
Terms for subject Economy containing Private | all forms | exact matches only
A private enterprise agrees to fund the project一家私有企业同意为此项目提供资金
a private secretary私人秘书
a private vessel非国有船
basically law-abiding private industrial and commercial units基本守法的私人工商户
big owner of private enterprises大企业主
capitalistic private property资本主义私有制
forgery and fraudulent use of private writing伪造私人笔迹行骗
forgery and fraudulent use of private writing伪造私人笔迹进行欺骗
free private enterprise system自由私人企业制度
gross private capital私人资本总额
gross private domestic investment私营企业国内总投资
household and private non-profit institution account家庭与私人非营利机关账户
income payment on private liabilities私人负债收入的支付
individual private economy个体私营经济
individual private ownership个体所有制
inherent contradiction between social production and private owner ship生产的社会性和生产资料私人占有的固有矛盾
institution private property私有财产制度
international private law国际私法
labour of private individuals私人劳动
legitimate private property合法私有财产
Many government bonds are sold by private subscription许多公债是通过个人认购卖出去的
net private debt私人债务净值
net private debt私人债务净额
nonbank private sector非银行私人部门
owner of private enterprise私有企业主
personal income from private enterprises私人企业的个人所得
petty private owner小私有者
private absorption私人吸引能力
private accountant个体会计师
private act关于个人利益的条例
private agency私人机构
private bank私有银行
private bank民营银行
private bill有关个人利害的议案
private bill商业汇票
private brands私营厂牌
private business私人企业
private business私营企业
private business私人营业
private call私人电话
private capitalism私人资本主义经济
private character of ownership所有制的私人性
private commerce私人商业
private company私有公司
private company不公开公司
private company不公开招股公司
private company民营公司
private compensation agreement私人抵偿协定
private consumption个人消费
private credit私人使用
private debtor私人债务人
private disbursement私人支出
private domain有版权状态
private domain私有财产
private domain国家自有财产
private economy私有经济
private edition私人投资工程合同条款
private employment私人雇佣
private enterprise annuity私人企业职工年金
private enterprise economy私人企业经济
private exchange专用电话交换机
private expenses私人开支
private expenses自费
private final consumption expenditure私人最终消费费用
private financing私人筹资
private financing私人借贷
private foundation私人基金会
private gross domestic investment私人国内总投资
private hedonism私人享乐主义
private individual私人
private insurance民营保险
private insurance company私人保险公司
private interest私人利益
private labour and social labour私人劳动和社会劳动
private land ownership土地私有制
private law私法处理私人关系、财产等
private ledger内账
private letter普通信函
private letter私信
Private Limited印度、罗得西亚、新加坡私营有限责任公司 (Pte. Ltd.)
private limited liability corporation私营有限责任公司
private lot自由地
private means私人财产
private monopoly独人专利
private net product国民生产净值
private office私人雇用
private ownership私有制
private ownership私人所有权
private ownership of the means of production生产资料私人占有制
private partnership私人合伙公司
private payments私人支付
private placing股票的配售
private plot自留地
private power industries私营电力企业
private property私有制
private railway under public management私有公营铁路
private rate of discount私人票据贴现率
private remittances and other transfer私人汇款及其他转让
private remittances and other transfers私人汇款及其他转让
private ruling用于特定纳税人的税务裁决
private savings deposits held by institutions机构拥有的私人储蓄存款
private seal私人印鉴
private sector非政府工商企业
private sector私人部分
private-sector financing私营部门融资
private sector of economy私人经济
private sector of economy私有部门经济
private sector of economy经济的私人部分
private sector of economy私营经济部门
private sector of economy经济的私营部门
private share in a joint state-private enterprise公私合营企业中的私股
private shares私股
private short-term capital movement私人资本短期流动
private sources supplying investment capital提供投资的私人资本
private tieline service用户电报
private tieline service专线收发电报
private trade私营贸易
private transfer私人汇款
private treaty私人协定
private trust-fund私人信托款 (基金)
private warehouse私营仓库
private wrongs个人权利的侵犯
public and private capital公私资本
public and private sources公私来往
public and private sources公私资金来源
public policy on private monopoly私人独占企业公有政策
public-private joint operation公私合营
public-private partnership公共私人伙伴关系
public-private partnership公私伙伴关系
publicly guaranteed private-debt政府担保的私人债务
publicly provided private goods and services由政府提供的私人货物和劳务
quasi-private revenue准私有经济收入
rate of interest on loans from private per private persons从私人得到贷款的利率
right to inherit private property私有财产继承权
sale by private treaty按私人协定出售
seek private interests at the expenses of public interests损公肥私
small peasant private ownership of the means of production小农私有生产资料所有制
state _private enterprise公私合营企业
sustain private property确保私有财产
system of private property私有财产制度
The contract and everything connected with it are regarded as private and confidential该合同及其有关事项都被看作是非公开的和机密的
the non-guaranteed private credit无担保私人信贷
The private-owned firm has been in operation for 8 years该私营公司已经经营8年了
the private ruling适用于特定纳税人的税务裁决
The project of the bridge is completely funded by private enterprises大桥工程完全由私人企业资助
The sale of the merchandise can be made either at public sale or at private sale此商品既可公开销售,也可以不公开销售
We must keep this credit information strictly private我们必须对此信用调查报告严格保密
work in private domain有版权的作品