
Terms for subject Space containing SLOPE | all forms | exact matches only
analog slope detector模拟斜率检测器
angle of slope of trajectory弹道倾斜角
angle-error slope角误差斜率
automatic slope control自动斜率控制
continuons variable slope delta modulation连续可变斜率增量调制 (话音信源压缩方式之一)
difference slope差斜率
difference slope差波瓣斜率
dual slope A/D converter双斜率模-数转换器
elevation, slope, temperature温度
elevation, slope, temperature坡度
elevation, slope, temperature海拔
error slope误差斜率
gain slope增益斜率
gain slope test增益斜率测试 (星载通信转发器的)
glide slope滑翔斜率
glide slope indicator滑翔斜率指示器
lift curve slope升力线斜率
mode shape slope振型斜率
offset slope偏斜[移]度
potential slope位能斜率
slope angle倾斜角
slope angle of trajectory弹道倾角
slope category map坡度等级图
slope discriminator斜率鉴频器
slope efficiency斜率效率
slope gain regulation斜调
slope map坡度图
slope of altitude signal高度信号斜率
slope of lift curve升力线斜率
slope test斜率试验
slope theodolite坡面经纬仪
spectrum slope谱斜率
stereo slope comparator立体坡度比较仪
target flight path slope angle目标航迹倾角
velocity slope速度梯度