
Terms for subject General containing Reason | all forms | exact matches only
a very good reason充分的理由
a very good reason非常重要的原因
as reason was根据情理
be impervious to all reason不通情理
be restored to reason恢复理智
bereft of reason失去理智〔知觉〕
bring a person to reason使明白〔听从〕道理
bring a person to reason开导某人
by reason因为 (that)
by reason of为了
by reason of由于
by reason of凭着
by reason of因为
by reason of the fair eyes of sb.为了某人的缘故
come to reason恢复理智
come to reason清醒〔觉悟,醒悟〕 过来
consonant to reason合理的
every reason充分的理由
for a certain reason由于某种原因
for a certain reason为了某种理由
for no other reason but只是〔仅仅〕因为
for other reason than只因为…这个理由
for that reason由于这个原因
for that reason因此之故
for that reason为此
for the reason that由于
for the reason that因为
for this reason因此之故
for this reason由于这个原因
for this reason为此
for what reason为何
for which reason因此
for which reason由于这个原因
have good reason to say that有充分根据说…
have good reason to say that有充分根据
have good reason to say that很可以说…
have good reason to say that很可以说
have reason for有理由去
have reason for做…是当然的
have reason for有必须…的理由
have reason to + inf.有理由去
have reason to做…是当然的 (+ inf.)
have reason to有必须…的理由 (+ inf.)
hear listen to reason听从忠告
hear listen to reason服从道理
it stands to reason…是合乎情理的
it stands to reason显然
it stands to reason理所当然的是
it stands to reason that...显然…
it stands to reason that...理所当然的是…
no earthly reason毫无〔完全没有〕理由
not without reason不无理由
ofno earthly reason毫无〔完全没有〕理由
one's reason理智
out of all reason不可理喻的
out of all reason无理的
out of reason无故
out of reason毫无理由
reason about推岀…的道理
reason sb. down说服某人
reason M into说服 M 做 N (N)
reason out通过推理作出
reason out
reason out a conclusion推出_个结论
reason M out of劝 M 不要
reason M out of说服M使放弃N (N)
reason with规劝
reason with以理说服
see no reason看不出任何…的理由 (why)
see no reason不明白为什么 (why)
see reason看出认为做某事的理由 (to do sth.)
set forth facts and reason things out摆事实讲道理
show of reason似乎有理
sole reason唯一的理由
stand to reason显然
stand to reason毫无疑义
stand to reason合乎道理
that is the reason why这就是为什么…的原因
the reason why... is that为什么…的理由是
the reason is this理由如下
there is no reason for M toM 做…是没有理由 (+ inf.)
this is the reason why这就是为什么…的原因
What is the most common reason for refusals?拒签最常见的理由是什么?
with or without reason无论是否有理
with reason有道理
with reason合乎情理
with reason充分的理由
without reason不合乎情理
without reason没有道理
without rhyme or reason莫名其妙
without rhyme or reason毫无道理
without rhyme or reason无缘无故