
Terms containing Reality | all forms | exact matches only
auto.aerodynamic reality实际空气动力作用力
auto.aerodynamic reality空气动力学真实性
comp., net.agricultural virtual reality technology农业虚拟现实技术
el.artificial reality人工实境又称 PR
spaceartificial reality人工现实
dat.proc.artificial reality虚拟现实简写为VR
telecom.artificial reality人造现实
earth.sc.augmented reality增扩实境
ITaugmented reality增强现实
el.augmented reality增广实境
multimed.Augmented Reality增强现实技术
comp., net.augmented reality gaining增强现实游戏
comp., net.augmented reality online gaining增强现实网络游戏
comp., net.augmented reality system增强现实系统
comp., net.augmented virtual reality增强虚拟现实
comp., net.augmented virtual reality technology增强虚拟现实技术
China, polit.base itself on the present reality立足现实
gen.be alienated from reality脱离实际
fin.be divorced from reality脱离实际
gen.be tested against reality受客观实际检査
gen.become alienated from reality脱离实际
psychol.bring sb. back to reality使某人回到现实中来
psychol.bring... back to reality使…面对现实
multimed.Cinematic Reality影像现实技术
el.computer augmented reality system计算机扩展现实系统
China, polit.the final versions of the laws conform to the conditions and realities of China使制定的法律符合中国国情和实际
tech.conform with realities合乎实际
China, polit.continue to proceed from the conditions and realities of China坚持从我国国情和实际出发
busin.corporeal reality of a product产品的物体实在性
comp., net.3D virtual reality technique三维虚拟现实技术
desert.data reality数据真实性
tech.deficiency in reality with pseudo-excess symptoms真虚假实
manag.direct orientation toward reality对于现实的直接尝试
busin.direct orientation toward reality对于实现的直接尝试
el.distributed virtual reality分布式虚拟现实
gen.divorce oneself from objective reality脱离客观实际
tech.divorced from reality脱离现实
agric.ecological reality生态现实性 (realitas ecologicus)
textileeconomic realities经济现实性
econ.economic realities经济现实
tech.economic reality经济现实
securit.economic reality经济现实性
UN, policeEuropean Seminar on Computerization of Criminal Justice Information Systems: Realities, Methods, Prospects and Effects欧洲刑事司法信息系统电脑化讨论会:现状、方法、前景和效果
tech.external reality客观现实
sport., psychol.feeling of reality现实感
horticult.fictitious reality technology虚拟现实技术
securit.financing reality check实际融资审查
securit.financing reality check对融资方案的实证分析
securit.first mortgage on reality首次不动产抵押
gen.full-scale reality现实
gen.full-scale reality完全真实
China, lawhistory and reality历史和现实情况
gen.in name but not in reality有名无实的
econ.in reality事实上
econ.in reality实际上
gen.in reality实际〔事实〕上
commer.In reality, however, not many sellers can deliver goods within 24 hours但事实上,没几个卖家能在24小时内发货
commer.international marketing realities国际市场实际
gen.make M a reality实现 M
comp., net.medical virtual reality technology医学虚拟现实技术
multimed.mix reality混合现实技术
el.mixed reality混合实境
comp., net.mixed reality混合现实
comp., net.mixed reality game混合现实游戏
comp., net.mixed reality online game混合现实网络游戏
comp., net.mixed reality technology混合现实技术
comp., net.mixed virtual reality technology混合虚拟现实技术
sport.name matches the reality名实相符
sport.name matches the reality名符其实
comp., net.network virtual reality网络虚拟现实
comp., net.network virtual reality technology网络虚拟现实技术
el.networked virtual reality联网虚拟实境
comp., net.neural network vertual reality神经元网络虚拟现实
manag.normative reality理会的现实
manag.objective reality客观的现实
tech.objective reality客观现实
el.object-oriented virtual reality面向对象的虚拟实境
China, polit.on the basis of the specific conditions and realities of our country从我国国情和实际出发
econ.perceived reality认知的真实实际
China, polit.persist in proceeding from the realities in all aspects坚持一切从实际出发
econ.possibility and reality可能性与现实性
China, polit.proceed from China's actual conditions and realities从我国国情和实际出发
China, polit.proceed from reality从实际出发
China, polit.proceed from the realities in all aspects一切从实际出发
consult.process and reality进展与实际
el.projected reality投影实境又称 AR
el.projected reality投影现实
fin.realities of China's modern economy中国当代经济的现实
gen.reality check现实可行性对照检查
tech.reality condition现实性条件
tech.reality criterion逼真度准则
spacereality engine现实驱动
perf.reality measure odor reservation value of fragrance实测留香值
econ., int. law.reality of law物权法
econ., int. law.reality of law财产法
busin.reality of laws物权法
busin.reality of laws财产法
spacereality of reference image基准图的现势性
tech.reality of roots根的实性
China, lawreality of the situation现实情况
commer.reality of value价值现实
tech.reality principle现实原则
labor.org.reality shock现实打击
busin.relative reality相对真实性
adv.Rolling Stone, "Perception. Reality."滚石乐队、"感觉是真实的"、FMR 广告公司、1985 (Fallon McElligott Rice)
el.second person virtual reality第二者虚拟实境
manag.sensory reality官能的现实
agric.space virtual reality航天虚拟现实
econ.the economic reality经济现实 (性)
China, polit.the need to proceed from reality一切从实际出发
gen.the realities of the day当前的现实
econ.the reality of laws物权法
econ.the reality of laws财产法
tech.to depart from actual realities缺乏实际根据
tech.vessel reality容器本体
sport.virtual reality电子竞技虚拟实境
telecom.virtual reality多媒体虚拟现实
telecom.virtual reality拟实的真实感
telecom.virtual reality拟实
telecom.virtual reality如真
dat.proc.virtual reality虚拟现实简写为VR
telecom.virtual reality临境
spacevirtual reality虚拟场景
spacevirtual reality虚拟现实 (技术)
spacevirtual reality虚拟真实感
telecom.virtual reality灵境
libr.virtual reality虚拟实在
life.sc.virtual reality虚拟现实技术
comp.games.virtual reality虚拟实境
ITvirtual reality虚拟现实
ITvirtual reality虚拟环境
multimed.virtual reality沉浸虚拟现实
el.virtual reality display虚拟现实显示器
comp., net.virtual reality gaming虚拟现实游戏
avia.virtual reality maintenance trainer虚拟现实维修训练器
dat.proc.virtual reality markup language虚拟现实置标语言
dat.proc.virtual reality markup language虚拟现实标识语言
multimed.virtual reality markup language虚拟现实标记语言
multimed.virtual-reality model虚拟现实模型
el.virtual reality modeling language虚拟现实建模[模型设计]语言
ITvirtual reality modeling language虚拟现实建模语言
proj.manag.virtual reality modeling language虚拟现实模型语言
telecom.Virtual Reality Modeling Language拟实建模语言
ITvirtual reality moduling language虚拟现实建模语言
comp., net.virtual reality online gaming虚拟现实网络游戏
avia.virtual reality simulation虚拟现实仿真
comp., net.virtual reality technology虚拟技术
spacevirtual reality theory虚拟现实理论
el.virtual reality tool虚拟现实工具
comp., net.virtual reality world虚拟世界
gen.Wearing Nike shoes makes young people feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality穿上耐克鞋使年轻人感觉更有运动活力,不管他们实际上年龄有多大或多么不爱运动
gen.with startling reality逼真地
gen.with startling reality维妙维肖