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A tooth after root canal treatment is more likely to fracture经过根管治疗的牙齿发生折裂的可能性比较大
At least two more visits are necessary两次以上的复诊是必需的
Can you tell me more about it?能描述一下您的症状吗?
Did it hurt more at night?夜间疼痛会加重吗?
Do you feel pain any more?还痛吗?
Even if we keep it in your mouth, the tooth won't work properly any more即使我们保留这颗牙齿,它也没什么功能了
I ground some points, do you feel pain any more?我磨掉了一些高点,还感觉痛吗?
The implant has more similar biting functions to natural teeth than removable dentures与活动义齿相比,种植牙与天然牙有更相似的功能
There are two more patients before you在您前面还有两个病人
To make a fixed bridge, we have to prepare more teeth tissue to leave more space, compared with making a removable denture与可摘义齿相比,固定桥的基牙需要被磨除更多的牙体组织以为修复体留出间隙
We are going to adjust the denture a few more times to fit your mouth义齿需要调改几次才能适合您的口腔
Which is more convenient for you, morning or afternoon?上午,还是下午对您更方便?