
Terms for subject Aviation containing Protection | all forms | exact matches only
a delay in the activation of the ice protection system防冰系统的延迟打开
a thermal profile of an operating thermal ice protection system热能防冰系统热量包络图
acceleration injury protection加速度损伤防护
acceleration protection加速度防护
accidental launch protection system意外发射保护系统
advanced flexible thermal protection material高级柔性防热材料
advanced self-protection integrated suite先进自保护综合设备
advanced self protection jammer先进自卫干扰机
advanced self protection jamming先进自卫干扰
advanced tactical aircraft protection system先进战术飞机保护系统
air raid protection预先空袭防护
airborne missile protection system机载导弹保护系统
airborne self protection jammer机载自卫干扰机 (干扰敌方雷达信号的一种机载电子对抗 (ECM )系统,仅对运载飞机起保护作用,对编队中其他飞机的保护作用只是偶然的,并不是该系统的设计目的。干扰机首先探测来自敌方发射的辐射信号,并将它与其威胁库中的信号进行对比,当确认信号来自于敌方或未知威胁时,干扰机向敌方接收机发出干扰辐射信号,从而达到保护运载飞机的目的)
airborne self protection jamming机载自卫干扰
aircraft crash protection envelope飞机坠撞防护范围
aircraft electronic warfare self-protection system飞机电子战自保护系统
aircraft electronic warfare self-protection system飞行器电子战争自我保护系统
aircraft EW self-protection system飞机电子战自保护系统
aircraft ice protection system飞机防冰系统
aircraft airplane ice protection system飞机防冰系统
aircraft rain protection system飞机防雨系统
aircraft self protection system飞机自保护系统
aircrew eye/respiratory protection空勤人员眼和呼吸保护
airfoil and cowl ice protection system机翼和整流罩防冰系统
airfoil and cowl ice protection system机翼与整流罩防冰系统
airplane aircraft ice protection system飞机防冰系统
atmospheric electrical hazards protection天电防护
atomic-oxygen protection氧原子保护
bank angle protection坡度保护
bank angle protection倾斜角保护
bank angle protection倾侧角保护
built-in thermal overload protection内置过热保护器
bus protection and control unit总线保护与控制装置
bus protection panel汇流条保护板
bus protection panel汇流条保护器
cable-strike protection撞电缆防护
channel protection system管道保护系统
circuit protection device电路保护设备
circuit protection device线路保护装置
civil aircraft missile protection system民用飞机导弹防护系统
comparison of lap belt only versus lap belt-shoulder restraint protection腹带防护对比肩带-腹带防护
contact injury protection碰撞损伤防护
convoy protection护航保护
corrosion control and preventive protection plan腐蚀控制和防护计划
corrosion control & preventive protection plan腐蚀控制和防护大纲
corrosion protection decision memo防腐决定备忘录
crash protection防坠毁装置
crash protection当机防护
cyclic ice protection systems周期性防冰系统
dangerous environment electrical protection system危险环境电气防护系统
difference protection差动保护
double-protection honeycomb双重防护蜂窝结构
earth protection接地保护
edge protection边缘加固叶缘的保持
effectiveness of thermal protection structure结构防热设计效果
electronic protection电子器件保护
electronic unit protection box电子装置保护盒 (用于动力装置和辅助动力装置)
electronic unit protection box〔客〕电子装置保护盒
electro-thermal ice protection system电热防冰系统
engine ice protection system发动机防冰系统
enhanced runaway protection〔客〕增强逃离保护
Environmental Protection Agency环境保护局 (美国)
external field protection外场保护
external power fault protection外部电源故障保护
eye protection护目用具
face-protection blind防护布帘
face-protection blind防护面罩
failure protection unit故障防护装置
fall protection mechanical equipment跌落保护机械设备
fault protection防止故障
fault protection故障保护
fire protection association〔英〕消防协会
Fire Protection Association消防协会
fire protection spacing防火间距
fire protection system探火系统
fire protection system〔客〕防火系统
fire protection system防火系统
fluid ice protection system液体防冰系统
force protection airborne surveillance system部队警戒机载防御系统
global protection against limited strikes对付有限攻击的全球防御系统
heating box/protection box保温箱/保护箱
heavy gas protection重瓦斯保护
helicopter protection and support直升机保护和支援
hot air ice protection system气热防冰系统
ice and rain protection system防冰和防雨系统
ice protection防冰
ice protection area for lower wing surface下翼面防护区域
ice protection area for upper wing surface上翼面防护区域
ice protection control unit〔客〕防冰控制装置
ice protection data unit〔客〕防冰数据装置
ice protection equipment防冰设备
ice protection system防冰系统
ice/rain/fog and frost protection防冰/防雨/防雾及防霜
impact protection冲击保护
induction system icing protection进气系统结冰防护
information protection信息保护
integrated occupant protection system整体的乘员防护系统
lighting HIRF protection闪电高强度辐射场保护
lightning location and protection雷电定位和避雷
marine environmental protection海洋环境保护
maximum ice protection load最大结冰防护载荷
memory allocation and protection unit存储定位和保护装置
metallic thermal protection system金属热防护系统
mission oriented protection posture面向任务的保护措施
mission-oriented protection posture与任务相适应的保护措施
motor control and protection unit〔客〕发动机操纵和保护装置
national committee on radiological protection全国防辐射委员会
national fire protection association国家防火消防协会
National Fire Protection Association全国消防协会 (美国)
occupant protection乘员保护
over temperature protection过温保护
over voltage protection过压保护
overcurrent protection过电粒护装置
overspeed protection unit超速保护装置
overspeed protection unit过速保护装置
overvoltage protection过电压保护装置
personal protection个体防护
phase failure protection断相保护
phosphor protection circuit荧光保护电路
post-crash injury protection.坠机后的损伤防护
production protection产品防护
program protection development plan项目保护发展计划
program protection implementation plan项目保护执行计划
proprietary protection产权保护
protection mechanism保护机制
protection mechanism保护机构
protection of laser hazard激光防护
protections of exterior skins外表蒙皮的保护
radiation protection放射线保护
radiation protection standards辐射防护标准
radiative thermal protection辐射热保护
receiver protection接收机保护
reverse current protection反流保护
rotor position protection轴向位移保护
rotor position protection串轴保护
running-wet ice protection system湿态防冰系统
self protection自保护
self protection/air defense suppression system自我保护/空防封锁系统
self protection jammer自保护干扰机
self protection weapon自卫武器
society of fire protection engineers防火工程师协会
stall protection and incidence limiting system失速防护及倾角限制系统
stall protection controller失速保护控制器
stall protection system失速保护系统
stall protection system失速预防系统
surfaces without ice protection无结冰防护的表面
temporary protection system〔客〕临时保护系统
test of ice protection system防冰系统试验
the critical ice protection design points关键结冰防护设计点
the power extraction associated with ice protection system operation结冰防护系统能量消耗
the thermal energy available for the ice protection system防冰系统的热能利用率
thermal ice protection system热力防冰系统
thermal protection and control热保护和控制
thermal protection layer隔热防护层
thermal protection shield substructure防热层背壁结构
tie bus differential protection互联汇流条差动保护
time to protection保护成功前时间
touch down protection接地保护
touchdown protection接地保护
transitory protection system临时防护系统
turbine unloading protection system涡轮卸载保护系统
United States Customs and Border Protection美国海关与边防局
vehicles with protection kits装有保护工具箱的飞行器
vibration protection振动防护
water ice protection control unit防水防冰控制装置
water ice protection data unit防水防冰数据装置
windshield ice protection风挡防冰
windshield ice protection controller风挡防冰控制器
windshield rain protection风挡防雨
wing ice protection system机翼结冰保护系统
wire strike protection system线路撞击防护系统 (保护直升机不被高架电线撞击的系统。该系统是通过线导人切割线刀片组件来减少电线障碍撞击的严重性。切割刀片被固定在直升机前沿区域的顶部和底部来切割电线以消除危险。在一些直升机上,该系统能利用一组杆将电线移至风挡的外部零件上,另外一些直升机的风挡的中间部分有磨料切割条 (置在风挡偏转器中),它能在电线接触 WSPS 切割刀前划伤并削弱它)
zone of protection保护范围
zone of protection保护区域