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Terms containing Land Of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.a piece of land一块土地
gen.a plot of land 100 feet deep进深达 100 英尺的一块土地
tech.a pocket-handkerchief of land小块土地
tech.a stretch of high land from which water drains河水流走的一片高地
tech.a unit of land measurement土地面积的计算单位
tech.acquisition of building land购买建筑用地
tech.acquisition of building land获得建筑用地
tech.acquisition of building land征用建筑用地
busin.acquisition of land获得土地
tech.acquisition of land土地获得
tech.acquisition of land土地探测
tech.acquisition of land征用土地
earth.sc.acquisitive prescription of land土地占有时效取得【土】
earth.sc.acquisitive prescription of registered land土地登记时效取得【土】
agric.acreage of arable land可耕地面积
agric.adjacent parcel of land毗连地段
agric.afforestation of barren land荒地造林
agric.afforestation of waste land荒地造林
tech.agency in charge of land土地主管部门
China, lawall rights in relation to the lease of land与土地契约有关的一切权利
busin.allocation of land土地分配
tech.allocation of landownership and land-use right土地权属
China, lawallocation of the land-use right土地使用权划拨
ecol.alluvial sandy land of冲积沙地
tech.Altar of Land and Grain北京社稷坛
China, lawalteration of the registration of the right to land contractual management土地承包经营权变更登记
agric.alternation of land usage between dry and flooded conditions水旱轮作
agric.alternation of land usage between dry and flooded conditions水地旱地轮换使用
agric.alternation of land usage between dry and flooded conditions土地水旱轮用
busin.annexation of land土地兼并
tech.appreciation of land value土地增值
busin.appropriation of land土地占有
tech.appropriation of land土地的占用
China, lawapproval for the use of a tract of land批准用地
China, lawarable layer of cultivated land耕地耕作层
earth.sc.arbitrament of land disputes土地争议调处【土】
agric.area of arable land耕地面积
China, lawarea of cultivated land reserved耕地保有量
tech.area of land土地面积
desert.aridization of land土地干旱化
tech.assessed value of land估定地价
tech.balance of water and land resources水土资源平衡
earth.sc.balance table of land allocation土地利用平衡表【土】
ecol.basic benefit of forest land林地基础效益
tech.bed of land preparation播前土壤准备
agric.bedding of land垄耕
agric.bedding of land播前土壤准备
tech.bedding of land土地平整
tech.belt of land带状土地
ecol.benefit of land use土地资源利用效益
desert.betterment of land土地改良
tech.borderline of expropriation land征地红线
tech.borderline of land土地界线
tech.boundary line of adjacent land邻地边界线
China, lawboundary of the land土地界址
agric.boundary of village land全村土地的限界
agric.breaking of land开荒地
agric.breaking of land开荒
agric., tech.buildings and facilities of protected culture land保护地栽培[的]建筑设施
tech.Bureau of Land Management土地管理局
desert.Bureau of Land Management美国土地管理局 (美国农业部管理国有土地的一个机构)
China, lawburning of mountain vegetation for land烧山开垦
tech.capability of land地力
tech.capability of land土地生产能力
China, lawcapacity of land supply土地供给能力
busin.capitalized value of land occupancy charge场地使用费资本化价值
earth.sc.carrying capacity of land土地承载力 【土】
ecol.carrying capacity of land resources土地资源承载量
tech.case of enforcement of taking up land unlawfully非法占用土地强制执行案
securit.certificate for use of state-owned land国有土地使用证
agric.certificate of land ownership地契
agric.certificate of land ownership土地证
securit.certificate of possession of land土地拥有权证明
tech.certificate of possession of land土地所有权证书
busin.certificate of possession of land土地所有权证
securit.certificate of possession of land土地证
China, lawcertificate of the right to land contractual management土地承包经营权证
agric.cession of land土地转让
ecol.change of land productivity土地生产力变化
China, lawcharges for the assignment of land-use right土地使用权出让金
tech.classification of land use用地分类
agric.classification of lands土地分类
agric.cleaning of land开垦
soil.cleaning of land开荒
agric.clearance of virgin lands处女地垦荒
soil.clearance of woods from land开荒
soil.clearance of woods from land开垦
agric.clearing of land土地清理
tech.climate of tropic table-land热带高地气候
tech.climate of tropical table-land热带高地气候
busin.coefficient of land used土地利用率
busin.coefficient of land used for building建筑占地系数
tech.coefficient of land used for buildings建筑占地系数
soil.coefficient of land utilization土地利用系数
tech.coefficient of urban land-use城市土地利用系数
earth.sc.collective ownership of land土地集体所有制【土】
tech.common ownership of land土地公有制
tech.community of land土地的公共所有
China, lawcompensated use of state-owned land国有土地有偿使用
tech.compensation fees for acquisition of land征用土地补偿费
China, lawcompensation for use of cultivated land耕地补偿
China, lawcompensation for use of cultivated land for other purposes占用耕地补偿
ecol.compensation of farm land in the process of urbanization土地补偿费
China, lawcompensation paid for the use of land土地有偿使用费
tech.complex land treatment system of wastewater复合污水土地处理系统
agric.comprehensive management of salinealkali land盐碱地的综合治理
agric.condition of grazing land放牧地条件
agric.conditions of land tenure土地占有状况
earth.sc.confiscation of land土地没收【土】
China, lawconservation of land节约用地
agric.consolidation of land土地归并 (consolidation of fragmented holdings)
agric.consolidation of land土地整理 (consolidation of fragmented holdings)
China, lawcontract on transfer of the right to use of state-owned land国有土地使用权出让合同
China, lawcontracting of land承包土地
China, lawcontractual management system in spect of land土地承包经营制度
tech.contribute the land usage right as parts of its investment以土地使用权入股
busin.contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权入股
securit.contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权人股
China, lawcontrol over the purposes of use of land土地用途管制
China, lawconversion of the use of the agriculture land农用地转用
earth.sc.conveyance of land use-right土地转让【土】
earth.sc.conveyance of land use-right土地使用权转让
busin.coownership of land土地共有制
tech.cost of land地基费用
busin.cost of land utilization土地利用成本
busin.covert resale of land变相倒卖土地
ecol.damage of cultivated land耕地损毁
earth.sc.declared price of land申报地价【土】
tech.decrease of reservation land土地区划整理前后保留地面积缩减
tech.deforestation of land reclamation毁林开荒
ecol.degradation of cultivated land耕地退化
tech.depression of land内陆洼地
tech.depression of land陆凹
desert.desertification of land土地沙漠化
desert.desertification of land土地荒漠化
agric.development of land土地利用
ecol.development of land土地开发
tech.development of peat land泥炭土的发展
tech.differential incomes of land土地级差收益
agric.disbursement for cession of land土地转让支出
ecol.disposal of refuse in land fills垃圾填地处理
tech.disposal of refuse in land-fills垃圾填堤处理
China, lawdispute over ownership of land土地所有权争议
China, lawdispute over the right to the use of land土地使用权争议
agric.division of land土地分块
tech.division of land土地划分
tech.division of land property土地所有权的分配
agric.drainage of overwet land过湿地排水
China, lawduration of the contract for operation of land土地承包经营期限
China, lawduring the validity period for use of the land土地使用权的有效期间内
ecol.dust retention effect of green land绿地滞尘作用
tech.economic capacity of land土地经济容力
tech.economics of land resources土地资源经济学
tech.effect of land and sea海陆效应
agric.efficiency of use of land土地利用率
agric.efficiency of use of land用地效率
China, lawefficient area of cultivated land有效耕地面积
tech.emergence of land陆地上升
agric.encroachment of marginal land侵占贫瘠土地
tech.equalization of land rent平均地租
ecol.erosion control of land陆地水土保持
tech.evaluation of land土地估价
ecol.evaluation of land use土地适宜性评价
tech.evaporation of land surface地面蒸发
tech.evapouration of land surface地面蒸发
China, lawexamining and approving formalities for the change of land use农用地转用审批手续
agric.experience of planned land utilization有计划土地利用经验
soil.explosing clearing of land爆破式土地清理
tech.expropriation of building land建筑土地征用
busin.expropriation of land土地的征用
tech.expropriation of land征用土地
tech.expropriation of land土地 (的征用)
tech.expropriation of land征地
China, lawexpropriation of land for agriculture征收农用地
agric.extension of land utilization扩大土地利用
busin.extensive use of land土地的充分利用
mil., air.def.flight path of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹航迹
mil., air.def.flying belt of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹航区
mil., air.def.flying corridor of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹飞行走廊
mil., air.def.flying route of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹飞行航线
tech.following system of land classification下列土地分级法
China, lawformalities of examination and approval for the conversion of land use农用地转用审批手续
busin.fruit of the land土地收益
tech.general survey of soil and land planning土壤普查和土壤规划
tech.grant of land批地
China, lawgrant of the land-use right土地使用权出让
tech.graphic method of land use土地使用图
tech.graphical method of land use土地使用图
adv.Hamm's beer, "From the Land Of Sky Blue Waters"哈姆啤酒、"来自天蓝色的水乡" 、Campbell-Mithun 广告公司、20世纪50年代 (Campbell—Mithun)
agric.handling of land开垦
tech.handling of land土地开发
tech.harmony of population and land人一地相称
soil.harness alkaline land with sedimentation of silts引淤压碱
ecol.hinter land of Taklamakan Desert塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地
tech.hydrology of land陆地水文学
tech.hypothesis of land-bridge陆桥说
tech.ice of land origin陆源冰
mil., air.def.image matching of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹图像匹配
China, lawimportant tract of land重要地块
agric., econ.improved capital value of land改良土地价值
agric., econ.improved capital value of land改良过的土地价值
agric., econ.improved capital value of land土地所有者资本
China, lawimprovement of national land国土整治
sport.In the first part of the movements in the triple jump, the athlete jumps from one foot and lands on the same foot三级跳远动作的第一部分、运动员使用单足起跳、用起跳脚着地 (hop)
sport.In the third part of the movements in the triple jump, the jumper leaps forward and lands on both feet三级跳远动作的第三部分、运动员用双脚跳跃、双脚同时落地 (jump)
agric.inefficient use of the land土地的无效利用
desert.integrated development of land土地的综合开发
earth.sc.integrated method of land survey综合方法调查【土】
busin.intensity of land use土地利用强度
earth.sc.intensive development of land土地集约开发【土】
tech.intensive use of land土地高度利用
tech.interchange of sea and land沧桑变化
agric.inventory of forest lands林地资源调查
desert.investigation of land form地形调查
tech.keep under the lee of land保持在海岸挡风航线上
tech.kind of land use土地利用方式
tech.kind of land use土地利用种类
earth.sc.Laboratory of Land Management土地管理实验室
tech.land abutment of dam坝岸连接结构
tech.Land Administration Law of the Peoples Re public of China中华人民共和国土地管理法
earth.sc.Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国土地管理法
tech.land application of sludge土地施加污泥
tech.land area of the globe全球大陆地带
tech.land disposal of sewage sludge下水污泥的地面处理
tech.land end of groyne丁坝接岸段
busin.land factor of production生产中的土地因素
earth.sc.land market for remunerative grant of use-right土地出让市场【土】
ecol.land of construction建设用地
tech.land of cutting tool刀刃棱面
China, lawland of inferior quality劣质地
China, lawland of inferior quality劣地
agric.land of settlements定居地供移民居住的地方
China, lawland of the same quality and area数量与质量相当的耕地
busin.land of uncertain ownership产权不明的土地
horticult.land productibility of comprehensive evaluation综合评定土地生产力
tech.land survey of demarcation划界测量
tech.land survey of demarcation寸一地定界测量
tech.land survey of present site现状测量
tech.land treatment of waste water废水陆地处理法
tech.land-based sources of marine pollution陆源性海洋污染源
tech.land-based sources of ocean pollution陆地来源的海洋污染
tech.land-based sources of ocean pollution陆源性海洋污染源
tech.land-based sources of pollution陆地来源的污染
busin.land-based sources of pollution源于陆地的污染
tech.land-based sources of pollution陆源污染源
tech.land-use forecasting techniques of transportation planning土地使用预测技术【道】
tech.law of diminishing land fertility土地肥力递减规律
busin.law of diminishing returns of land土地权益递减律
tech.law of diminishing returns of land土地收益递减律
tech.law of land management土地管理法
ecol.law of land resources土地资源法
tech.law of land subsidence prevention防止地面沉陷法
gen.lay of the land地形
China, lawlease of land土地契约
desert.level of land economic development土地经济开发水平
agric.lie of the land耕地位置
earth.sc.limits of authority for building land permission建设用地审批权限【土】
tech.line marking of expropriated land征地红线
tech.loading capacity of land treatment土地处理负荷量
tech.location of line on hilly land丘陵地区选线
tech.looming of the land隐约看见陆地
China, lawloss of the land土地灭失
tech.management of land development土地开发管理
tech.management system for the paid use of land土地有偿使用管理制度
desert.Map of the world Distribution of Arid Lands《世界干旱地区分布图》 (联合国环境规划署于1977年为联合国荒漠化会议编制,比例尺1 : 250 万。按 H.L. Penman 公式 P/Etp 计算的干燥指数划分干旱地区,式中、P为降水量; Et 为可能蒸散。据以划分生物气候带:①极端干旱带,干燥指数0.03、年降水量V 100mm,为真荒漠 (true deserts)、植被特别稀少,遇雨有短命植物生长,干河床可见到灌丛; ②干旱带,干燥指数0.03〜0.2、年降水量100〜200mm、植被稀疏,以灌木和一年生植物为主,多为荒漠牧场; ③半干旱带,干燥指数0.20〜0.50、年降水量200〜400mm、为半荒漠和干草原、牧区、旱作区; ④亚湿润带,干燥指数0.50〜0.75、年降水量400〜 800mm、为热带稀树草原,黑土草原、地中海西部的马基群落(夏旱灌木群落),美国加利福尼亚州南部和墨西哥西北部的沙巴拉群落(北美夏旱灌木群落))
tech.marginal land of city城市边缘土地
earth.sc.master map of integrated land-use plan土地利用总体规划图【土】
ecol.measurement of land subsidence地面沉降监测
ecol.Ministry of Land and Resources国土资源部
earth.sc.Ministry of Land and Resources of the P. R. China中华人民共和国国土资源部
China, polit.Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国土资源部
China, lawmonitor the quality of the arable land监测耕地质量
tech.monitoring of land subsidence地面下沉观测
ecol.mortgage of land use right土地使用权抵押
earth.sc.National Association of State Land Reclamationists全国州属采区复田者协会
gen.National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges全国州立大学与私立学院联合会
earth.sc.National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land-Use Planning India国家土壤调查与土地使用规划局印度
tech.National Institute of Farm and Land Brokers国家农业土地经纪人协会
earth.sc.National Land Survey of Sweden瑞典国家土地测量局
earth.sc.National Office of Lands and Mapping国家砂土地制图局匈牙利
tech.nationalization of land土地国有化
desert.natural attribute of land土地自然属性
China, lawnature of ownership of the land土地所有权的性质
mil., air.def.navigation point of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹导航点
tech.neck of land狭窄地带
tech.neck of land地峡
tech.net purchase of land and intangible assets土地和无形资产的净购买额
tech.number of land drilling土钻孔数
tech.Office of Interstate Land Sales Registration州际土地出售注册办公室
ecol.optimal allocation of land resource土地资源优化配置
China, lawoptimal utilization of land合理用地
earth.sc.optimum size of agricultural land management农业土地适度经营规模【土】
China, laworiginal purpose of use of land土地的原用途
agric.owner of land地主
tech.ownership and use rights of land土地所有权和使用权
tech.ownership of land by the state土地国有制
tech.parcel of land一部分土地
tech.parcel of land一块土地
agric., econ.parcelling of land土地细分化
tech.partition of land土地划分
earth.sc.pattern of land type土地[类型]结构 【土】
tech.pay system of using state-owned land国有土地有偿使用制度
tech.percentage of land-covered forests森林覆盖率
tech.perils of land transit陆上运输危险
China, lawpermit for the planned use of land for construction建设用地规划许可证
ecol.physical evaluation of land resources土地资源自然评价
China, lawplan for contracting of land土地承包方案
agric.plan of land utilization土地利用规划
China, lawplan purposes for the use of land规划土地用途
agric.planning of land distribution土地分配计划
agric., tech.planning utilization of land resources土地资源利用规划
tech.plot of land基址
tech.ploughing of cultivated land熟地翻耕
tech.point of land地角
tech.pollution of ocean originating on land陆源海洋污染
earth.sc.pollution of oceans originating on land陆源海洋污染
earth.sc.pollution of oceans originating on land由陆地引起的海洋污染
ecol.pollution of the oceans originating on land来自陆地的海洋污染
earth.sc.pooling of land土地入股【土】
securit.pooling of land土地人股
securit.pooling of land土地联营
busin.pooling of land as shares土地入股
securit.pooling of land as shares土地人股
tech.population carrying capacity of land according to quality制土分民之律
tech.population density of land土地人口密度
ecol.population supporting capacity of land土地人口承载力
tech.potential capacity of land土地潜力
ecol.potential population supporting capacity of land土地人口承载潜力
tech.preparation of land土地平整
tech.preparation of land整理土地
tech.preparation of land平整土地
tech.preparation of land整地
agric.preparation of land before seeding播前整地
agric.preparation of the land土地准备
agric.preparation of the land备耕
desert.prevention and/or reduciton of land degradation防止和/或削弱土地退化
tech.private ownership of land土地私有制
tech.privatizing ownership of the land土地私有化
tech.procedure of using land for state construction国家建设用地程序
desert.productivity of land土地生产力
tech.program of water conservancy of farm land农田水利规划方案
tech.programme of water conservancy of farm land农田水利规划方案
agric.proportion of pasture to arable land牧场与耕地比例
tech.proprietorship of land parcels小块土地所有制
ecol.protection of land土地保护
tech.protection of land resources土地资源保护
earth.sc.protection of land right土地权利保护 【土】
ecol.Protocol Concerning Land-based Sources of Pollution关于路源污染的议定书
earth.sc.public inquiring of land register土地登记资料公开查询【土】
earth.sc.public ownership of land土地公有制 【土】
tech.public ownership of land土地公有制
tech.purchase of land土地购置
consult.purchase of land购买土地
ecol.qualitative evaluation of land resources土地资源定性评价
ecol.quantitative evaluation of land resources土地资源定量评价
consult.quantity of land taken up土地用量
tech.raft of land vegetation浮生植物层 (湖沼的)
tech.raft of land vegetation沿岸植物漂流块
tech.rate of land reduction用地递减率
agric.rating of land utilization土地利用分级
tech.ratio of land for building建筑用地率
tech.ratio of land for public utilization公共场地
tech.ratio of land for public utilization公共用地率
tech.ratio of land use土地利用率
tech.ratio of land use大地利用率
tech.ratio of land utilization土地利用率
tech.ratio of public-use land公共场地
China, lawreadjustment in the use of land调整用地
tech.readjustment of arable land耕地重新整理
tech.readjustment of arable land耕地调整
desert.reallocation of land土地整理
desert.reallocation of land土地规划
securit.receive payment on the basis of one's share of the land土地人股分红
tech.receive payment on the basis of their shares of the land土地入股分红
tech.reclaim of land土地复垦
China, lawreclaim the same area of land as is used占多少,垦多少
agric.reclaimation of land荒地开垦
agric.reclaimation of land土地开垦
agric.reclaimation of marshy land沼泽地开垦
agric.reclaimation of virgin land生荒地开垦
agric.reclaimation of waste land撂荒地开垦
agric.reclaimation of waterlogged land涝地改良
ecol.reclaimed index of land土地垦殖指数
desert.reclamation of desert lands荒漠土地改良
desert.reclamation of desertified land荒漠化土地治理改良
tech.reclamation of land土地垦拓
tech.reclamation of land土地填筑
desert.reclamation of land土地复垦
tech.reclamation of land by enclosure围垦造地
tech.reclamation of land by enclosure围垦造田
tech.reclamation of land by filling填土造地
China, lawreclamation of land from the sea围海造地
agric.reclamation of mining land采矿[土]地开垦
desert.recreational value of land土地初级开发价值
ecol.red soil of hilly land红壤坡地
desert.regionlization of land土地区划
tech.register of land土地登记薄
desert.rehabilitation of lands土地恢复
desert.rehabilitation of partly degraded land部分退化土地的恢复
earth.sc.relations of land tenure土地权属关系 【土】
China, lawrelationship of land contract土地承包关系
busin.rent of land地粗
tech.requisition of land征用土地
agric.resoiling of land地力恢复
tech.resource area of land土地资源区域
agric.restoration of waste land荒地复旧
tech.revegetation of land土地再植被
tech.right of land usage土地使用权
tech.right to dispose of land土地处分权
tech.right to ownership of land土地所有权
China, lawright to the use of land for construction建设用地使用权
China, lawright to the use of the land owned by the collective集体所有的土地使用权
China, lawright to use of state-owned land国有土地使用权
tech.river of flat lands平原河流
ecol.saline land of desert zone盐渍化沙区
China, lawsame piece of land同一土地
busin.scarcity of land土地不足
tech.scattered plots of unutilized land闲散土地
tech.section of land一平方英里 (等于640英亩)
tech.selection of urban land城市用地选择
agric.service of Public Lands国有土地管理处
agric., econ.severance of land土地分割
tech.sewage farming of land treatment污水灌溉处理
tech.sewage farming of land treatment污水灌溉法
ecol.slope cultivated land of red soil红壤坡耕地
ecol.slope land of red soil红壤坡地
ecol.sloping land of red soil红壤坡地
agric.small patches of land小地块
earth.sc.social benefit of land use土地利用社会效益【土】
earth.sc.social costs of land development土地开发的社会成本【土】
tech.spit of land一层浅土
tech.spit of land
tech.spit of land沙嘴
tech.spit of land狭长的暗礁
tech.spit of land地角 (伸入海中的狭长陆地)
tech.spit of land一铲土
tech.spit of land狭长的浅滩
China, lawstate plan for improvement of national land国家国土整治计划
ecol.stress of land productivity粮食生产率胁迫力
China, polit.strictly investigate and prosecute all cases of land use that contravene laws and regulations严肃查处各类土地违法违规案件
tech.subdivision of common land公用小块地
tech.subdivision of land供出售的小块土地
tech.subdivision of land土地重划分
tech.subsidence of land土地下沉
tech.subsidence of land土地沉降
tech.surface area of land陆地面积
tech.survey of land地亩测量
earth.sc.survey of land use situations土地利用现状调查
earth.sc.survey of land utilization variations土地利用变更调查
ecol.sustainability utilization of land resource土地持续利用
tech.system of free use of land土地无偿使用制度
tech.system of land classification土类分级法
tech.system of preventing pollution by land based pollutants防止陆源污染制度
China, lawsystem of protection for arable land耕地保护制度
tech.system of uncompensated land use土地无偿使用制度
tech.takeover of land征地
ecol.tax on the occupancy of cultivated land耕地占用税
tech.taxing of agricultural land对农业用地的课税
tech.Temporary Statute of Plan Administrating Land-use for Construction建设用地计划管理暂行办法
China, lawterm of contract for arable land耕地承包期
tech.terracing of the land on the slopes坡地梯田化
desert.The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands阿拉伯干旱地区和陆地研究中心 (由阿拉伯国家联盟于1971年成立,为政府间组织,从事地区经济发展规划和区域性的研究工作。涉及水土资源、农业、畜牧业、农业气象及社会发展等领域。培训科研人员,交流信息。地址:叙利亚大马士革)
desert.The Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry-lands阿拉伯干旱地带及旱地研究中心 (叙利亚大马士革)
nautic.the lie of the land形势
nautic.the lie of the land地势
desert.The Office of Arid Lands Studies干旱地区研究处 (美国亚利桑那大学的一个多学科研究及信息中心、1964年成立。下设干旱地区信息中心、生物资源研究室、荒漠研究室和经济发展规划研究室。地址:亚利桑那州森图)
gen.The original function of argil is to cover land to support plant growth黏土本是大地铺盖地面,供应植物生长的材料
China, polit.the system of land contracts土地承包制度
tech.theory of man-land relationship人一地相关原理
agric.tillage of cultivated land熟地耕作
agric.tongue of land狭长地
mil., air.def.topographic matching of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹地形匹配
mil., air.def.topographic tracking of land-based cruise missile陆基巡航导弹地形跟踪
China, lawtotal area of the cultivated land耕地总量
tech.total drilling footage of land drilling土钻总进尺
China, lawtransfer of land转让土地
China, lawtransfer of land by unlawful means非法转让土地
earth.sc.transfer of land rights土地权利移转 【土】
tech.transfer of land-use rights土地使用权转让
agric.transfering cultivation of paddy and upland land水旱地轮作
agric.transfering cultivation of paddy and upland land水旱地轮换栽培
ecol.type of forest land林地类型
gen.under the lee of land受到陆地的遮蔽
gen.under the lee of land在陆地的下风
China, lawunlawful occupation and use of land非法占用土地
ecol.use of converted farming land退耕地利用
agric.use of land土地利用
agric.use of land土地使用
China, lawuses of the land土地用途
agric.utilization of land土地利用
ecol.utilization of land fill gas填设沼气利用
agric.utilization rate of arable land耕地利用率
agric.valuation of land土地评价
tech.value of land土地价值
earth.sc.vertical development of land土地立体开发【土】
tech.water conservancy of agriculture land农田水利
tech.width of dock land港口陆域纵深
tech.width of port land area港口陆域纵深
earth.sc.yearly leasing of land use-right土地年租【土】
tech.zone of undesigned land use城市规划中未指定土地用途区
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