
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing Regional | all forms | exact matches only
Climate scientists predict dire consequences including extensive melting of ice sheets, changed regional weather patterns causing more intense heat waves, droughts and floods, the spread of tropical diseases and eventual rises in sea level气候学家预测、包括冰层大规模融化在内的可怕后果、改变了区域性气候类型、正在引发更为强劲的热浪、旱涝、热带疾病的蔓延以及海平面的最终上升
regional engineering geology区域工程地质学研究和评价工程地质条件的区域分布和变化规律的科学
regional geological map区域地质图反映区域基本地质特征的图件
regional magmatic thermal metamorphism of coal煤区域岩浆热变质作用大规模岩浆侵人含煤岩系或其外围,在大量岩浆热和岩浆中的热液与挥发性气体等的影响下,导致区域内地热增高,使煤发生变质的作用
regional stability区域地壳稳定性地壳表层某一区域在地球内动力作用下的稳定程度
regional stability区域稳定性
regional stability of earth crust区域地壳稳定性地壳表层某一区域在地球内动力作用下的稳定程度
regional stability of earth crust区域稳定性
regional stability to tectogenesis区域构造稳定性地壳表层某一区域在现代构造应力场作用下的稳定程度
regional weather patterns区域性气候类型