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Terms for subject Economy containing Land Of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
analysis of synthetic benefits of land use engineering土地利用工程综合效益分析
appropriation of land占用土地
appropriation of land土地的占有
arrears of land rent拖欠地租
assessed value of land估定土地价值
Bureau of Land Management美国内务部土地管理局
capitalization of land rents地租资本化
capitalized value of land occupancy charge场地使用费作价
certificate of possession of land土地所有权证明
character of land土地的性质
communal form of land tenure土地占有制的公有形式
comprehensive management of marsh and water-logged land沼泽和水涝地的综合治理
co-ownership of land土地共同所有制
cost of land土地费用
debentures of land mortgage banks土地抵押银行债券
determination of rent on land地租的决定
different theory of land rent差别地租理论
differential theory of land rent差别地租理论
differentiated theory of land rent差别地租理论
division of land property地产分配
division of land property所有地分配
doctrine of land taxation田赋论
doctrine of land taxation田赋企
encumbering of land by a borrower土地抵押
equalization of land-ownership平均地权
fertility, labor of land地力,肥沃,丰产
free transmission of land土地自由转让
holding patterns of land土地占有形式
improvement of land土壤改良
land of uncertain ownership所有权不明的土地
law of diminishing returns of land土地收益递减法则
laws of the land土地法
laws of the land国法
loan for the purchasing of land购买土地贷款
marginal productivity of land土地的边际生产率
mobility of land土地流动性
nationalization of land土地国有
natural rent of land自然地租
ownership of land地权
physical supply of land土地自然供给
population supporting capacity of land土地的人口承载能力
public ownership of land土地占有
reclamation of desertified land沙漠化土地开垦
rent of land地租
rentability of land improvement schemes土地改良计划的可租性
selling price of land土地的售价
small holder of land小土地私有者
supply of land土地的供给
surcharge on each mu of land亩捐
tenure of land土地制度
the acquisition of land申请土地获得土地
the amelioration of land土地的改良
The certain parcel of land, including its present and future buildings, has been mortgaged in order to secure the bond为担保此债券,这块土地连同现有的和今后的地面建筑物已被抵押出去
the expropriation of land土地的征用
The factors of production are land, labour and capital生产的要素是土地、劳力和资本
The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同
the regularization of land tenure调整土地使用权
the rent of land地租
The right of encroachment is given on a certified land survey of the site侵占权注明在一份施工现场的土地调查证书上
the tenure of land土地制度