
Terms for subject General containing See | all forms | exact matches only
an atom is so small that we can not see it以致我们看不见它
an atom is so small that we can not see it原子是这样小
as far as I can see据我看来
as I see it据我看
be unable to see the wood for the trees顾小不顾大
be unable to see the wood for the trees见树不见林
Can I see the dessert menu, please?请给我看一看甜点菜单好吗?
cannot see the wood for the trees顾小不顾大
cannot see the wood for the trees见树不见林
Check the label of nonprescription drugs or the prescription drug information sheet to see if your medicine interferes with sleep or can cause insomnia请检查一下非处方药或处方药标签上的说明,看您的药是否会影响睡眠或可能会导致失眠
Come with me now, and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house现在就跟我走吧,见见我的妻子和儿子。到我家去,一起吃饭
Could I see your baggage claim tag, please? Thank you. You were on Flight 304 from San Francisco, right?请让我看看您的行李标签。谢谢。您是从旧金山搭的304航班,对吗?
Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor如果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生
Excuse me. Where can I see your headwaiter?对不起,你们的领班在哪?
go and see去看
go and see one's aunt去女卫生间
Go down those stairs right over there and turn left, you'll see the signs directing you to Gate 10. You won't miss it下那边的楼梯左拐,你们会看到去10号登机口的指示牌,顺着它走不会错
go to see去看
Go up to the second floor, and you will see it sign-posted to the right. Give the doctor your registration card上二楼,右边挂有内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行了
he has come to see the problem in a new light他终于对此问题获得新的认识
hold the flag higher so that all may see让大家都能看到
hold the flag higher so that all may see把旗子举得高一些
Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot好莱坞的电影制片人认为美国人大多喜欢看动作片,于是许多电影便充斥着演员开车、开飞机或徒步追逐的场面
Holy See the教廷
I believe you mentioned that you are a keen theatre-goer. We would, therefore, be pleased to arrange for you to see a West End play if this would interest you我记得您说过您喜欢戏剧,因此,如果您有兴趣的话,我们很乐意安排您观看伦敦西区的戏剧
I couldn't see the side mirror我不能看到侧后视镜
I have a bad headache. I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time我的头痛得很厉害,我想尽快看医生
I really hope to see you again some day and we are looking forward to hearing from you真心希望我们再次相遇,期待收到你的消息
I see a red light off our bows我看见船头有红光
I see. Jiaozi symbolizes fortune我知道了,饺子代表财富
I see, sir. I'll check it for you. How do you spell his name, please?明白了,先生。我帮您查一查,请问他的姓名怎么拼写?
I see. So you were forced to give in, right?我明白了,你被迫给他钱了,是吗?
I see. Thank you for these tips我知道了,谢谢你的建议
I think you had better go to see a doctor and have a physical check-up我想你最好去看一下医生,做一次体格检查
I will claim your luggage to your room. May I see your room key, please?我要去您房间取行李,请把房间钥匙给我好吗?
I will see. Yes,we have a double room available on October 2nd我查看一下,十月二日我们能空出一个双人间
I'd like to see different new models of several brands shown in your 4S store我想看看您4S店里不同汽车品牌最新的车型
If you like, you can have some chicken, boiled rather than fried. But you can wait and see如想要,可以要点鸡肉,煮的比炸的好。但您也可以等等看
I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
I'll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?我要看一看他是否在。请问我该告诉他谁打来的?
I'll see if he's in我看看他在不在
It's my pleasure. Why don't you check in? I'll see to the heavy luggage我很乐意帮忙。你去办登记手续吧。我会看着大件行李的
It's very kind of you to come to see me off谢谢你来送我
I've never seen any service like this我从未遇到这样的服务
I've never seen any service like this我从未见过这样的服务
Let me check to see if we have one available我看看有没有您需要的车型
Let me see if he's here, hang on. OK?我看看他在不在。等一下,好吗?
Let me see... Sorry, you can not have a room facing the garden. All the rooms facing the garden have been reserved我帮您查一下。对不起,所有面朝花园的房间都已被订了
Let me see the beverage list first我先看看饮品单
Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞
Let me see your case history让我看看你的病历
Let me see your travel expense report. Taxi bills are so high!让我看看你的旅费申报单。出租车的账单太离谱了吧!
Let's see. Yes, I have the address and telephone number here让我看一下,是的,我这里有地址和电话号码
look to see査看一下
May I see your final bill? I need to enter your room能看看您的收据吗?我需要到您房间去
May I see your social security card and your ID, please?请给我社会保障卡和身份证好吗?
never did I see him过去我根本没见过他
not see the advantage of未明白做…的益处〔好处,利益〕 (+ ing)
not see the good of未明白做…的益处〔好处,利益〕 (+ ing)
not see the use of未明白做…的益处〔好处,利益〕 (+ ing)
Oh, I see. Any discount?嗯,我知道了。有折扣吗?
Oh, thank you. But you see, I'm having some friends over噢,谢谢,但你看见了,我有一些朋友过来聚聚
On Saturday we're going to see Stonehenge星期六我们将去观看巨石阵
pay-as-you-see television投币式电视
pay-as-you-see television计时收费电视
Please sign them again on the back. May I see your passport, please? Thank you. That's 50 dollars. Please count it to make sure it's correct请您在支票后面再签个字。我能看一下您的护照吗?谢谢。一共是50美元,请您点清钱数
Probably. I ordered my lunch about 35 minutes ago. But you see it hasn't arrived yet也许吧。我 35 分钟前点了午餐,但你看,现在还没有来
see a doctor看病
see a patient看病
see a problem in its entirety全面地看问题
see a specialist看专家
see aboutM 査考 M
see aboutM 留神 M
see aboutM 注意 M
see after照看
see after照料
see also参阅
see at a glance一眼便知
see at a glance对…一目了然
see at a glance一看就明白
see at a glance—看就看见
see below见下文
see eye to eye with和…有相同的见解
see eye to eye with跟…看法完全相同
see eye to eye with完全同意
see fair公平裁判〔对待,处理〕 (play)
see fit to觉得…是适宜的 (+ inf.)
see fit to do sth.认为做某事是适当
see for oneself亲眼去看
see for oneself亲自求证
see good to觉得…是适宜的 (+ inf.)
see how the wind sits知道风向
see if看看是否…
see infra P.25参看下文第25页
see into彻底理解
see into领会
see into调〔检〕査
see into the matter调查〔处理,理解〕事情
see light领会
see much常常〔不,偶尔〕碰见
see no reason看不出任何…的理由 (why)
see no reason不明白为什么 (why)
see nothing常常〔不,偶尔〕碰见
see him off送行
see him off送别
see only sparse service间有应用
see over仔细看一遍
see over查视
see over page for continuation续见次页
see reason看出认为做某事的理由 (to do sth.)
see red冒火
see red发怒
see rocks ahead看到前途有危险
see see which way the cat jumps观望形势后再作决定
see service老练
see service用久〔破,坏〕了
see service有战斗经验
see somebody off送别某人
see something常常〔不,偶尔〕碰见
see stars眼冒金星
see stars目眩
see stars眼花
see stars头部被撞眼冒金星
see straight看得清楚
see that...留心务必使
see that...设法使
see that direct heat does not play on it当心别让它直接受热
see the beat见〔听〕过比此更甚者 (of)
see the last of最后看见
see the last of赶走
see the last of做完
see the light领悟 (of the day)
see the light出世〔生〕 (of the day)
see the light公开 (of the day)
see the light明白 (of the day)
see the light得到正确的观念 (of the day)
see the light刊行 (of the day)
see the light公诸于世 (of the day)
see the light问世 (of day)
see the note below参看底下的注释
see the point in看出的好处 (+ ing)
see the point in懂得的要点 (+ ing)
see the red light觉察危险迫近
see the time when...遭遇着
see things in their true colours看穿事物真相
see things through a mist模模糊糊地看东西
see through看穿
see through把…做完
see through支持某人到底
see through看破〔穿,透〕
see through通过…看
see through a brick wall有眼力
see through a brick wall有敏锐的眼光
see through a ladder看见显而易见的东西
see to留心
see to照料
see to注意
see to照看
see to it保证
see to it努力使
see to itthat…设法使
see to it that注意使
see to it that...务必注意
see to it that设法使
see visions预卜未来
see visions先知
see one's way clear前途无阻〔顺畅〕
see one's way clear to + inf.设法有意,打算做…
see one's way clear to do ing有可能能设法
see one's way clear to to + ing设法有意,打算做…
see well and good认为不要紧
see well and good觉得好
see where the wind blows知道风向
see where the wind lies知道风向
see where the wind sits知道风向
see whether...看看是否…
see with half an eye一目了然
see with one's own eye亲眼所见
see you再见
Shakespeare s plays are seen by millions of people every year莎士比亚的戏剧每年有数百万观众欣赏
Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?我应该马上叫他的儿科医师来,还是等等看将会怎样?
Sir, can I see your ticket please?先生,您的票呢?
The detailed information is on the board. Please go and see it详细情况在那块利率牌上。请去那里看看吧
There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?
Those silk scarves are lovely. Can I see the red and yellow ones?那些丝巾真漂亮,我能看看红色和黄色的吗?
wait and see观望
wait and see等着瞧
Walking along the Rambla one can see the world-famous opera house El Liceu, the food market of La Boqueria and the Royal Square沿兰布拉大街行走,你会看到举世闻名的丽萨奥歌剧院、伯克利亚食品市场和皇家广场
we could see the oil bleeding out from the joint当时我们可以看出油从接缝处渗出
We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage我们要检查这批瓷器,看是否有破损
Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport, please?欢迎来到加拿大。请让我看一下您的护照
Where can I go and see my aunt?女卫生间怎么走?
Which places are must-sees?哪些旅游景点是必看之地?
who did you see你看见谁了
whom did you see你看见谁了
Would you like to see the drink list?您是否要看饮料酒单?
you see我必须现在告诉你
you see插人语你一定明白
You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳
You will see a BP gas station on your left在你的左手边你会看到一座英国石油公司加油站
You're burning up — have you seen a doctor?你发烧了,你看过医生吗?
You've mentioned that you plan to attend a meeting. May I see the official invitation letter?你提到说要去参加会议,我能看下你的官方邀请函吗?