
Terms containing Reasons | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a very good reason充分的理由
gen.a very good reason非常重要的原因
China, polit.a whole host of reasons种种许多原因
commer.act contrary to reason不合情理地行动
gen.advance reasons for给…提出理由
busin.advice reason for delay告知推迟原因
econ.advise reason for delay告知推迟原因
econ.allege... as a reason提出…作为理由
econ.allege the quality as a reason提出质量问题作为理由
expl.Among the reasons for this were the perceived higher cost, the greater sophistication required, and supplier attitudes造成这种问题的原因是嫌成本高、要求的技术难度大、以及供货商的态度
cartogr.analyzing chart for reason原因分析图
agric.apriori reason先验理由
interntl.trade.arbitral award for which no reason are given不说明理由的仲裁裁决
busin.arbitral award for which no reason are given不说明理由的仲裁判决
interntl.trade.arbitral award for which no reasons are given不说明理由的仲裁裁决
shipb.arbitral award for which no reasons are given不说明理由的仲裁栽决
shipb.arbitrator's reason for his award仲裁人裁决理由
China, lawartifîcial reasons人为
gen.as reason was根据情理
interntl.trade.award containing reasons注明理由的仲裁裁决
tech.award containing reasons说明理由的仲裁裁决
tech.basic reason根本原因
gen.be impervious to all reason不通情理
gen.be restored to reason恢复理智
China, lawbecause of special reasons由于特殊原因
gen.bereft of reason失去理智〔知觉〕
proj.manag.bona fide reason真实理由
gen.bring out the facts and reasons讲道理
gen.bring out the facts and reasons摆事实
gen.bring a person to reason使明白〔听从〕道理
gen.bring a person to reason开导某人
gen.by reason因为 (that)
gen.by reason of由于
gen.by reason of为了
gen.by reason of凭着
gen.by reason of因为
gen.by reason of the fair eyes of sb.为了某人的缘故
ITcallback reason回调理由
tech.cause reason原因
busin.claim barred by reason of limitation受时效限制而丧失索赔权
busin.claim barred by reason of limitation因时效而受阻的债权
interntl.trade.claim barred by reason of limitation受时效限制的索赔
econ.claim barred by reason of limitation受时效限制而损失的索赔
tech.claim barred by reason of limitation受时效限制丧失索赔权
busin.cogent reason正当理由
gen.come to reason恢复理智
gen.come to reason清醒〔觉悟,醒悟〕 过来
lawcompelling reason有力的使人信服的理由
tech.Concrete carbonization is one of the main reasons affecting structure durability of the concrete混凝土碳化是影响混凝土结构耐久性的重要因素之一
gen.consonant to reason合理的
commer.customer accessible to reason通情达理的客户
econ.Despite our efforts, we cannot discover the reason why the steel tube was out of shape尽管作了努力,我们无法査明钢管变形的原因
dentist.Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all?是不明原因的出血吗?
tech.diving downtime for some reason因故停潜时间
sport.Don't delay without reason不要无故延误
China, lawevade the duty for no valid reason无故推拖
gen.every reason充分的理由
sport.explain reasons举出理由
China, lawexplain the reasons说明理由
China, lawfact and reason事实和理由
China, lawfacts and reasons事实根据和理由
China, lawfactual basis and reasons事实根据和理由
China, polit.the office of a deputy to the National Peopled Congress fall vacant for some reason全国人民代表大会代表因故出缺
China, lawfall vacant for some reason因故出缺
China, lawfalse reasons虚假理由
proj.manag.fiscal reason财政理由
gen.for a certain reason由于某种原因
gen.for a certain reason为了某种理由
gen.for many reasons由于种种理由
gen.for no other reason but只是〔仅仅〕因为
math.for no other reason than只是〔仅仅〕因为
gen.for other reason than只因为…这个理由
math.for reasons given根据上述原因 (above)
commer.for reasons given根据上述理由
math.for reasons given据此 (above)
math.for reasons given据上述理由
gen.for reasons of由于…原因
gen.for reasons of为了
gen.for reasons of
work.fl.for reasons of economy基于节约的考虑
gen.for reasons of policy出于策略上的原因
auto.for reasons of safety基于安全理由原因
auto.for safety reasons基于安全理由原因
mech.eng.For safety reasons, vises and clamps securely hold the work piece as the hole is bored in order to prevent material from shifting unexpectedly为了安全,在钻孔的同时,台虎钳和夹钳牢牢地固定住工件,防止材料不小心移位
gen.for that reason因此之故
gen.for that reason由于这个原因
gen.for that reason为此
lawfor the above reasons根据上述理由
gen.for the reason that由于
gen.for the reason that因为
gen.for these reasons由于这些原因
gen.for this reason因此之故
gen.for this reason由于这个原因
gen.for this reason为此
gen.for various reasons因种种理由
gen.for what reason为何
gen.for which reason因此
gen.for which reason由于这个原因
tech.geologic and mining for reasons of policy adjustment地质矿业政策性调整
tech.geological and mining for reasons of policy adjustment地质矿业政策性调整
fin.geopolitical reasons地缘政治方面的原因
econ.give reasons for裁决注明理由 (an award)
econ.give reasons for仲裁裁决注明理由 (an award)
gen.give reasons for说明…的理由 (+ ing)
econ.give reasons for an award在裁决书上注明理由
tech.give reasons for an award仲裁裁决注明理由
interntl.trade.give reasons for an award对仲裁裁决注明理由
shipb.give reasons for an award对仲裁裁决说明理由
gen.have good reason to say that有充分根据说…
gen.have good reason to say that有充分根据
gen.have good reason to say that很可以说…
gen.have good reason to say that很可以说
gen.have reason for有理由去
gen.have reason for做…是当然的
gen.have reason for有必须…的理由
gen.have reason to做…是当然的 (+ inf.)
gen.have reason to + inf.有理由去
gen.have reason to有必须…的理由 (+ inf.)
econ.have reasons for有理由 (the late arrival, 推迟到达)
gen.hear listen to reason听从忠告
gen.hear listen to reason服从道理
China, lawhumanitarian reasons人道原因
gen.If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal如果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权
gen.If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
econ.price, decision in reason明智的 (决定)
econ.price, decision in reason合理的 (价格)
gen.In some instances, the application is denied for more serious reasons. An applicant's current or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa在一些情况下,申请者会因为一些更严重的问题被拒签。申请者过去或者目前的行为,例如吸毒,或者其他犯罪活动都可能成为其被拒原因
busin.insufficient reason rule几率均等原则
interntl.trade.insufficient reason rule机率均等原则
tech.insufficient reason rule同等几率原则
China, lawinvent false reason编造虚假理由
econ.It is evidently inequitable to detain their cargo without any reason毫无理由地扣留他们的船货显然是不公正的
gen.it stands to reason…是合乎情理的
gen.it stands to reason显然
gen.it stands to reason理所当然的是
gen.it stands to reason that...显然…
gen.it stands to reason that...理所当然的是…
China, lawjustified reasons正当理由
busin.kingdom of reason理性王国
commer.legitimate reason正当#由
shipb.main reason主要理由
proverbneither rhyme nor reason一无可取
gen.no earthly reason毫无〔完全没有〕理由
sport.No jumpers are allowed to delay the competition without reason任何跳高运动员不得无故延误比赛
econ.No representative provided for in this article will be dismissed from his post unless cogent reasons are stated除非陈述了令人信服的理由,不得随意撤销本条例规定的代表的职务
China, lawno valid reason无故
gen.not without reason不无理由
nautic., tech.objective reason客观原因
gen.ofno earthly reason毫无〔完全没有〕理由
tech.one of the prime reasons主要原因之一
gen.one's reason理智
gen.out of all reason不可理喻的
gen.out of all reason无理的
gen.out of reason无故
gen.out of reason毫无理由
China, lawpersonnel reasons人为
econ.Please give us a viable reason for late delivery of the goods请给我们一个能站得住的理由,说明为什么推迟发货
China, lawpolitical reasons政治原因
adv.potent reasons使人信服的理由
textileprice in reason合理价格
busin.price in reason合理的价格
commer.prime reason基本理由
oilprinciple of insufficient reason理由不充分准则
met.process reasons技术操作规程
met.process reasons工艺规程
econ.Rashness is contradictory to reason鲁莽行事有背于理智
China, lawrealistic reasons客观原因
gen.reason about推岀…的道理
ITreason code理由码
telecom.reason DB推理数据库
gen.reason sb. down说服某人
interntl.trade.reason for amendment更改原因
interntl.trade.reason for an award戴决理由
econ.reason for an award裁决理由
econ.reason for appeal上诉理由
met.reason for breakout漏钢原因
expl.reason for cumulative effect产生聚能效应的原因带锥孔的圆柱形药柱爆炸后,当爆轰波前进到了锥体部分,其爆轰产物则沿着锥孔内表面垂直的方向飞出。由于飞岀速度相等、药形对称,爆轰产物要聚集在轴线上,汇集成一股速度和压力都很高的气流,称为聚能流。它具有极高的速度、密度、压力和能量密度。爆轰产物的能量集中在靶板的较小面积上,便能产生聚能效应
telecom.reason for impeding阻断的原因
el.reason for interrupt中断原因
China, lawreason for not filing the case不立案的理由
telecom.reason for outage线路中断的原因
el.reason for outage断电原因
el.reason for outage事故原因
navig.reason for outage停机【断路】原因
tech.reason for outage线路中断原因
China, lawreason for refusal拒绝理由
avia.reason for selection〔客〕选择理由
met.reason for shell sticking坯壳粘结原因
China, lawreason for suspending end中止时效的原因消除
China, lawreason for the removal罢免理由
China, lawreason for the withdrawal回避事由
expl.reason for using particle vibrating velocity to illustrate blasting vibration intensity用质点振速表示爆破地震效应强度的原因1. 质点振动速度不受覆盖层类型及其厚度的影响。 2. 可适用于不同的测量仪器、不同的测量方法和不同的爆破条件。(3)结构的破坏与质点振动速度的相关关系比位移或加速度更为密切
comp., MSreason ID原因識別碼 (The error (identification) number of the reason for a failure of a bulk import)
econ.reason the agent into据理劝说 (reconsidering the quotation, 代理人重新考虑这个报价)
gen.reason M into说服 M 做 N (N)
tech.reason leading unreasonable exploratory degree勘探程度不合理的原因
telecom.reason maintenance system推理维护系统
tech.reason of fire火灾原因
gen.reason out通过推理作出
gen.reason out
gen.reason out a conclusion推出_个结论
gen.reason M out of劝 M 不要
econ.reason the manufacturer out of说服制造商 消除 (his suspicion, 疑虑)
gen.reason M out of说服M使放弃N (N)
dril.reason pulled起钻原因
interntl.trade.reason suppliers out of hesitation说服供货人不要犹豫
gen.reason with规劝
gen.reason with以理说服
econ.reason with the manager about劝说 (the rearrangement, 经理)
econ.reason with the manager about重新安排经理评理 (the rearrangement)
econ.reason with the manager on劝说 (the rearrangement, 经理)
econ.reason with the manager on重新安排经理评理 (the rearrangement)
interntl.trade.reasons for an award裁决理由
econ.reasons for appeal上诉理由
China, lawreasons for application申请事由
fin.reasons for borrowing举债的理由
securit.reasons for investment投资原因
China, lawreasons for rectification整顿理由
fin.reasons for subsidiaries取得子公司的原因
China, lawreasons in writing书面理由
China, lawreasons of decision裁决理由
work.fl.reasons of economy基于节约的考虑
tech.reasons of impunity免责理由
gen.reasons that preponderate over other considerations优先考虑的理由
telecom.redirecting reason改发原因
China, lawrejected without reason无理拒绝
consult.reserves due to operational reasons由于经营方面的原因而保留的储备
interntl.trade.right barred by reason of limitation因时效完成不能行使的权利
busin.right barred by reason of limitation时效已过的不能再提出的权利
econ.rule of reason合理的准则反托拉斯政策
auto.safety reason安全方面的原因理由
met.safety reasons安全技术规程
met.safety reasons安全技术条件
China, lawsame fact and reason同一事实和理由
gen.see no reason看不出任何…的理由 (why)
gen.see no reason不明白为什么 (why)
gen.see reason看出认为做某事的理由 (to do sth.)
tech.self-combustion reason自燃的原因
gen.set forth facts and reason things out摆事实讲道理
gen.show of reason似乎有理
proj.manag.So investors in Greek companies have legitimate reasons to protect themselves against Greek sovereign risk因此、 希腊公司的投资者有正当理由保护自己免受希腊主权风险
commer.sole reason唯一理由
gen.sole reason唯一的理由
China, lawspecial reasons特殊原因
China, lawspecial reasons特别事由
econ.specify the reasons说明理由
interntl.trade.specifying reasons application说明理由的诉状
gen.stand to reason毫无疑义
gen.stand to reason显然
gen.stand to reason合乎道理
China, lawstate the reason for not filing the case说明不立案的理由
China, polit.state the reasons说明理由
China, lawstatement on reasons for dishonor退票理由书
comp., MSstatus reason狀態原因 (The description of the status of a record or activity. The options available are based on what record type is open and in which module)
China, lawstatutory reason法定事由
bridg.constr.sufficient reason充分理由
avia.technical reason技术原因
econ.technical reasons技术原因
gen.that is the reason why这就是为什么…的原因
econ.the arbitral award for which no reasons are given不说明理由的仲裁裁决
econ.the award containing reasons注明理由的仲裁裁决
commer.The buyer rejected the goods by reason of the poor quality因质量低劣买主拒收货物
econ.The factory was asked for the reasons for postponing the shipment要求厂方说明延期装运的理由
econ.The prevention of the fulfilment of the contract by some special reasons agreed by both parties is called "Frustrated"这种由于双方都认可的某些特殊原因而未能履行合同的现象称为"契约落空"
econ.The purchaser failed to inspect the rolled sheet steel in stock, which can not be the reason for any claim for rescission买主未能检査库存轧钢板,这不能成为提出废约要求的理由
econ.the reason for + ing is that做,用,有…的理由在于
gen.the reason why... is that为什么…的理由是
gen.the reason is this理由如下
commer.The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤
econ.the right barred by reason of limitation因时效完成不能行使的权利
gen.There could be several reasons for a visa denial or visa rejection有几个原因可能会导致拒签
gen.there is no reason for M toM 做…是没有理由 (+ inf.)
gen.this is the reason why这就是为什么…的原因
China, lawuntenable reasons理由不能成立
China, lawvalid reason合理解释
busin.valid reason正当理由
econ.We are inquiring about the reason of the loss我们正在调査造成损失的原因
commer.We have reason to request you to effect shipment in time我方有理由要求你方及时装运货物
econ.We have reasons to request you to accept our claim我方有理由要求你方接受我方索赔
econ.We have to advise the reasons if the anticipated progress has not been maintained in accordance with the schedule如果不能按进度表保持预期进程,我们不得不说明理由
econ.We will make inquiries at the shipping company regarding the reason for loss of the goods我们将向轮船公司询问此批货损失的原因
econ.We will try to reason them into the acceptance of our proposal我们要设法说服他们接受我们的建议
gen.What is the most common reason for refusals?拒签最常见的理由是什么?
gen.with or without reason无论是否有理
gen.with reason有道理
gen.with reason合乎情理
gen.with reason充分的理由
China, lawwithout a sound reason无正当理由
securit.without justifiable reason无正当理由
gen.without reason不合乎情理
gen.without reason没有道理
gen.without rhyme or reason毫无道理
gen.without rhyme or reason莫名其妙
gen.without rhyme or reason无缘无故
China, lawwithout undue reason无故