
Terms for subject Automobiles containing ON/OFF | all forms | in specified order only
brake on/off制动器通/断开关
brake on/off switch制动通断开关
car roll-on/roll-off semi-trailer train乘用车滚装半挂式列车
car roll-on/roll-off vessel乘用车滚装船
clutch on-off离合器接合 -分离
cruise control on/off switch巡航开关
cruise/control on/off switch巡航/控制开关
key on engine off但发动机不运转
key on engine off但发动机不运转此术语常用于发动机诊断的静态测试上
key on engine off钥匙在"ON"接通位置
knock-off/on nut敲击拆装式螺母
off-on servo继电器随动系统伺服机构
on-and-off road高通过性的
on-and-off road车辆公路与越野两用
on-and-off road car高通过性轿车
on-and-off road car公路与越野两用汽车
on-and-off road tire混合花纹轮胎
on-off action开关通断作用
on-off control通-断控制
on-off cycle"接通-断开"开闭,"工作-停止"循环
on/off road非越野/越野
on/off road pattern轮胎混合花纹
on-off solenoids开关电磁阀
on-off switch通断双位开关
on-off valve通-断两位阀
power on/off电源接通/断开
radio on-off control无线电收放机开关
radio on-off switch无线电收放机开关
roll-on/roll-off semi-trailer train乘用车滚装半挂式列车
roll-on-roll-off ship直接驶入的运车船
roll-on-roll-off ship车辆渡轮
speed control on/off巡航定速开/关
stability of steer-off motion on a straight ahead driving转向系统撒手稳定性
start off on a trip汽车出发
start off on a trip程开始
switch-on/switch-off ABS通断式防抱死制动系统
switch-on/switch-off all-wheel drive传动系统短时全轮驱动
switch-on/switch-off catalytic converter通断式催化转化器
switch-on/switch-off four-wheel drive短时四轮驱动
test of stability of steer off motion on a straight ahead driving直线行驶撒手稳定性试验见 GB/T 12549-90 中 9.1.9