
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing SLOPE | all forms | exact matches only
alluvial slope冲积坡
alluvial-slope spring冲积坡泉
along-slope current沿坡面等深线流
angle of slope坡度角
area slope区域斜坡
basal slope坡脚
basal slope基底坡
bathymetric slope深海斜坡
bathymetric slope等深斜坡
block slope块石坡
continental slope大陆斜坡
critical slope临界斜度
critical slope临界边坡
debris slope倒石堆
degree of slope坡度
dip slope倾向坡
dual slope A/D converter双斜率模数转换器
equipotential slope等势倾斜面
equipotential slope等电位倾斜面
gentle slope平缓倾斜
gently-dipping monoclinal slope平缓单斜坡
glide slope下滑斜度
glide slope下滑面
gradient slope梯度坡度
gravity slope重力坡脚
gullied slope具沟斜坡
gullied slope具沟陆坡
half-slope method半坡度法
Horner slope霍纳斜率
ice-contact slope冰界斜坡
inside slope井下斜井
inside slope暗斜井
insular slope岛坡
intercept-slope AVO measures截距梯度 AVO 测量
island slope岛坡
lake bank slope湖岸岸坡
law of unequal slope山坡不对称定律
lower foot slope坡脚
minimum slope最小斜率
offlap slope facies退覆斜坡相
onlap slope facies上超斜坡相
piedmont slope山麓坡地
plateau slope坪斜
point of change slope变坡点
pulse slope modulation脉冲斜度调制
ratio of slope边坡系数
reef slope礁坡
sea slope向海陆坡
seafloor slope海底斜度
slip-off slope滑动坡
slip-off slope冲积坡
slope accretion陆坡外生作用
slope apron陆坡裙
slope basin斜坡盆地
slope basin汇水流域
slope break倾斜转折
slope break坡度转折
slope-change trend坡度变化趋势
slope-covered terrace坡下阶地
slope detector坡度测定器
slope-distance rule斜距法则
slope embankment斜坡堤
slope facies斜坡相
slope facies陆坡相
slope failure坡身不稳
slope form坡形
slope front坡前沿
slope gully坡面冲沟
slope gully断续海底谷
slope method坡度法
slope of syncline向斜翼
slope-over-wall structure坡面消蚀构造
slope pipeline有坡度管线
slope pipeline倾斜管线
slope protection斜坡保护
slope sediment坡积物
slope valley陆坡海谷
slope wash-fallout facies坡积一坠积相
steep slope陡斜率
terrain slope地面倾斜
toe slope冲刷坡
trench-slope basin海沟一陆坡盆地
trench-slope break海沟一陆坡坡折
variable-slope pulse modulation变斜率脉冲调制
wash slope重力坡脚
wash slope剥蚀基坡
windward slope向风面