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Terms for subject Business containing Land Of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acquisition of land获得土地
allocation of land土地分配
annexation of land土地兼并
appropriation of land土地占有
capitalized value of land occupancy charge场地使用费资本化价值
certificate of possession of land土地所有权证
coefficient of land used土地利用率
coefficient of land used for building建筑占地系数
contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权入股
coownership of land土地共有制
cost of land utilization土地利用成本
covert resale of land变相倒卖土地
expropriation of land土地的征用
extensive use of land土地的充分利用
fruit of the land土地收益
intensity of land use土地利用强度
land factor of production生产中的土地因素
land of uncertain ownership产权不明的土地
land-based sources of pollution源于陆地的污染
law of diminishing returns of land土地权益递减律
pooling of land as shares土地入股
rent of land地粗
scarcity of land土地不足