
Terms for subject Technology containing KEEP | all forms | exact matches only
bearing keep轴承盖
circular keep圆形囚牢
cleaning compartments for wreck to keep afloat positively清舱浮定
cylindrical keep要塞
cylindrical keep圆柱形城堡主塔 (中世纪)
eight-sided keep八角形堡垒
eight-sided keep八角形要塞
guarantee to keep something in good repair保修
keep a close control of overtime严格控制加班时间
keep a full stand of seedlings保苗
keep a good offing保持离地远些航行
keep a spell接班
keep a tab on the expenses记录各项费用
keep a tight control on revenue and expenditures统收统支
keep aboriginal保持原始价值
keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones账目设账
keep-alive anode保弧阳极
keep-alive cathode保活阴极
keep-alive circuit维弧电路
keep-alive contact保弧触点
keep-alive contact电流保持接点
keep-alive current保活电流
keep-alive discharge保活放电
keep-alive electrode维弧阳极
keep alive grid保活栅
keep-alive relaxation保活弛张
keep-alive voltage维弧电压
keep an appointment履约
keep and bailey castle带望楼外墙的城堡
keep and bailey castle带主塔楼城堡
keep and offing保持离岸航行
keep away不得接近
keep back往后退
keep back止住
keep clear让开
keep confidential保守秘密
keep consort保持在一起航行
keep contract遵守合同
keep cool保持冷藏
keep cool保持阴凉
keep course保持航向
keep course and speed保向保速航行
keep down price平抑价格
keep dry勿放湿处
keep ecologic balance保持生态平衡
keep flat平放
keep free of weeds洁无杂草 (指土壤)
keep from heavy weed growth in the field防治杂草丛生
keep head above water不欠债
keep head on保持原航向
keep in a dry place在干处保管
keep in check制止
keep in order保持整齐
keep in order保持秩序
keep in repair保持检修完善
keep in repair保持良好性能
keep in sight保持在视界范围内
keep in storage储[贮]存
keep in touch with保持联络
keep intact维持保护
keep intact保持原样
keep-like tower城堡高塔
keep-like tower城堡主楼形塔
keep of castle城堡主垒
keep off不得接近
keep off让接近
keep off median sign禁止进人中央分隔带标志
keep off median sign中央分隔带禁人标志
keep on the go维持运转
keep on the transit保持在叠标线上
keep one's bearings守住某物标方位
keep one's weather eye open注意观察天气变化情况
keep one's words遵守诺言
keep open保持开放
keep open保持畅通
keep-out area禁用区
keep out of the sun避免日晒
keep out of the sun避免阳光
keep out of the way让开
keep out of the way让开航路
keep pace with the predicted growth in throughput跟上预计的吞吐量增长
keep part of the foreign exchange earnings外汇分成
keep plate制动板
keep plate fork压板货叉
keep relay保护继电器
keep relay止动继电器
keep right sign右行标志
keep site clear保持现场整洁
keep soil from packing together防止土壤板结
keep standing存版
keep strictly to the terms of the contract严格遵守合同条款
keep the land aboard保持望见陆地
keep the land aboard保持沿海岸航行
keep the royal touching尽量靠上风航行
keep the sea保持海上航
keep the sounding-pole going篙测行驶
keep the vacuum constant保持真空度不变
keep the wind尽量守住上风 (防下风有险礁)
keep to instruction按照指示
keep to leeward保持下风位置
keep to program按照计划
keep to program按照程序
keep to program按计划完成
keep to program按计划进行
keep to program固定施工进度计划
keep to programme按照程序
keep to programme按计划完成
keep to programme按计划进行
keep to programme按照计划
keep to programme固定施工进度计划
keep to schedule按计划进行
keep to schedule按照计划
keep tower防守塔
keep tower城堡主塔
keep under the lee of land保持在海岸挡风航线上
keep up保持不跌落 (价格)
keep up pressure保持压力
keep up regular supply保持经常供应
Keep upright保持直立
Keep upright不要翻倒
Keep upright切匆倒置
keep-way vessel直航船
keep wire line in tension拉紧钢丝绳
keep with surroundings适合环境
keep your quotation维持你方报价
masonry work keep砖石工程管理
masonry work keep砖石工程维护
multiangular keep多边形城堡主楼
multiangular keep多边接触
multiangular keep多边联系
natural stone keep天然石城堡
octagonal keep八角看守所
peak keep-adjuster峰值保持器
plumber block keep中间轴承盖
polygonal keep多角形堡垒
polygonal keep多角形城堡主塔
polygonal keep多角形防守所
railway keep-price transport铁路保价运输
round keep圆形盒底
safe keep保管
shell keep壳体城堡高楼
thrust block keep推力轴承盖