
Terms for subject United Nations containing Section | all forms | exact matches only
Budget and Finance Section预算和财务科
budget section预算各款
Building and Infrastructure Technology Section建筑和基础设施技术科
Conference Services Section会议事务科
contingent-owned equipment and property management support section特遣队所属装备和财产管理支助科
contract management and contingent-owned equipment verification section合同管理和特遣队所属装备核查科
Crime Prevention and Standards and Norms Implementation Section预防犯罪和标准规范实施科
Crime Statistics Reference, Collection and Clearing-house Section犯罪统计资料参考、收集和交流科
Disadvantaged Groups Section弱势群体科
Electronic Services Section电子事务科
Energy Resources Section能源科
Energy Section能源科
Environment Section环境科
Environment Support Section环境支助科
Environmental Protection Section环境保护科
Finance and Budget Section财务和预算科
Finance Section财务科
Financial Services Section财务科
Follow-up and Evaluation Section后续行动和评价科
Fund Policies and Evaluation Section基金政策和评价科
General Transport, Coordination and Communications Section一般运输、协调和通讯科
Industry Section工业科
Investment and Enterprise Development Section投资和企业发展科
Land Transport Section陆运科
Language Services Section语文事务科
Least Developed Countries Section最不发达国家科
logistics support Division/Medical support section后勤支助司/医务支助科
medical support section医务支助科
memorandum of understanding and claims management section谅解备忘录和索偿管理科
Personnel Services Section人事科
Population and Development Section人口与发展科
Population Information and Communication Section人口信息和通讯科
property management section财产管理科
Rural Development Section农村发展科
section 31: Construction, alteration, improvement and major maintenance预算第31款"建造、改建、改善和重大维修"
Socio-economic Trends Analysis Section社会经济趋势分析科
Statistical Information Services Section统计信息事务科
Statistics Development Section统计发展科
strategic policy and development section of the police division警务司战略政策和发展科
Technology Section技术科
Trade Policy Section贸易政策科
Trade Promotion Section贸易促进科
Transnational Crime and Proceeds of Crime Section跨国犯罪和犯罪收益科
travel-time sections地震剖面图 (传播时间截面图)
Water Transport Section水运科
Women in Development Section妇女参与发展科