
Terms for subject Economy containing KEEP | all forms | exact matches only
A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据
Beyond doubt, the shortage in weight occurred prior to shipment as the packing keeps intact鉴于包装完好,短重无疑发生在装运之前
earn one's keep挣生活费
Either party must keep, observe and perform the agreement双方必须维护、遵守并履行本协议
fail to keep a promise未履行诺言
fail to keep a promise违约
fail to keep one's promise背约
fail to keep one's promise违约
failure to keep a promise未履行诺言
It's very expensive to keep a large ship waiting for a berth让大型货轮等候泊位费用极高
keep a family养家
keep a matter shady匿藏
keep a regular spell按时换班
keep a shop经营一家商店
keep a shop做店主
keep aboriginal value保持原始价值
keep account with与…继续交易〔有账务往来〕
keep account with与…保持交易
keep accounts开立账户
keep an appointment如约
keep at a distance保持一定距离
keep away from切勿接近 (feed or food products, 饲料或食品)
keep away from fire and open flame lights避开明火与灯火
keep away from fire, and open flame lights勿近火烛 (用于易燃品和氧化物)
keep cool放于凉处
keep one's hand on掌握支配权
keep hens养鸡
keep in阴冷处保管 (a cool place)
keep in (a cool place)
keep in放置 (a cool place, 冷处)
keep in a dry place勿受潮湿
keep in a dry place在冷 〔干〕处保存
keep in a dry place保持干燥
keep in a storehouse仓储
keep in check控制住
keep sb. in custody拘留某人
keep in dark place放于暗处
keep in dry place保持干燥
keep in dry place勿受潮湿
keep ... in mind考虑
keep ... in mind记住
keep in money借给钱
keep in simple system原则 (指预算表格和程序力求简便的原则)
keep in the record将…记录在案
keep in touch with市场保持联系 (the market)
keep intact原封不动
keep on保持 (an even keel, 同一水平)
keep one going接济某人
keep one going维持某人生活
keep one's words履行诺言
keep one's words恪守诺言
keep open account互相收受汇票
keep original value保持原始价值
keep out of (debt, 借债)
keep the score把…数目记下来
keep the score记分〔数〕
keep sth. secret对某事保密
keep separate accounts独立核算
keep shop照管商店
keep silence保持沉默
keep terms with和…继续交涉 (谈判,商量)
keep the pot boiling糊口
keep the pot boiling兴旺发达
keep the pot boiling谋生
keep the pot boiling保持繁荣
keep the pot boiling使一直保持繁荣
keep the right side up切勿倒置
keep the trade secret保守贸易秘密
keep to履行 (one's promise, 某人的诺言)
keep under detention看押
keep up保持下落
keep up保持 (regular supply, 正常供应)
keep one's word遵守诺言
keep one's words履行诺言
My job is to keep the company books我的任务是记本公司账目
Our agent has promised to keep a full record of his transactions我方代理人答应保存一份完整的交易记录
Our quotations keep unchanged without notice不另通知,我方报价不变更
Please keep the daily account of sales and purchase in a journal请将每日购销账目记入逐日账本
Please observe the demand in the market for our manufactures and keep us advised请观察市场对我方产品的需要,并随时告知我们
The building company agrees to keep the owner informed of any developments relating to the construction建筑公司同意让业主经常了解有关施工的进展情况
The company plans to keep its annual dividend unchanged at $6.5 per share, which includes a $3.5 interim payment公司计划保持年度红利为每股6.5美元不变,包含3.5美元的期中红利
The Secretary keeps the minutes of the last meeting for reference秘书保存了上次会议的记录,以备査考
The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings秘书应保存好股东大会的会议记录和有关文件
They have not been able to keep balance between income and expenditure despite their efforts尽管作了努力,他们还是未能保持收支平衡
They will keep us informed of any change in the situation他们会随时告知我们情况的变化
We believe that they will surely keep their promise我们相信他们肯定会履行诺言
We keep this firm offer open for a further ten days from 15th August我们将实盘有效期从8月15日起再延长10天
We must keep this credit information strictly private我们必须对此信用调查报告严格保密
We will keep our distributors advised from time to time of the market changes我们会将市场变动情况随时通知我们的经销商
You shall faithfully keep, observe and perform the rules in the contract你方必须忠实信守和履行合同中各项规则
You shall keep the cargo free of liens of any kind你方须使该货物免去各种留置权
You should keep us informed from time to time of any change你应将任何变动随时通知我们