
Terms for subject General containing More | all forms | exact matches only
A chunk of cubic zirconia is heavier than a diamond of the same size, but not as hard Moreover, cubic zirconia produces more flashes of color than a diamond一块立方氧化锆比相同大小的钻石更重,但不如钻石硬。此外,立方氧化钴比钻石发出更多光芒
a few more再多几个
a little more再…一皆
a more convenient method of using the transistor is with the input fed into the base使用晶体管一个更方便的方法是将输人加在基极上
a more extensive account of详细叙述
a more extensive account of关于…的更详细的说明
a ship will float with more of it under the surface in fresh water than in sea water在淡水里船只没人水下的部分比在海水里要大
a yet more complicated problem更为复杂的一个问题
a yet more difficult task更困难的工作
all the more更加
all the more格外
all the more越发
all the more反而更加
all the more
all the more so更加如此
an explosion is nothing more than a tremendously rapid burning爆炸无非是非常急速的燃烧
And I believe this teardrop necklace would make you more attractive. You should put it on我觉得这条泪滴状的项链会让你更有魅力。你应该戴上它
and no more不过…罢了
and no more只此而已
and now something more happens于是这时又出现了一种现象
any more
any more再也
any more与否定词连用 已不
any more已不
any more
any more疑问
are there any more bolts left此外还剩得有螺栓吗
As one of the natural fibers, jute is grabbing more and more attention for its unique advantages黄麻作为天然纤维的一种,因其独特的优势越来越受到关注
be lined with more piping再衬一层套管
be more更有
be three times more thanM 比M多两倍
be three times more thanM 是M的三倍
bid of more than seven超过七副的叫牌
bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂
But today, Jiaozi is considered more as a sign of blessing than of fortune但是,现在饺子更多代表了一种祝福,而不是求财
by and by more逐渐增多
College of Saint Thomas More圣汤姆斯摩尔学院
cost a precious sight more thanM 价格比 M 要高得多
even more更加
even more
ever more precise instruments愈来愈精密的仪器
far more多〔少〕得多
For more than 150 years, Boucheron has held an esteemed place in the world of haute joaillerie宝诗龙在世界奢华珠宝界享誉150多年
gauge that must not err by more than 0.01mm误差不超过 0,01 毫米的量规
hardly more than不过是
hardly more than仅仅
he needs three more credits to graduate他需要再修三个学分才能毕业
His plays have endured for more than two centuries他的戏剧历经两个多世纪而不衰
hold two or more
Hosts often sit at the end of table. The nearer to the hosts, the more important the guests are一般情况下,主人坐在桌子的一头,客人离主人坐得越近,说明其身份越重要
how many more bolts do you want你还需要多少螺栓
I have five, I should like as many more我有五个,我再要这么些〔五个〕
I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home我只是觉得把剩菜打包带回家会更好
I want one more bolt我还需要一〔五〕个螺栓
I want one more five more bolts我还需要一〔五〕个螺栓
I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two more days我想知道是否可以让我在这多住两天
I'd like to extend my reservation for one more night我想将预订再延长一晚
I'd like to extend my reservation for two more nights to 8th, March我想延期两晚到3月8号
If I buy more than one, will you reduce the price?要是我多买一点能便宜点吗?
If you need more room or comfort, I recommend the full-size car如果你想要空间更大或更舒服的车,我推荐大型轿车
in a somewhat more quantitative manner数量稍多一些地
in more detail更〔相当〕详细地
In some instances, the application is denied for more serious reasons. An applicant's current or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa在一些情况下,申请者会因为一些更严重的问题被拒签。申请者过去或者目前的行为,例如吸毒,或者其他犯罪活动都可能成为其被拒原因
iron is much more brittle than lead铁比铅脆得多
It feels like there are more cars on the road every single day好像每天街上的车都越来越多
it is more necessary than ever for us to work hard我们比以往更需努力工作
let us take a more detailed look at these examples让我们来更详细地看看这些例子
little more than几乎不多于
little more than只是
little more than几乎等于
little more than与…几乎没有差别
little more than比…只多一点
little more than仅仅
little more than只不过是
little more than只不过是…多一点儿
more and more越来越
more and more越来越
more and more逐渐
more and more益发
more and more
more apparent than real表面上的而非实际的
more by token越发
more by token更加
more generally更一般地说
more important更重要的
more is meant than meets the ear话里有话
more like差不多
more like毋宁说
more like比较更接近
more like大约
more likely M than比起 N 更可能是 M (N)
more often than not大半
more often than not时常
more often than not常常
more often than not多半
more often than not大半
more often than not通常
more often than not大概
more often than not往往
more or less大约
more or less在不同程度上
more or less大体上
more or less有点儿
more or less多少
more or less近乎
more or less程度不同
more or less或多或少
more or less或多或少
more precisely插人语更确切地说
more right较好
more right较正确
more sail than ballast重外表而不重实质
more serious插人语更为严重的是
more simply说得再简单些
more simply插人语更简单点说
more specifically插人语更准确地说
more specifically更具体地说
more than以上
more than不仅
more than不只是
more than多〔大,甚〕过
more M than比N更M (N)
more M than与其说是N不如说是M (N)
more than大于
more than比…更
more than…以上
more than多于
more M than更大的可能性是M而不是 N (N)
more than不止
more than all就中
more than all尤其
more than enough十二分
more than enough很多的
more than enough绰绰有余
more than enough过分的
more than enough to来说绰绰有余 (+ inf.)
more than ever更多的
more than ever越发
more than ever更加
more than once好几次
more than once不止一次
more than ordinarily异乎寻常地
more than probable很可能
more than sufficient绰绰有余
more warhead多弹头
much more何况
much more更何况
much more得多
much more更加
much more likely想必
much more likely更可能
much more likely极可能
My driver's license, some credit cards, and more than $200 in cash are all lost我的驾照、信用卡和两百多美元现金,都丢了
neither more nor less thanM 和M完全一样
neither more nor less than正好
neither more nor less than正是
neither more nor less than简直
neither more nor less than不多不少
Never eat too quickly. Take your time. The slower you eat, the more polite you seem进食的时候不要吃得太快。慢慢吃,要细嚼慢咽。进食的速度越慢,就显得越有教养
never more以后不再
never more决不再
no more都不
no more也不
no more死了
no more不再
no more than不过是
no more than不多于
no more M than同 N —样都不M (N)
no more M than不比 N 更 M (N)
no more than只是
no more than
no more than仅仅
none the more仍然
none the more不因此而更
none the more依旧
not... any more再也不
not... any more不再
not... any more thanM 并不比M 多些
not any more than不过
not M any more than正像N—样也不M (N)
not any more than仅仅只
not... any more thanM 正像M 一样也不
not more than不比…更
not more than没有到…的程度
not the more仍然
not the more不因此而更
not the more依旧
nothing more到此结束电报用语
nothing more or less than正是
nothing more or less than正好
nothing more or less than不多不少
nothing more M than N点也不比 N 更 M
nothing more than简直是
nothing more than无非是
nothing more than正是
nothing more than只不过是
On a more optimistic note, movies such as Brokeback Mountain have helped society view homosexuality in a more positive manner从更乐观的方面讲,像《断背山》这样的电影帮助社会从更加积极的角度看待同性恋
on more scores than one为了种种理由
once more又重新再来一遍
once more再一次
once more再度
One more thing, could you tell me how to guarantee my reservation?还有一件事,你能告诉我怎样才能确保我的预订吗?
Only 2 euros more, you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes只要多加2欧元,就能把中等的可乐和薯条换成大的。而且今天所有的套餐都有免费的玩具赠送
Pale color bed sheets are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers浅色床单比黄褐色、红棕色这些秋季色彩的床单更流行
Putting callers on hold for more than thirty seconds is bad for customer relations把呼叫者晾在一边超过三十秒钟就会影响客户关系
rather more than比…多一些
sand weighs more when wet沙子在湿的时候称起来较重
some more再…一点〔一些〕
some more再…一点儿
something more加之
something more
something more此外
somewhat more specifically插人语更明确一些地说
Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended. For more information, please dial "1860"对不起!您的电话已停机。详情请垂询“1860”
St. Thomas More College圣汤姆斯摩尔学校
still more况且
still more进一步来说
still more表示肯定更多 (加)
still more多,加
Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,这样就够我们用一年的了。 (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
4.5T or more 4.5吨或更多一点
ten or more十个或十个以上比较:ten and more 十几个
That's the way it is, so they become more and more impatient就是这么回事,所以他们越来越不耐烦
The British Museum specializes more in antiques and archaeology大英博物馆更侧重于文物和考古
The date palm is without a doubt the plant which characterizes Egyptian agriculture more than anything else最具埃及农业特色的无疑是枣椰树
the effect of the absorption is greater the more remote from the noise吸音效果就越大
the effect of the absorption is greater the more remote from the noise离噪声越远
the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging当功率因数在滞后1 ~0,5变化时
the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%
the error of a wattmeter at half full-scale shall not vary by more than 0. 25% of full scale for Precision instruments when the power factor is varied between unity and 0. 5 lagging当功率因数在滞后1 ~0,5变化时,功率计在满标度的二分之一处的误差变化不应大于满标度的0,25%
The Hollywood Walk of Fame is embedded with more than 2, 000 five-pointed stars featuring the names of not only human celebrities but also fictional characters honored by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for their contributions to the entertainment industry好莱坞星光大道上点缀着超过2 000个五角星,它们不仅代表着那些著名影人,同时也是好莱坞商会对众多做出贡献的电影人表示的感谢
The kettle on the fire is nearly dry. Put some more water in it火上的壶要烧干了,再往里面倒些水
the more越 M 就越 N (N)
the moreM M 越多N也就越多
the more
the moreM 越 M 就越 N
the moreM 越多N也就越多 (N)
the more越发
The more risk factors you have, the higher your fracture risks这些危险因素,你占得越多,就越有可能骨折
the more so尤其如此
the more the better越多越好
The more weight a woman gains after age 25, the lower her risk of fracture如果一个女性在25岁以后体重增加,就减少了骨折的风险
The researchers noted that overweight people tend to live as long as the thin, but with far more chronic diseases that are costly to treat研究人员注意到,超重人的生存时间和瘦人的一样长,但是却患有多种慢性疾病,这些疾病要花费高昂的治疗费用
the rules must be few, and, what is more important, simple规则不要多,而且更为重要的是,要简单
The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts托马斯莫尔自由艺术学院
The traffic problem is that more and more people in this city can now afford to buy a car交通问题的部分原因在于,这个城市里能买得起私家车的人越来越多
The White House has more than 130 rooms白宫有130多间房间
The wing buttons make him more dynamic翅状的纽扣使他更有活力。三、鞋帽
there are a few more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
there are many more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
There are more anti-aging skin care products on the market today than ever before今天市场上的抗衰老护肤品比以往任何时候都多
there are no more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
there are some more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
there is a little more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
there is more behind背后〔其中〕还有文章
there is much more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
there is no more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
there is some more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
Thomas More College托马斯莫尔学院
Today, Chow Tai Seng has grown to a company with 35 branches and over 600 jewelry chain stores in more than 200 cities in the country如今,周大生公司拥有三十五个分公司,600多家珠宝连锁店遍布在全国200多个城市
Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控
Validity date of passport is more than six months from date of travel有效护照必须超出预定旅游时间至少六个月
we consider it necessary that we should repeat the test once more我们认为有必要把这试验再重复一次
We have a great many of Danish pastries. Can you give me more details?我们有很多丹麦面包。您能说得具体些么?
we know most elements to have two or more isotopes我们知道大多数元素都有两种或两种以上的同位素
we must work much much more carefully我们必须更加努力〔更加仔细〕工作
Wearing Nike shoes makes young people feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality穿上耐克鞋使年轻人感觉更有运动活力,不管他们实际上年龄有多大或多么不爱运动
what is more加之
what is more更有甚者
what is more更为重要〔严重〕的是
what is more插人语更有甚者
what is more此外
what is more并且
what is more而且
what's more而且
what's more再说
Will you speak more slowly?请你说慢一点好吗?
without more ado干脆
without more ado立即
without more bones立刻
without more bones不再费力
Yes, some more shampoo and conditioner再拿一些洗发精和护发素吧
You can go back for more你可以回来多取些
You can provide complimentary breakfast so as to attract more guests贵酒店可以提供免费早餐以此来吸引更多的顾客
Your skis will float if you have softer-flexing alpine ski-boots because you will be able to keep balance and there will be more room for your ankles软一些的滑雪靴更有利于滑雪板浮在雪上,因为在软鞋里更能保持平衡,而且脚踝活动空间更大