
Terms for subject China containing Reasons | all forms | exact matches only
a whole host of reasons种种许多原因
artifîcial reasons人为
because of special reasons由于特殊原因
evade the duty for no valid reason无故推拖
explain the reasons说明理由
fact and reason事实和理由
facts and reasons事实根据和理由
factual basis and reasons事实根据和理由
the office of a deputy to the National Peopled Congress fall vacant for some reason全国人民代表大会代表因故出缺
fall vacant for some reason因故出缺
false reasons虚假理由
humanitarian reasons人道原因
invent false reason编造虚假理由
justified reasons正当理由
no valid reason无故
personnel reasons人为
political reasons政治原因
realistic reasons客观原因
reason for not filing the case不立案的理由
reason for refusal拒绝理由
reason for suspending end中止时效的原因消除
reason for the removal罢免理由
reason for the withdrawal回避事由
reasons for application申请事由
reasons for rectification整顿理由
reasons in writing书面理由
reasons of decision裁决理由
rejected without reason无理拒绝
same fact and reason同一事实和理由
special reasons特殊原因
special reasons特别事由
state the reason for not filing the case说明不立案的理由
state the reasons说明理由
statement on reasons for dishonor退票理由书
statutory reason法定事由
untenable reasons理由不能成立
valid reason合理解释
without a sound reason无正当理由
without undue reason无故