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As a far more potent GHG than CO₂ with a GWP of 21, the prediction of even modest quantities of CH₄ could significantly increase the overall predicted GHG emissions and even exceed that of CO₂甲烷的 GWP 值比CO₂ 高出21、是一种更具危害的温室气体、即便是少量的甲烷也会大大增加已预估的温室气体的排放总量、其危害性甚至超过二氧化碳
Climate scientists predict dire consequences including extensive melting of ice sheets, changed regional weather patterns causing more intense heat waves, droughts and floods, the spread of tropical diseases and eventual rises in sea level气候学家预测、包括冰层大规模融化在内的可怕后果、改变了区域性气候类型、正在引发更为强劲的热浪、旱涝、热带疾病的蔓延以及海平面的最终上升
Further, the extremely small particle size of the oxidized droplets results in much more intimate oxidized/Juel contact than exists in any other two-component explosive再说、这种氧化剂微珠的粒度极小、致使氧化剂与燃料的接触比其他任何双组分炸药的接触更为紧密
Investigations of flyrock accidents have revealed one or more of the following contributing factors: I discontinuity in the geology and rock structure,II improper blast hole layout and loading, III insufficient burden, IV very high explosive concentration, and V inadequate stemming调查结果表明、飞石事故是由以下一个以上的因素促成的: 地质及岩石结构的非连续性、炮孔布置和装药量不适当、抵抗线不足、炸药能量高度集中、填塞不足
More and more people concerning themselves with environmental problems越来越多的人关心自身的环境问题
More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程
multicollinearity refers to a high degree of linear correlation between two or more independent variables多重共线性指的是两个或两个以上自变量之间的高度线性相关性
Recent research has provided more accurate meteorological data that may be used for the prediction and assessment of environmental effects such as noise, dust control, and gaseous emission as well as airblast overpressure近来的研究提供了更为准确的气象数据、可以用来预测和评价诸如噪声、飞尘抑制、气体排放以及冲击波超压等对环境的影响
Religious persons feel that contribution, more or less,to orphans is a generous act and a duty as well信教人士觉得为孤儿捐钱、或多或少、是慷慨大方的行为、同时也是一种乐趣
The more one applies, the more one learns功夫成就学业
The Norwegian cut can provide more dependable advance per round than the plough cut。挪威掏槽与楔形掏槽相比、可以提供更可靠的每次爆破的进度
These encouraging blasting results have come about through cooperation between explosives suppliers, mining groups, research organizations and government departments over more than twenty years这些令人振奋的爆破业绩是通过炸药供应商、矿业集团、研究组织和政府部门之间的合作取得的
Though these non-nitroglycerine boosters are more resistant to accidental detonation from impact,shock or friction than dynamite, they must be handled in the same manner as other explosives非硝化甘油助爆药虽说比硝化甘油炸药更具抗冲击、震动或摩擦引起的偶然爆炸性、但仍需要按其他炸药的安全方式来对待
While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、会导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大