
Terms for subject Technology containing Short | all forms | exact matches only
adjustable short-circuit termination可调短路终端
alternating long and two short dashes line二点划线
annual short年短缺量
automatic short-circuiter自动短路器
available length of short casing thread短扣套管丝扣有效长度
battle short保安短路器
battle short保险短路开关
borrowing short to lend空头借人
break short折〔中〕 断
breaking short低效崩落
capacity of short-circuit短路容量
cash over and short现金余缺
cash over and short account现和不户
cold short冷缩裂缝
cold short iron冷脆钢
cold short material冷脆材料
cold short steel冷脆钢
combination for short-term action effects短期效应组合
come short of the mark不合格
common short stay bolt普通短螺撑
cutting-off of short-circuit切断短路
dead-short circuit全短路
dead-short circuit完全短路
deenergizing by short-circuit短路释放
Doppler satellite network with short arcs多普勒卫星短弧网
duration of short-circuit短路持续时间
electric motor short-circuit test instrument电机短路测试仪
electrical motor short-circuit test instrument电机短路测试仪
equilibrating movement of short-term capital短期资金平衡移动
expected quantities short预期数量短缺
extending of short-term records展延短期系列
extending of short-term records根据短期记录推算
extension of short-term record短系列记录展延
extra short oil超短油度
fabricated short rail缩短轨
fibre rope short splicing纤维绳短插接
for a short time临时的
goods in short supply短线产品
groyne with short training wall有防潮矮墙的丁坝
groyne with short training wall有防潮矮墙的防波堤
high energy short-pulse flashlamp高能短脉冲闪光灯
high precision short range equipment in electronic navigation近程高精度无线电导航设备
high-temperature short-time高温短时灭菌法
high-temperature short-time pasteurization高温短时巴氏灭菌法
high-temperature short-time pasteurization高温快速灭菌法
intermediate short range photography中近距摄景
inventory short and over盘存损益
irregular short-term fluctuation不规则短期波动
island short岛压点短路
layer short circuit层间短路
loan for a short-time短期贷款
medium to-short range prediction中短期预报
metallic short circuit金属性短路
middle and short term special loan中短期专项贷款
modified short-bond修正短路棒
most short资源急缺
most short严重不足
multiple short delay blasting成组瞬时迟发爆破
net short position净空头部位
net short-term gains短期净收益
no-load short-circuit method无载短路法
nominal short-circuit voltage额定短路电压
number of shorts in array组合激发炮数
on short time开工时间不足
optimum short-delay time interval最优微差时间间隔
overlanded and short-landed report短溢报告
permanent three-phase short circuit current稳态三相短路电流
rate of shorts缺货率
rated short circuit breaking current额定短路开断电流
repetitive short pulses重复短脉冲
ride a short peak近锚锚泊
self-tuning short-wave transmitter自动调谐短波发射机
selling short卖短
short bar短路杆
short bench-cut method短台阶法
short bill短期期票
short blast短声
short bole矮干材
short brace摇柄木钻
short bridge短桥楼 (长度不大于船长的15%)
short-brittle热脆 (的)
short burst短脉冲
short burst短期暴
short card短卡片
short carriage knitting machine短三角座滑架横机
short centre vee-rope drive短径三角皮带驱动
short chainage短链
short channel短沟道
short clip短路线夹
short-cold brittle冷脆的
short corrugated panel短瓦楞板
short corrugated panel短波纹板
short count短时交通量观测
short count短时计数
short count短期积日制度
short-count station短时计数站
short-count station短时交通量观测站
short-count traffic survey短时交通调查
short covering补进 (短缺)
short covering补空
short cut捷路
short cut快捷方式
short cut简捷
short cut捷水道
short-cut calculation简便算法
short-cut channel捷径航道
short-cut channel短捷航道
short-cut design简略设计
short-cut design快速设计
short-cut division简捷除法
short-cut line捷径线
short-cut method简捷
short-cut method简便方法
short-cut method简捷
short-cut method捷算法
short-cut multiplication简捷乘法
short-cut nitrification-denitrification process短程硝化一反硝化法
short-cut process简捷
short-cut road捷径道路
short-cut turn捷径转弯
short-cut turn近路转弯
short cut way近道
short cut way通向后街的道路
short cut way抄道
short cutting works裁弯工程
short cylinder短圆筒
short division简便除法
short dot短路点
short dung发酵过的粪肥
short duration短历时
short duration短时间
short duration短时期
short duration air dive短时间空气潜水
short duration dive短时间潜水
short duration diving短时间潜水
short duration impulse短持久脉冲
short duration load瞬时荷载
short duration load striker瞬时荷重冲击仪
short duration pulse短脉冲
short duration satellite短期运转卫星
short duration sustainer短期工作的主发动机
short duration trace短持续时间的扫迹
short duration warning短期警报
short element短单元
short face短面板
short form简体
short form appraisal report产业估价简表
short form bill of lading略式提单
short form documents简要文件
short forward rate一个月内的期货汇率
short-gate gain短时间选通增益
short ground脆性岩层
short ground易脆顶板
short ground return短线接地
short high swell短狂涌
short-hold mode短暂保持方式
short-hole blasting method浅孔爆破法
short-hole drill浅孔钻机
short-hole drilling浅孔钻进 (深度30 米以内)
short-hole drilling浅眼凿进
short-hole grouting浅孔灌浆
short-hole grouting浅孔注水泥
short-hole method浅孔爆破法
short-hole method浅孔注水泥法
short-hole work浅孔钻进 (深度30米以内)
short-hour motor短期工作电动机
short immediate instruction短立即指令
short irradiation短时间照射
short jack矮千斤顶
short jack短千斤顶
short-landed account缺账户
short-landed and damaged短缺及损坏报告
short-landed and over landed cargo list货物溢短残清单
short-landed coal短卸煤
short-landed goods短卸货物
short-landed memo短卸单
short-landed memo货差证明
short lane短车道
short leg短引线
short leg挽头
short legged短航程的
short legged活动半径小的
short-length of casing短套管
short length rule短长度规
short lengths of double track双线插入段
short lift build短程式纱筒成形
short-memory radiation detector短记忆辐射探测器
short method捷征法
short method简捷方法
short-necked bottle短颈瓶
short-necked flash短颈烧瓶
short nipple短接管
short nipple短内接头
short nipple短螺纹套接
short nut tap短柄螺母丝锥
short-periodic nutation短周期章动
short-plate apron conveyer短平板裙式输送机
short position不足部位 (外汇)
short position短缺头寸
short position超卖
short position空头 (部位)
short quotation短期汇率
short racemes短总状花序
short-radius curve短半径曲线
short railway地方铁路
short-range aggregate均匀骨料
short-range aggregate均匀集料
short-range aggregate aerated concrete短级配集料加气混凝土
short-range aggregate aerated concrete短级配骨料加气混凝土
short-range aggregate mortar短级配集料砂浆
short-range aggregate mortar短级配骨料砂浆
short-range aids短程导航设备
short-range aids短程助航设备
short-range aids-to-navigation system近程航标系统
short-range air-defense complex近程防空综合设施
short-range autograph近景自动测图仪
short-range characteristics近距特性
short-range communication近距离通信
short-range coverage acquisition近距截获
short-range design近期规划
short-range direction finding近距离探向
short-range electronic distance meter短距离电磁波测距仪
short-range fading近距离衰落
short-range field短程场
short-range firing近距离射击
short-range force短程力
short-range force近程作用力
short-range forecast短期天气预报
short-range forecast当天天气预报
short-range forecasting短期天气预报
short-range forecasting当天天气预报
short-range ground position indicator近距地面位置指示器
short-range guidance近程导航
short-range indicator element近程指示元素
short-range investment短期投资
short-range navaid近距导航设备
short-range navigation短程导航
short-range navigation高精度肖兰导航系统
short-range navigation aids近程导航设备
short-range navigation aids短程无线电导航设备
short-range navigation chart短程导航图
short-range navigation system精确近程导航系统
short-range navigation system短程无线电导航系统
short-range navigational aids近程导航设备
short-range navigational aids短程无线电导航设备
short-range navigational chart短程导航图
short-range navigational system精确近程导航系统
short-range navigational system短程无线电导航系统
short-range navigator精确近程导航系统
short-range perturbation theory短程微扰理论
short range photogrammetry近景摄影测量
short-range pick-up television relay equipment近距离电视中继装置
short-range plane近程飞机
short-range product粒度均齐的产品
short-range product窄粒级产品
short-range radar短程雷达
short-range radio beacon近距离无线电信标
short-range radio location system短程无线电定位系统
short-range requirement短期需求量
short-range scanning近距离扫描
short-range ship短程船
short-range sprinkler短射程喷灌机
short-range survey operation短程测距作业
short-range waviness短程波纹
short residence time停留时间
short rib假肋
short rotation短期轮作
short round nose pliers短圆嘴钳
short scarf直齿对搭接
short screw短螺钉
short sea短促浪
short sea近海运输 (租船合同用语)
short sea三角浪
short sea碎浪海面
short-sea trade近海贸易
short-sea trade海上短程运输
short shank anchor短杆锚
short shank auger短柄麻花钻
short shank auger短柄木工钻
short shank drill短柄钻
short shank stockless anchor短杆无杆锚
short shell短壳
short shift controller近距位移调整器
short shipment短缺载货
short shipment短装货运
short side round edge tile短边圆角釉面砖
short slab短板
short slag短渣
short sleeve短外接头
short span小跨度
short-span barrel vault短跨筒形拱顶
short-span roof短跨屋顶
short-span roof小跨度屋盖
short-span slabs for precast gypsum预制短跨石膏板
short-span structure短跨结构
short-span structure小跨度结构
short splice短接
short splice短插接
short splice短拼接
short staker为享受而打短工的人 (俚语)
short-staple upland cotton短绒陆地棉
short steam低压蒸汽
short steep wave短陡浪
short stress path rolling mill短应力线轧机
short T hinge短T形铰接
short tax year不满一年的纳税年度
short tee hinge短T形铰接
short-term aeration短期曝气法
short-term airfield临时机场
short-term allowable bearing capacity短期允许承载力
short-term allowable stress短期许用应力
short-term autostabilization短周期运动的自动稳定
short-term behavior短期性能
short-term behaviour短期性能
short-term borrowing短期借贷
short-term buffering短暂缓冲
short-term capital gain短期资金收益
short-term change短期变化
short-term climatic variation短期气候变化
short-term concentration短期浓度
short-term concentration of contaminant短期污染物浓度
short-term concentration of contaminant污染物短期浓度
short-term contract短期合同
short-term cost短期费用
short-term data短期资料
short-term debt短期债券
short-term decision短期决策
short-term development短期研制
short-term duty短时负荷
short-term duty短时运行方式
short-term earthquake prediction短期地震预报
short-term effect短时效应
short-term effect短期影响
short-term effect短期作用
short-term effect近期效应
short-term emergency limit短期应急限值
short-term environmental effect短期环境效应
short-term exposure短期暴露
short-term exposure短期接触
short-term factor暂时因素
short-term fading快衰落
short-term film短期胶片
short-term financing短期集资
short-term fire danger短期火险性
short-term flood prediction短期洪水预报
short-term fluctuation瞬间变化
short-term forecasting短期预报
short-term fund短期资金
short-term gains短期收益
short-term goal短期目标
short-term goal近期目标
short-term information短时信息
short-term instability短周期不稳定性
short-term lending短期信贷
short-term load短时荷载
short-term load短暂荷载
short-term load短时负荷
short-term load短时负载
short-term load audit短期借款审计
short-term loading短时荷载
short-term loading短时负荷
short-term loading短暂荷载
short-term loading短期荷载
short-term loading短时负载
short-term loss短期损失
short-term margin cost短期边际成本
short-term material plan短期物资计划
short-term memory短期储存
short-term nutrient absorption短期养分吸收测定法
short-term objective近期目标
short-term operation短期运行
short-term operation短时工作
short-term operation decision-making短期经营决策
short-term oxygen demand短期需氧量
short-term parking短期停车
short-term plan短期规划
short-term planning短期计划
short-term premium rates短期保险费率
short-term pre-screening study短期初筛试验
short-term pulse短暂脉冲
short-term rating短期功率
short-term rating短时定额
short-term record短期观测记录
short-term report短期报告
short-term requirement短期需求量
short-term road network近期线网
short-term sampling短时采样
short-term schedule短期进度
short-term schedule短程调度
short-term schedule and medium-term schedule短期与中期进度
short-term stability短时间稳定性
short-term stabilization短周期运动的稳定
short-term static load短暂静载
short-term station短期测站
short-term stiffness短期刚度
short-term storage短期存储 (器)
short-term storage短期储
short-term storage短期仓库
short-term storage reservoir短期调蓄水库
short-term strength短期强度
short-term test短期试验
short-term test短时实验
short-term testing短期测试
short-term tide station短期验潮站
short-term toxicity test短期毒性试验
short-term variation短期变化
short-term waviness短程波纹
short-term weather forecast短期天气预报
short-term yield短期出水量
short tie短枕
short tillage短期耕作
short trip短程旅行
short trip提起钻具
short valve短路阀
short volume ratio低容积比
short weight份量不足
short weight分量不足
short weight货物
short weight欠重
short weight缺重 (量)
short working plaster劣质灰浆
short working plaster和易性差的灰浆
shuttle short-haul block train固定车底的短途循环列车
single-phase directional short-circuit relay单相定向短路继电器
single-phase short-circuit单相短路
spandrel-wall girder-short column system深梁矩柱系统
spheric diffraction of ultra-short radio wave超短波球面绕射
spherical diffraction of ultra-short radio wave超短波球面绕射
standard short-body bend标准短管弯头
standard short-body tee标准短三通
standard short cross标准短四通
standard short reducer标准大小头
standard short tube标准短管
steady-state short circuit稳态短路
steel short link chain短环链
steel short link chain葡萄链
stress due to short-time loading短期荷载应力
sudden short-wave fade out短波突然衰退
suddenly-applied short circuit突然短路
super-short base line acoustic positioning system超短基线水声定位系统
super-short base line acoustic positioning system超短基线音响定位系统
super-short base line acoustical positioning system超短基线水声定位系统
super-short base line acoustical positioning system超短基线音响定位系统
supple falls short of demands供不应求
sustained short-circuit持续短路
symmetrical short circuit对称短路
tachometry method by fixed short base bar短基线测距
test of short duration短期试验
thermal short circuit热短路
towing anchor at short stay拖锚
transmission mode of short-wave短波传播模式
turning short round就地旋回
turning short round by anchor抛锚掉头
turn-to-turn short匝间短路 (circuit)
ultra-short cavity laser超短腔激光器
ultra-short feedback超短反馈
ultra-short infrared pulse超短红外脉冲
ultra-short laser pulse超短激光脉冲
ultra-short light pulse超短光脉冲
ultra-short light pulse laser超短光脉冲激光器
ultra-short-lived nuclide超短半衰期核素
ultra-short-period binary超短周期双星
ultra-short pulse超短脉冲
ultra-short pulse laser超短脉冲激光器
ultra-short-range radar超短距测距雷达
ultra-short sound wave超短声波
ultra-short synchronized laser pulse超短同步激光脉冲
ultra-short time film evaporator离心式瞬时薄膜蒸发浓缩器
ultra-short wave超短波
ultra-short wave antenna超短波天线
ultra-short wave broadcasting emitter transmitter超短波广播发射机
ultra-short wave diathermy超短波透热
ultra-short wave diathermy apparatus超短波透热机
ultra-short wave oscillator超短波振荡器
ultra-short wave pulse laser超短波脉冲激光器
ultra-short wave radio set超短波无线电设备
ultra-short wave radio station超短波无线电台
ultra-short wave receiver超短波接收机
ultra-short wave transmitter超短波发射机
ultra-short wave vacuum tube voltmeter超短波真空管电压表
ultra-short wave wireless telephone超短波无线电话机
ultra-short whisker超短针状单晶
very short distance很短的距离
very short persistence phosphor超短余辉荧光粉
volatile short-term fund不稳定的短暂基金
water-short area水量不足
water-short area缺水
wire short splice钢丝绳短插接
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