
Terms for subject Sports containing More | all forms | exact matches only
be more than a match for胜〔强〕 过
Dynamic strength is used more in athletics动力性力量多用于体育运动中
If the wind velocity measured in the direction of running jumping behind the competitor averages more than 2 metres per second, the record will not be accepted如果在跑进方向跳跃方向上测量的顺风平均风速超过 2 米/秒、则所创纪录不予承认 (注释:从后面吹来的风通常用 the following wind,规则条文用 the wind behind the competitor,意即顺风)
If two or more competitors are tied, the winner is the one with the fewest misses during competition如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同、则在比赛中失败次数最少者获胜
More middle-and long-distance runners prefer to follow the leaders and conserve their strength更多的中长跑运动员喜欢紧跟领跑人后面以保存实力
more or less equal in strength不相上下
one minute more还有1分钟
one minute more最后1分钟
One minute more!比赛用语最后一分钟!
Shot putting depends more on explosive force than any other activity推铅球比其他任何活动更多地依靠爆发力
Sports equipment designed to make American football safer encouraged more reckless moves and ended up making the sport more dangerous than unpadded, unhelmeted rugby美式橄榄球的护具本是保护球员的,现在反而鼓励球员更不顾后果横冲直撞,从而导致美式橄榄球比不用护垫与头盔的英式橄榄球更危险
Still, some Chinese brands offered more optimistic outlooks尽管如此,一些中国运动品牌仍然对前景持有乐观的预期
The well-trained runner acquires second wind more readily than the untrained runner does训练有素的赛跑运动员获得"第二次呼吸"比未受过训练的运动员容易
They found that the slenderized subjects, in addition to having fewer high-fat foods in the house, also had fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment他们发现,减肥成功者除了较少食用高脂肪含量的食物外,家中电视机之类的设备也较少,并且拥有不少健身器材
We are seeing fashion brands getting more and more involved in sports like the Olympics, Wimbledon or the U. S. Open现在已经有很多时装品牌打入了诸如奥运会、温布尔登网球公开赛和美国公开赛等体育赛事