
Terms for subject Environment containing Nature | all forms | exact matches only
European nature reserve No definition needed欧洲自然保护区 (无需定义。)
feeling for nature A consciousness, sensibility or sympathetic perception of the physical world and its scenery in their uncultivated state感受自然 (对未开垦物质世界及其景色的一种感知、感受或赞同的意识。)
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources国际自然与天然资源保护联合会
intervention in nature and landscape Stepping in or participating in problem solving efforts for troublesome or perplexing situations involving the natural world or scenery自然景观干预 (致力于或参与涉及天然区域或景观的麻烦或困扰问题的解决。)
Joint Nature Conservation Committee自然资源保护联合委员会
man-nature relationship人与自然的关系
nature conservation Active management of the earth's natural resources and environment to ensure their quality is maintained and that they are wisely used自然保护 (地球的自然资源和环境的积极管理以保证他们的质量被维持与被明智使用。)
nature conservation legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to protect, preserve or renew an area's natural habitats or ecosystem自然保护法 (政府规定的规章约束或者法律法规以保护、维护或者恢复一个地区的自然栖息地或者生态系统。)
nature conservation organisation自然保护组织
nature conservation policy自然保护政策
nature conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect elements of the natural world such as mountains, trees, animals or rivers自然保护规划 (活动和程序的组织团体,经常由政府机构或者一个非赢利的组织运作,以维护并且保护自然界的要素(例如山、树木、动物或者河流)。)
nature protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the elements of the material world that exist independently of human activity自然预防 (担负防止或者降低危害独立于人类活动而存在的物质世界元素的谨慎行动、程序或者装置。)
nature reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national park, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction, particularly in India, Indonesia and some African countries. Natural reserves were used once to preserve the animals that landowners hunted, but, in the 19th century, they became places where animals were kept to prevent them from dying out. Special refuges and sanctuaries are also often designated to protect certain species or groups of wild animals or plants, especially if their numbers and distribution have been significantly reduced. They also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter. Many parts of the world also have marine and aquatic reserves to protect different species of sea or freshwater plant and animal life自然保护区 (被分配的用于维护并且保护某种动植物的地区。它们不同于国家公园,国家公园基本上是公共娱乐的一个地方,而自然保护区是专门提供的物种保护地。濒危物种正越来越被放在自然保护区以防止其灭绝,特别是在印度、印度尼西亚和一些非洲国家。自然保护区曾经被用来防止土地所有人狩猎,但是,在19世纪,变成防止动物消失的地方。特别避难处和庇护所也经常被指定来保护某些物种或者野生动植物群,特别是如果它们的数量和分布已经明显减少时。它们也成为更多的物种休养、繁殖或过冬场所。世界上许多地方也有海洋和水生物保护区来保护不同的海洋或淡水动植物物种。)
Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature挪威自然保护学会
public institution of administrative nature Public institution for the management of administrative issues自然管理界的公共制度 (管理管理问题的公共制度。)
public institution of industrial and commercial nature Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issues工业和商业制度的公共制度 (管理工业和商业问题的公共制度。)
return to nature回归自然
rights of nature A rule or body of rules that derives from nature and is believed to be binding upon human society, as opposed to human-made laws such as legislative acts and judicial decisions自然权利 (对人类社会有影响的自然规律,与人为规定的法律(如法案、判决)不同。)