所示的、会计年度末的净利润决定
econ.The containers must be label led clearly to show where they are going包装箱要明显地贴好标签指明到达地点
econ.The graph shows a downward curve这张图表显示出下行曲线
econ.The latest sewing machine sales for March show a 10 percent rise from the corresponding period of the preceding year三月份最新缝纫机销售额与上年同期相比上升了 10%
econ.The ledger shows no record of the transaction分类账中没有那笔交易的记录
expl.The measured atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide show an inexorable and accelerating year-on-year increase arising from greenhouse gases emissions通过测量得知、由于温室气体的排放、大气二氧化碳浓度正在不容置疑地逐年加速增加
gen.the motor show汽车展览会
gen.The name you fill in the form must be the same as shown in your passport填写申请表格时,名字必须与护照记录保持一致
econ.The secretary cut off the receipt along the line shown by the row of dots秘书沿虚线将收据裁下来
econ.the show business娱乐性行业
gen.There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?
econ.They were under the impression that we show little interest in their products他们原以为我们对其产品没有什么兴趣
expl.This approach to the derivation of rock factors has been used by many field operators in a wide range of blasting and fragmentation studies and has been shown to lead to a reasonable estimate of the required blasting intensity and the resulting mean passing size in a wide range of blasting environments很多实地操作人员把这种求导岩石系数的方法广泛应用于爆破剂破岩研究之中、并证明应用这种方法可以合理地估算所需的爆破强度以及诸多爆破环境下岩石的最终平均过筛粒度
gen.this shows the new machine to have many advantages over the old one这表明这台新机器比起那台旧的来有许多优点
geol.tight, no show致密、无显示
adv.trade show商贸展
econ.trade show电影试映
econ.trade show内部预演
busin.trade show电影内部预映
adv.trade show内部预映
agric.trade show贸易展销会
dril.trip show起下钻过程中的油气显示
econ.trunk show主要商品陈列
avia.unless otherwise shown除非另有规定/说明 (specified/stated)
gen.Upon registration, you are requested to show your own identification card, passport or other valid credentials入住时请出示身份证、护照或其他有效证件
fin.value shown by the book of the fund基金帐面价值
securit.value shown by the book of the fund基金账面价格
sport.variety show中国古代体育百戏
sport., folk.variety show百戏
agric.vegetable show蔬菜展览
dril.very slight show of gas很少量天然气显示
dril.very slight show of oil很少量油显示
geol.very slight shows of gas极轻微的气显示
geol.very slight shows of oil极轻微的油显示
auto.veteran-car show老式古典车展览
busin.vote by a show of hands举手表决
China, polit.vote on bills by show of hands采用举手方式表决议案
econ.We have shown price labels as instructed我们已按要求亮出了价格标签
expl.When a family member falls ill, all the others show considerate concern当家中有人生病、家人都显示出关怀体贴
commer.window show橱窗陈列
busin.window show by the street街头橱窗展出
gen.Would you like to show me the pictures about your trip in Aqaba?你愿意让我看看你在阿克巴旅行的照片吗?
gen.Would you please show me your prescription?能让我看看您的验光单吗?
gen.would you show me how to operate that lathe请给我作个示范怎样开那台车床好吗
gen.Would you show me what's in that suitcase?请把衣箱里的东西给我看看,好吗?
gen.You recovered, congratulations! Would you please show me your discharge certificate?你康复了,祝贺你!你的出院证呢?
gen.Your room is 1210. Here is the key. Do you need the bellboy show-up service?您的房间号是1210。这是房间钥匙。需要侍者带您上去吗?
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