
Terms for subject Electronics containing Movement | all forms | exact matches only
airfield surface movement indicator机场地面移动指示器
angular movement sensor角位移传感器
centre of rotating movement旋转运动中心
control rod movement控制棒动作
control rod movement控制棒移动【核】
differential movement差动行程
full range of movement最大活动范围
ground movement control地面调动控制
ground movement control地面活动控制
ground movement radar地面调度雷达
information movement and management信息移动与管理
movement identification动作识别
reactor coolant system movement due to thermal expansion由于热膨胀产生的反应堆冷却剂系统位移
sequence switching mechanism for control of rod movement控制棒动作程序开关机构【核】
surface movement radar地面动程雷达
surface movement radar地面运动雷达
terminal movement area终端站移动区