
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing Pilot | all forms | exact matches only
electric pilot电测仪
pilot area前导地
pilot bit试验性钻头
pilot bit超前钻头
pilot bore导洞
pilot bore试验孔
pilot channel引水渠道
pilot development前导性开发
pilot development试验性开发
pilot drift掌子面
pilot flooding试验性注水
pilot guide bit导向钻头
pilot heading超前掘进工作面
pilot hole超前钻孔
pilot hole前导钻孔
pilot method导洞法
pilot method of excavation导洞开挖法
pilot pile导桩
pilot pile排障桩
pilot plant试验装置〔工厂〕
pilot reamer导向扩孔器
pilot recharge station补给试验站
pilot shaft导向竖井
pilot shaft导井
pilot shoulder reamer阶梯式导向扩孔器
pilot study试验性研究
pilot tunnel导坑
pilot tunnel导洞
pilot type bit导向式钻头
pilot well试验井
side-pilot method侧壁导坑法
top and bottom pilot tunneling method上下导洞法
top and bottom pilot tunneling method toe filter土坝坝趾处的滤层