
Terms containing Marine Industry | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.Association of Marine Industry and Engineering海洋工业和工程协会
shipb.China Marine Industry Corporation中国水运工业公司
econ.industry of marine products水产业
tech.International Council of Marine Industry Association国际海洋工业协会理事会
navig.International Council of Marine Industry Associations国际海洋工业协会理事会
navig.International Marine Industry Forum国际海洋工业论坛
tech.marine associated industry与海洋有关的工业
ecol.marine environmental industry海洋环境产业
tech.marine industry海水工业
tech.marine industry航运业
interntl.trade.marine industry水产业
ecol.marine industry海洋产业
econ.marine product industry水产业
met.marine products industry水产业
tech.marine products industry水产工业
tech.marine supply industry海上供应业
shipb.Xi' an Marine Equipment Industry Company西安船舶设备工业公司