
Terms containing No Control | all forms | in specified order only
spacego-no-go control通断控制
textile, jap.Harmful Substance-Containing Household Products Control Law No. 112家用织物含有害物质控制法令第112号
comp., MSNo Control不控制 (A quantity selling option that specifies that a product can be sold only in existing units in the product catalog. A salesperson cannot create new units for sale)
el.no load operation control空负荷运行控制
el.no logical link control无逻辑链路控制
tech.no pollution control无污染控制
busin.no-leak control无泄漏管理
busin.no-leak control in chemical enterprise化工企业无泄漏管理
tech.no-load control无负荷控制
tech.no-load control空载控制
tech.no-man control无人控制
agric.no-man control无人操纵
gen.no-man control无人控制〔操纵〕
met.Sumitomo no-tension control住友无张力控制
met.tundish with no flow control device无流动控制装置的中间包