
Terms for subject Securities containing Post | all forms | exact matches only
active post交投活跃的专柜
ex post历史变量对以前证券有影响的变量,这些变量仅用于历史分析
ex post追溯既往的
ex post Alpha事后阿尔法投资结束后,计算出的资产组合的阿尔法值
ex post Beta事后贝塔投资结束后,计算出的资产组合贝塔值
ex post conditionality事后条件性
ex post facto有追溯效力的
ex post realized profit事后实得利润
ex post savings事后储蓄
ex post standard deviation事后标准差
ex post transaction后事交易
full ex-post settling up完全事后清偿
hold concurrent posts兼职
inactive post不活跃证券交易区纽约股票交易所
inactive post冷门股票交易柜
leverage post-merger兼并后的杠杆
lucrative post收益可观的职位
post 3030交易区纽约证券交易所内一个特殊的交易区,专门交易不活跃股票和少于100股的零散股
post acquisition expenditures收购后费用
post acquisition integration收购后的整合
post acquisition litigation收购后诉讼
post-acquisition operation收购后的经营
post-authorization requirement授权后的要求
post-authorization requirement授权后需继续遵守的规定
post buy-out equity value收购后股权价值
post closing entry结账后记录
post-closing matter收盘后事宜
post-closing matter结账后事宜
post closing obligation结账后负债
post-date instrument远期票据
post dated事后日期的
post dated倒填日期的
post dated cheque远期支票
post-dosing due diligence收市后尽职调查
post-due bill过期票据
post-execution reporting交易执行后报告
post execution reporting后执行报告系统
post export financing出口后融资
post-IPO disclosure/management首次公开发行后的信息披露/管理
post issue fundraising上市后集资
post-listing acquisition上市后的收购交易
post-market trading收市后的交易 (常规的交易市场收市后进行的交易)
post-merger financial leverage兼并后财务杠杆
post-merger sale of securities并购后证券出售
post money私募收到钱之后
post money投资后
post-money valuation投资后对企业的估值
post-offer defense measure事后反收购措施
post-purchase evaluation购买后评估
post stabilization disclosure稳定价格行动后的披露
post-takeover dilution接管后摊薄
post-takeover dilution收购后稀释
post-tax operating profits税后经营利润
post-trade benchmarks交易后基准
pre-planning of post-acquisition integration预先制定的收购后整合计划
trading post交易区
trading post交易专柜
trading post交易台
typical terms of post buyout典型收购后条款
undistributed post-acquisition reserve未分配的收购后储备
wrong post记错账