
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Manufactures | all forms
big bell manufacture大钟制作
commercial manufacture工业生产
commercial manufacture工业制造〔生产〕
commercial manufacture工业制造
copper manufacture铜制品
copper manufactures铜制品
expense for trial manufacture of new product新产品试制费
inspection during manufacture制造中检查
iron manufacture炼铁
iron manufacture生铁生产
large-lot manufacture大批生产
large-lot manufacture成批生产
large-lot manufacture大量生产
large-scale manufacture大规模生产
manufacture by powder metallurgy粉末冶金法生产
manufacture cost造价
manufacture of hard metals硬质合金制造
manufacture of hard metals硬质合金生产
manufacture of iron and steel by fusion钢铁熔炼
Metallurgical Equipment Manufacture Company冶金设备制造公司
pig iron manufacture生铁生产
small-lot manufacture小批量生产
stainless steel manufacture不锈钢生产
steel manufacture钢的生产
steel manufacture制钢包括加工
steel manufacture炼钢
tinplate manufacture镀锡薄钢板生产