
Terms for subject Technology containing More | all forms | exact matches only
absorb more labor power容纳更多的力
absorb more labour power容纳更多的力
be much more likely to suffer injury易遭受危害
bring more land under cultivation扩大耕地面积
carload freight unloaded at two or more stations整车分卸
container transport by loading more than one consignments of goods in one container拼箱运输
container transport by loading more than one consignments of goods in one container一箱多批运输
create a more highly skilled workforce提高劳动者素质
distance between the extremes of any of two more consecutive axles最远轴距【机】
enclosing the sharp bend and opening a more straight channel封弯走直
flood with a recurrence interval of more than one hundred years百年不遇洪水
function generator of more variables多变量函数发生器
general call to two or more specific stations选台呼叫
general call to two or more specifical stations选台呼叫
give more helm加多舵角
give more rein to market forces扩大市场作用
give more screw松动调整螺钉
goods straddled on two or more wagons跨装货物
make its goods more competitive增强产品的竞争能力
more active element易带出的元素
more-centered arch多心圆拱
more-centered arch多中心拱
more cold water很冷的水
more complete较完整
more confidential机密
more developed country较发达国家
more efficient fixed assets高效能的固定资产
more favorable signal较大允许信号
more furrow irrigation进一步沟灌
more gentle descending gradient较缓下坡【铁】
more land更多耕地
more light black淡黑
more light gray淡灰
more loss less gain得不偿失
more loss than gain得不偿失
more or less
more or less左右
more or less clause超过或不足条款
more or less open半公开的
more or less shipowner's option船东有增减选择权
more or less terms数量增减范围条款
more-out-than-in method出多入少法
more population密生苗
more replenishing soil moisture reserves提高补给土壤的储水量
more restrictive signal较大限制信号
more sanitary water相当卫生的水
more seedlings密株
more than they can afford超过支付能力
more volatile component轻组分
more volatile component易挥发成分
once more再次
or more clause或更多条款
pay a more effective role起到更有效的作用
to produce more food生产更多的粮食
uniformly more powerful test一致较大功效检验
wagon-load goods unloaded at two or more stations整车分卸
water with more precipitate沉淀物较多的水
weigh more than one thousand pounds体重超过一千磅
With the extensive use of plastics, injection moulds are used more and more widely随着塑料制品大量使用,注塑模的应用越来越广泛