
Terms for subject Ecology containing Protection | all forms | exact matches only
action plan for the protection of the atmosphere保护大气行动计划
Amazonia Protection Program亚马逊保护计划
Amazonia Protection Programme亚马逊保护计划
application for environmental protection check upon completion申请竣工环境保护验收
Asian Elephant Protection Program in Xishuangbanna西双版纳亚洲象保护项目
Asian Elephant Protection Programme in Xishuangbanna西双版纳亚洲象保护项目
beach and bank protection保滩护岸
biodiversity protection生物多样性保护
bioengineering technique for slope protection生态护坡技术
biological fire-protection forest belt生物防火林带
Canadian Environmental Protection Act加拿大环境保护法
cathodic protection of steel钢材阴极保护法
channel protection水道保护
China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国生物多样性保护行动计划
China Environmental Protection Foundation中华环保基金会
China Mangrove Protection Program中国红树林项目
China Mangrove Protection Programme中国红树林项目
China’s guiding principles for environmental protection中国环保基本方针
Chinese Program for Natural Protection中国自然保护纲要
Chinese Programme for Natural Protection中国自然保护纲要
coastal development and protection海滨地区的开发与保护
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer保护臭氧层公约
Convention for the Protection of the World Culture and Nature CLIMAT保护世界文化和自然遗产公约
Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere西半球自然保护和野生动物养护公约
Convention Relating to the Protection of Marine Environment海洋环境保护的国际公约
cultivated land protection耕地保护
department of environmental protection环境保护部
digital environmental protection数字环保
effective protection rate有效保护率
Environmental Protection Agency环境保护局美国政府部门,负责保护土地,空气和水源不受有害化学物质,烟雾或工业废弃物等的污染
environmental protection law enforcement inspection环保执法检查
environmental protection swap环境保护交换
farmland protection forest农田防护林
first-class protection zones for surface domestic and drinking water sources生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区
first-grade State protection国家一级保护动物
fishery protection渔业保护
fishery protection水产资源保护
forest protection pledge护林公约
green plant in environmental protection绿色植物在环境保护中的作用
heat protection防热
heat protection material隔热材料
Helsinki Commission for Baltic Marine Environment Protection赫尔辛基委员会波罗的海海洋环境保护委员会
hinder the environmental protection阻碍环境保护
index of environment protection环境保护指标
index series of environmental protection环境保护指标体系
information system for environmental protection环境保护信息系统
input-output table of environmental protection环境保护投入产出表
inspection index of environmental protection环境保护考核指标
International Atmospheric Environment Protection Law国际大气环境保护法
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine保护莱茵河国际委员会
International Convention for Protection of Birds国际鸟类保护公约
International Freshwater Resource Utilization and Protection Law国际淡水资源利用和保护法
International land Resources Protection Law国际土地资源保护法
International Law for the Protection of Natural Resources国际自然资源保护法
International Law of Atmosphere Protection国际大气保护法
International Meeting on Environmental Protection Legislation亚太地区制订环境保护法政府间会议
International Ocean Environmental Protection Law国际海洋环境保护法
International Ozone Layer Protection Day国际保护臭氧层日9月6日
International Treaties on Environmental Protection环境保护国际条约
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants国际保护植物新品种同盟
landslide protection works滑坡防护工事
law of natural protection自然保护法
Law of Special Environmental Protection特殊环境保护法
Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animals Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护法
Law of Wild Plant Protection野生植物保护法
Law on Natural Heritage Protection自然遗迹保护法
Law on Species Protection物种保护法
list o£ wild plants of national priority protection国家重点保护野生植物名录
local regulation of water resources protection水资源保护的地方规定
Management and Protection of Wild Medicinal Material Resources野生药材资源管理与保护
management measures for environmental protection of construction projects建设项目环境保护管理办法
Marine Environmental Protection Law海洋环境保护法
Measures of Supervision and Management of Sewage Treatment Facilities on Environmental Protection污水处理设施环境保护监督管理办法
National Environmental Protection Act国家环境保护条例
natural forest protection天然林保护
occupational radiation protection职业性辐射保护
offshore corrosion protection近海腐蚀防护
offshore corrosion protection近海防蚀
P. R. China Regulation on Wild Plant Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护条例
plant for slope protection护坡植被
plant protection植物防护
plant slope protection植物护坡
plantation for wind protection and sand fixation防风固沙林
policy on industry related environmental protection环境保护产业政策
popularize the knowledge of environmental protection推广环保知识
Program on National Ecological and Environmental Protection全国生态环境保护纲要
protection benefit防护效益
protection boundary护林边界
protection capability防护能力
protection forest保护林
protection forest of water resource水源保护林
protection forestry防护林
protection from radiation防辐射保护
protection law of wildlife野生动物保护法
protection measure保护措施
protection monitoring area防护监测区
protection of biological resources生物资源保护
protection of ecological environment生态资源保护
protection of land土地保护
protection of water resources水资源保护
protection way保护途径
radioactivity protection放射性防护
radiological protection放射防护
residual protection[靠]剩余量[的]保护
salty wind protection forest防海风林
sand dike protection沙堤防护
sanitation protection belt卫生防护带
shore-protection structure护岸结构
slope protection work护坡工程
special marine protection area海洋特别保护区
stream protection河水净化
stream protection河道保护
toe protection of dam坝趾防护
training class of environmental protection环境保护训练班
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer保护臭氧层维也纳公约
water injury protection水毁防护
water resource protection and utilization水资源保护利用
water resource protection forest水源涵养林
water resource protection forest水源保护林
waterhead protection forest水源保护林
wetland protection湿地保护
X-ray protectionX 射线防护