
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing Section | all forms | exact matches only
anchored section锚固段
annular section环形断面
anti-corona section of the bar线棒防晕段
area of section截面面积
area of wet cross-section湿润面积
area of wet cross-section过水面积
beam of variable cross section变截面梁
beam with variable cross section变截面梁
bearing capacity of normal section正截面承载力
bearing capacity of oblique section斜截面承载力
best hydraulic cross section最佳水力断面
bus section breaker母线分段断路器
bus section reactor分段电抗器
busbar section disconnector母线分段隔离开关
canal cross section渠道断面
canal section运河断面
canal section渠道断面
channel section渠道断面
channel section河槽断面
circular cross section圆形断面
circular section圆形断面
Composite columnar section综合柱状图
composite section复式断面
compound cross-section复式断面
conduit section输水道断面
constant cross-section等截面
constant cross-section column等截面柱
constricted section收缩段
contracted section收缩段
contracted section收缩断面
control cross-section控制断面
core cross section钻孔断面
crack width control in normal section正截面裂缝宽度控制
crack-resisting calculation for normal section正截面抗裂计算
cross section横断面
cross-section area of oscillating stability波动稳定断面
cross section at crown拱冠断面
cross section factor of waterway航道断面系数
Cross section view of powerhouse layout厂房横剖面布置图
curved section弯曲段
cut and fill section半挖半填式断面
cut and fill section半填半挖式断面
dam section坝段
dangerous section危险地段
Developed section of arch dam axis拱坝坝轴线展开剖面
Developed section of plinth of concrete faced rockfill dam面板堆石坝趾板展开剖面
discharge section过水截面
downstream cross section下游断面
earthwork section土方断面
embankment section路堤截面
Engineering geological section工程地质剖面
equivalent cross-section等效截面
excavated section开挖断面
expanding section扩大断面
expanding section扩大段
fault section故障区段
fill section路堤截面
first moment of area of section截面面积矩
flatland river section平原河段
flow centrifugal force on reverse curve section反弧段水流离心力
flow gaging section测流断面
flow gauging section测流断面
flow section过流断面
flow section过水断面
fluviomaritime section of stream感潮河段
geologic section地质剖面
Geological cross section plan of recommended dam site推荐坝址地质横剖面图
geological section地质剖面
gravity dam of triangular section三角形断面重力坝
gross section毛断面
H-section steel工字钢
high pressure measuring section高压测量断面
hollow structural sections中空结构件
Horizontal geologic sections of arch dam拱坝的工程地质平切图
Horizontal geologic sections of underground powerhouse地下厂房的工程地质平切图
horizontal section水平截面
Horizontal section of dam site坝址平切面图
horseshoe section马蹄形断面
hydraulic section水力断面
hydraulical section水力断面
hydrometric section水文测验断面
hydrometrical section水文测验断面
inlet measuring section of storage pump蓄能泵进口测量断面
inlet measuring section of turbine水轮机进口测量断面
inner anchored section内锚固段
inverted U-shaped section圆拱直墙式,城门洞形
Location map and typical cross section of borrow area for embankment materials筑坝材料料场位置和横剖面图
Longitudinal Transversal geological sections of main structures主要建筑物工程地质纵剖面图
longitudinal section纵剖面图 (profile)
longitudinal section纵截面
longitudinal section纵剖面
longitudinal section纵断面
Longitudinal section view of powerhouse layout厂房纵剖面布置图
low pressure measuring section低压测量断面
lower horizontal section隧洞下平段
maritime section of stream感潮河段
measuring section测量断面
measuring section量测断面
metering section测流断面
metering section量测断面
modulus of section断面模数
modulus of section截面模数
monitoring section监测断面
non-overflow dam section非溢流坝段
non-overflow section非溢流坝段
non-overflow section挡水坝段
non-uniform cross-section beam变截面梁
non-uniform cross-section column变截面柱
optical cable section光缆段
orthogonal section剖面
outlet measuring section of storage pump蓄能泵出口测量断面
outlet measuring section of turbine水轮机出口测量断面
overflow dam section坝体溢流段
overflow section泄水段
overflow section过水段
overflow section溢流段
overflow section溢流坝段
parallel section method平行断面法
particular section of embankment for flood retaining临时拦洪断面
penstock section压力管道断面
pipe cross section管子截面
pipe cross section管道断面
Plan and section of outlet trashrack structure泄水道拦污栅结构平面图和剖面图
Plan, elevation, and section of gallery and shaft廊道与竖井的平面、立视和剖面图
polar moment of inertia of section截面极惯性矩
polar second moment of area of section截面极惯性矩
protected section保护区
push section car平板推车
push section car手推平板车
radius of gyration of section截面回转半径
rectangular section矩形断面
reduced section折算断面
regulation of meandering river section蜿蜒性河段整治
regulation of wandering river section游荡性河段整治
representative section代表性断面
representative section代表性咅面
right section右剖面
right section右截面
river channel cross section河槽断面
river section河流过水断面
sampling cross-section采样断面
seal between sections节间水封
second moment of area of section截面惯性矩
section circuit-breaker分段断路器
section configuration截面形状
section configuration断面形状
section controlled by compression受压力控制截面
section controlled by tension受拉力控制截面
section elevation切面剖视图
section elevation立剖面
section modulus断面模数
section modulus断面系数
section modulus断面模量
section of key拱坝拱冠断面
section of line线段
section paper方格纸
section steel型钢
section survey断面测量
shortened river section裁直河段
simplified section简式断面
spillway section溢流段
Stage-discharge relation of principal design cross-section主要设计断面水位-流量关系图
symmetric section对称段
symmetric section对称断面
symmetrical section对称段
symmetrical section对称断面
tensile section张拉段
tension section of overhead line架空线路的耐张段
test section试验区段
transformed section折算断面
transition section渐变段
transition section过渡断面
transition section过渡段
transitory section过渡段
transversal section横截面
transversal section横断面
transversal section横剖面图
transverse section横断面
transverse section横截面
type section典型剖面
type section定型剖面
type section标准剖面
typical section典型断面
uniform cross-section beam等截面梁
upper horizontal section隧洞上平段
urban section市区
U-shaped section马蹄形截面
U-shaped section马蹄形断面
variable cross-section变断面
variable cross-section变截面
water carrying section过水断面
water retaining section挡水坝段
weir section溢流堰段
wetted cross section湿润断面
wetted cross-section area过水断面面积
wetted section过水断面