
Terms for subject Sports containing Middle | all forms | exact matches only
In middle and long distance races, runners break for the inner lane to reduce the distance they cover在中、长跑比赛中、运动员争先进人内圈以缩短跑程距离
In middle-distance races running strategy plays a major role在中距离赛跑时、赛跑策略起重要作用
middle and long distance races中长跑比赛
middle-and long-distance races中、长距离赛跑以上各种距离的英文表达方式,也可不用连字符号,但用连字符号的方式较为常见
middle-and long-distance races名词词组中长跑
middle-and long-distance runner中长跑运动员
middle back后背
middle cervical ganglion颈中神经节
middle deltoid中三角肌
middle-distance race中距离比赛
middle finger中指
middle gluteal muscle臀中肌
middle great muscle股四头肌内侧头
middle great muscle股内肌
middle hurdle, intermediate hurdles中栏
middle n.中部
middle n.中间
middle phalange中节指骨
middle phalanx中节指骨
middle type中间型
More middle-and long-distance runners prefer to follow the leaders and conserve their strength更多的中长跑运动员喜欢紧跟领跑人后面以保存实力
Running strategy plays a major role in middle and long distance races赛跑策略在中长跑中起重要作用
Some middle-and long-distance runners prefer to take the lead at the start一些中长跑运动员喜欢在起跑时带头
Some middle distance races begin with staggered start一些中距离赛跑项目采用梯形起跑
World Middle School Students Games世界中学生运动会