
Terms for subject China containing KEEP | all forms | exact matches only
always keep in mind that people come first坚持以人为本
always keep people's interest in mind坚持以人为本
classify the notarial documents into different categories and keep them on file分类立卷,归档保存
in order to keep abreast of the development of the socialist market economy为了适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求
keep a certain distance away from间隔一定距离
keep abreast of跟上某事物
keep abreast of适应
keep confidential the secrets one has access to in the practice保守执业秘密
keep expenditure within the limit of revenue量入为出
keep faith守信
keep improving the sound public transportation service system完善公共交通服务体系
keep in close touch with the people保持同人民的密切联系
keep in good care严格保管
keep sth. in quarantine留验
keep in separate place分开存放
keep in touch with the deputy to the people's congress at that level联系本级人民代表大会代表
keep informed as required by law法定告知
keep on file for reference附卷备查
keep on record备案
keep pace with the times与时俱进
keep people informed宣传群众
keep public ownership dominant坚持公有制为主体
keep records for further reference记录备查
keep secret for him or her为其保密
keep secrets保密
keep secrets for the reporters为举报者保密
keep separate accounts分别记账
keep state secrets保守国家秘密
keep the balance between grass yield and the number of livestock raised保持草畜平衡
keep the development of the situation under control控制事态发展
keep the initiative in one's own hand when choosing a job自主择业
keep the relevant documents and materials保存有关文件和资料
keep the warning over an extended area扩大示警距离
keep to the correct political orientation坚持正确的政治方向
keep to the distribution system in which distribution according to work is dominant and diverse modes of distribution coexist坚持按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度
keep to the right of the road右侧通行
keep under control控制
keep under effective control有效控制
keep one's word守信
obligation to keep confidential负有保密义务