
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Set | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated set-aside amounts repurchase加速专款金额的购回
early repurchase of accelerated set-aside amounts提前购回加速专款金额
minimum national social data set最基本国家社会数据组
representative set of currencies一组有代表性的货币
repurchase of accelerated set-aside amounts IMF debt reduction scheme加速专款金额的购回
set-aside s专款金额
set-aside account指定用途的账户
set-aside account专款账户
set-aside account专用账户
set-aside amount专款金额
set of equations方程组〔系〕
set of equations联立方程式
set of equations方程组
set off against each other obligations冲销债务