
Terms for subject Technology containing Left | all forms | exact matches only
angle to left左转角
arithmetic shift left算术左移
arithmetical shift left算术左移
bottom left-hand corner图幅左下角
by-pass left turn绕行左转
circle left盘左
circle left正镜【测】
cursor left光标左移
derivative on the left左〔右〕导数 (微商)
derivative on the left左导数
deviation to left偏左
die for left hand thread左螺纹扳牙
face left正镜【测 (position)
face left盘左 (position)
general left recurrence一般左递归
hug the left bank紧抱左岸航行
intentionally left blank空白页
intermediate axle left wheel brake tube中桥左轮制动管路
inverted left-to-right左右颠倒的
kelly left-handed joint方钻杆上接头
Lang's left hand lay左搓钢丝绳
latitude left起程纬度
left adjoint左伴随
left alignment左边对齐
left angle左角
left anterior左前
left anterior descending branch左前降支
left-averted photography左偏离摄影术
left bank左岸 (面向下游)
left bank左岸【地理】
left bank tributary左岸支流
left border左侧缘
left border左缘
left bracket左括号
left conveyor reverse cover左侧输送机回动盖
left corner bottom-up左角自底向上
left curly bracket左波形括号
left-cut tool左切刀
left-distributor cover左侧分配器盖
left driving靠左行驶
left driving左侧行驶
left end marker左端标记
left entry左侧记入
left exit turn驶出左转弯
left fold左褶皱
left front electrical equipment mounting左前方电气设备安装
left gable tile左山墙瓦
left half axle左半轴
left half axle housing左半轴壳
left-hand adder高位加法器
left-hand adder左移加法器
left-hand airscrew左旋螺旋桨
left-hand auger左向旋转螺旋
left-hand border左图廓
left-hand comer左转
left-hand component左侧制分量
left-hand continuity左方连续
left-hand control car左座驾驶车辆
left-hand control car左边驾驶汽车
left-hand control car左转向盘车辆
left-hand crankshaft左式曲轴
left-hand crossing左渡线
left-hand crusher左侧型破碎机
left-hand crusher左式破碎机
left-hand curve左向曲线
left-hand derivative左微商
left-hand derivative导数
left-hand derivative左导数
left-hand designation左向标志
left-hand digit高位数位
left-hand digit左边的数字
left-hand door左开门
left-hand drive左御 (车)
left-hand drive左座驾驶
left-hand drive car左转向盘车辆
left-hand end左端
left-hand engine左转发动机
left-hand facing tool左削平面车刀
left-hand fault左旋断层
left-hand fusee左向发条轮
left-hand helicity左螺旋
left-hand helix左向螺旋线
left-hand helix左侧螺旋线
left-hand hinge左向铰链
left-hand lang-lay同向左捻
left-hand lay左转扭绞
left-hand limit左旋极限
left-hand lock左手门锁
left-hand loom左手织机
left-hand lower derivate左方下导数
left-hand machine左侧操作机床
left-hand magneto左转磁电机
left-hand mark左侧标
left-hand member左边部分
left-hand movement左传动机芯
left-hand nut左旋螺纹螺母
left-hand opening左开关
left-hand opening valve左旋阀
left-hand ordinary lay交叉左捻
left-hand pedal左踏板
left-hand photograph左像片
left-hand polarization左向偏振
left-hand reverse door左手外开门
left-hand rotating fan左转风机
left-hand rotation reamer左切铰刀
left-hand round edge external corner左侧圆角阳角砖
left-hand running左侧行车
left-hand screw左螺旋
left-hand screw左旋螺钉
left-hand screw thread左旋螺纹
left-hand side左边
left-hand side左面
left-hand side back link左端回指连线
left-hand side outlet elbow左手测流肘管
left-hand side outlet tee左手测流三通
left-hand side tool左削侧刨刀
left-hand spin左螺旋
left-hand spiral bevel gear左旋螺旋伞齿轮
left-hand staggered junction左方错位式交叉口
left-hand stairway左扶手楼梯
left-hand steering左座转向
left-hand stone左侧进站
left-hand switch左向道岔
left-hand system左手系
left-hand table左侧型摇床
left-hand tap反扣公锥
left-hand taper左旋锥形特性
left-hand thread反螺纹
left-hand thread螺纹
left-hand thread tap左旋螺纹丝锥
left-hand three finger rule左手三指定则
left-hand tool反手刀具
left-hand tool左切刀
left-hand tool bit左削刀头
left-hand tool joint反扣钻杆
left-hand tools左削刀具
left-hand traffic左侧行车的交通
left-hand turn左向旋转
left-hand turn左转
left-hand turn左转弯
left-hand turn prohibited禁止左转 (弯)
left-hand turning左向转弯
left-hand turnout左侧道岔
left-hand turnout左开道岔
left-hand twist rail左扭钢轨
left-hand upper derivative左方上导数
left-hand winding左向绕组
left-hand wing rail左翼轨
left-hand zero左边零
left-handed coordinate system左旋坐标系
left-handed door左开门
left-handed engine左转发动机
left-handed form左形
left-handed helix左向螺旋线
left-handed machine反装
left-handed moment左转力矩
left-handed multiplication左乘法
left-handed nut左旋螺母
left-handed opening左开关
left-handed polarization左旋极化
left-handed polarization左旋偏振
left-handed polarized wave左旋极化波
left-handed propeller反时针转螺旋桨
left-handed propeller左旋螺旋桨
left-handed quartz左旋石英
left-handed reference frame左手参考系统
left-handed rope左搓绳
left-handed rotation逆时针旋转
left-handed rotation左旋
left-handed rule左旋定则
left-handed screw左旋螺杆
left-handed separation左行离距
left-handed separation左形移动
left-handed system左旋定则
left-handed system左手定则
left-handed thread倒牙
left-handed twist左旋螺旋线
left-handed twist左扭转
left-handed vessel左旋推进器船
left-handed watch左表
left-handed window左开窗
left-hand-thread rod左丝扣钻杆
left hemisphere左半球
left-in-place form work留在原处的模板
left justified左侧调整
left justified text左对齐文本
left justify左对位
left laid rope左搓绳
left lane多车道道路的左边车道
left-lateral fault左推断层
left-lateral motion向左侧运动
left-lateral position左侧位
left-lateral position左侧卧位
left-lateral strike-slip fault左行走向滑动断层
left lay左顺捻
left lay rope左捻钢
left limit左极限
left line左线
left linear form production左线性形式产生式
left longitude左经度
left-luggage office行李寄存处
left main exhaust port左侧排气主口
left margin左端
left margin左缘
left marginal bank左边岸
left marginal branch左缘支
left-most bit最左位
left-most cell最左单元
left-most derivation最左导出
left-most terminal set左端终止集
left-most tree最左树
left-normal-slip fault左行正向滑动断层
left-off movement左转驶出行驶
left pallet stone擒纵叉左叉瓦
left part左部
left part list左部表
left part of a rule规则左部
left rail左股钢轨
left rear wheel左后轮
left recursion左递归
left-recursion problem左循环问题
left recursive definition左递归定义
left recursive rule左递归规则
left recursive way左递归方式
left-reverse-slip fault左行逆向滑动断层
left-right deviation左右偏差
left-right guidance左右制导
left-right indicator零位指示器
left-right indicator左右方向
left-right needle左右方向指针
left-right needle左右向指针
left-right parse左到右分析
left-right staggered junction左右错位式交叉 (口)
left rudder左舵
left screw左侧螺旋桨
left screw左螺旋
left shift左移 (位)
left shift向左移 (位)
left-shift times of multiplier乘法器左移次数
left side反面
left side bank左岸 (面向下游)
left side of the figure图的左侧
left sideline of edge-cut挖槽左边线
left slip左滑
left slope angle左坡角
left square bracket左方括号
left stair左转楼梯
left staircase左转楼梯
left steering trapezoid connection左转向梯形臂
left substitutability左置换
left subtree in a binary tree二叉树中的左子树
left surface左侧面
left swing line左向旋转绳索
left tapered plate左转弯楔形衬砌环
left thumb rule左拇指定则用于测量仪器的调平
left tile左瓦
left-to-right parser左到右分析算法
left-to-right reading正像
left track左侧履带
left translation左平移
left turn左转变
left-turn ban禁止向左转
left-turn direct ramp直接左转弯匝道
left turn lane交叉门处的左转弯车道
left-turn lane左转专用车道
left-turn lane交叉口外的左转车道
left-turn leg左旋转支柱
left-turn leg左旋转撑脚
left-turn ramp左转弯匝道
left-turn ramp左转匝道
left-turn slot左转弯专用道
left-turn stand左转支座
left-turn stand左转站立
left turn switch左开道岔
left-turning traffic左转行车
left turnout左开道岔
left verge tile左边缘瓦
limit on the left左极限
linear left-to-right scan自左至右线扫描
link to the left对左边的连接
longitude left起程经度
no left turn禁止左转 (弯)
opposed left turn对向左转
opposed left turn equivalent对向左转当量
pan left镜头左转
pilot left ship引航员离船
quasi-regular left ideal拟正则左理想
raised left side反面拉绒
regular lay left lay钢丝绳左向交叉捻绕
reversed left to right左右翻转的
ribbon left guide色带左导向
ribbon left mechanism色带左向机械装置
rigging-and-left coupling左右偶联管
rigging-and-left-hand-screw clip左右向螺杆夹
rigging-and-left nut左右纹螺母
right and left左右
right-left bearing indicator左右方位指示器
right-left needle左右摆动式指针
right-left signal左右方向指导信号
right-left traverse of the arm机器人的臂部左右移动
right-and-left-hand chart左右手程序图
right-and-left nut牵紧螺母
right-and-left nut左右纹螺母
right-and-left nut连接螺母
right-and-left screw左右旋螺栓
right-and-left threaded左右螺纹的
right-to-left interchangeability左右方零件互换性
right-to-left parser右到左分析算法
right-to-left reading反像
safety joint with left-hand release左扣可卸式安全接头
separated left-turn lane分离式右转车道
shift left左移 (位)
sidewall left左端墙
stage left上首
stage left由观众厅看舞台的右方
stage left上座
stage left舞台左侧 (以演员面对观众时为准)
to be left off unfinished半途而废
train left behind booked time晚点发车
train left behind scheduled time晚点发车
turn left左转弯
walk on left sign行人靠街左走标志