
Terms for subject Electronics containing Letter | all forms | exact matches only
clean letter of credit无跟单信用证[光票信用证] (clean L/C)
comfort letter意向书
computer-generated letter计算机生成字母
conclusion letters缔约信件
confirmed irrevocable letter of credit保兑而不可撤销的信用证
controlled letter contrast reduction可控符号对比度压缩
controlled multiple address letters受控多地址字母
Electron Device Letters电子器件快报杂志 (IEEE)
electronic letter sorting and indexing equipment电子信件分拣设备
extended three letter acronym扩展的三字母缩写
irrevocable letter of guarantee不能废止的保证书
irrevocable without recourse letter of credit不可撤销的无追索权信用证 (L/C)
key letter in context文内关键字母
key letter in context相关关键字母
letter-box form信箱方式
letter of acceptance授标通知书
letter of hypothecation抵押债权书
letter of inquiry评价函件
letter of intension意向书
letter of intent意向书 (ion)
letter of recommendation推荐书[信]
letter of transfer权力转移证书
letter quality高品位信函打印
letter quality凸版印刷质量
letter quality铅印质量
letter quality printer高品位信函打印机
letter shift字母换档
letter sorting machine信件分拣机
letter with notice of delivery到货收据
letter with notice of delivery回执
near letter quality准铅印打字质量
negotiable letter of credit可转让的信用证 (L/C)
nonconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit不保兑的不可撤销信用证
Physical Review Letters物理学评论快报
three letter acronym三字母缩写
time letter of credit迟期信用证 (L/C)
time letter of credit定期信用证 (L/C)
unconfirmed letter of credit未经确认的信用证