
Terms for subject Economy containing Machinery | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery联合国方案和预算机构特设工作小组
agricultural machinery industry农业机械工业
All such machinery and materials as are enumerated above shall be included in plant equipment上面列举的各种机械和材料应包括在工厂设备里
average capacity of construction machinery施工机构的平均能力
breakdown of machinery机器故障 (险)
Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods资本货物包括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和原料
China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company中国农机进出口联营公司
China National Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Corporation中国机械设备进出口总公司
China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation中国精密机械进出口总公司
construction machinery on hand施工机械实有台数
depreciation of machinery机器折旧
dispute settlement machinery解决争端机构
farm machinery and equipment agency农业机械设备代理处
financial administration machinery and procedures财务行政机构和程序
integration machinery农业机械
investment in machinery and equipment机器设备投资
labour saving machinery industry节约人力的机械工业
labour saving machinery industry省工机械工业
Machinery and Allied Product Institute美国机械联合产品研究所研究设备更新的最小费用法
Machinery and Allied Products Institute机具产品协会
Machinery and Allied Products Institute formula MAPI公式 (即计算投资资本回收率的公式)
machinery and appliance机械及用具
machinery and electrical appliances机电产品
machinery and parts, N.O.R.未列名机器及其配件
machinery breakdown damage insurance机器损坏保险
machinery certificate机器合格证
machinery cooperatives机械合作社
machinery equipment机械设备
machinery for consultation咨询机器
machinery ledger or register机器总账或登记簿
Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方
Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留待你方处理
pneumatic machinery气〔风〕动机械
productiveness of machinery机器生产率
second-hand machinery旧机器
specialized machinery专门化机械
The company is one of the leading importers and wholesalers of electric and electronic machinery and equipment in Japan该公司是日本电气和电子器械的主要进口商和批发商之一
The corporation sold said machinery to gain circulating funds 5 years ago. Now it wanted to lease back the machinery五年前该公司将所述的机械出售获得周转资金,现在公司想回租这些机械
The government equip ped this plant with new machinery政府给这家工厂装备了新机器
The government sells surplus machinery abroad政府将剩余的机器售往国外
The output of the factory has increased by 15% since this machinery was installed自从安装了这种机器以来,工厂的产量增加了 15%
There was a machinery break down so that the progress of the production has decelerated机器发生故障,因此生产速度降低了
They sold us the machinery of the factory at the then depreciated book value of such machinery他们按照当时的折旧资产账面价值向我方出售了工厂机器
value of machinery机械设备价值
We are one of the leading importers and wholesalers of electronic machinery and equipment in Brazil我公司是巴西电子器械及设备的主要进口商和批发商
We sell various kinds of machinery in Singapore我们在新加坡销售各类机械
We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail我们将把一切设备,机械及各种备件迅速由铁路运输给买主