
Terms for subject Commerce containing Industrial | all forms | exact matches only
agro-industrial complex工业综合结构
agro-industrial complex农业
Anglo-American Industrial Corp. Ltd.南非英美公司 (1963)
assignment of industrial property rights工业产权转让
China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corp中国轻工业产品进出口总公司
China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation中国轻工业品进岀口总公司
CIS Chinese Industrial Standards中国工业标准
classification by industrial groups按工业部门分类
classification of industrial groups工业部门分类
commercial and industrial bond工商债券
constitute laws to protect industrial property制定保护工业产权法律
Convention of the Union of Paris for the Protection of Industrial Property巴黎工业产权保护同盟
Council of Industrial Federations of the European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟工业联合会理事会
Dow-Jones Industrial Average道•琼斯平均工业股票指数
Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares英国金融时报普通工业股票指数
Furukawa Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.古河电气工业公司 (1896)
industrial accident fund工业事故抚恤金
industrial and mining enterprises厂矿企业
industrial application工业实用
industrial assets工业资产
Industrial Bank of Japan日本兴业银行 (Tokyo, 东京)
Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited日本兴业银行
Industrial Bankers' Association英国实业银行家协会
industrial betterment工业改造
industrial carrier自由运输人
industrial circulating funds工业流动基金
Industrial Development Board工业发展理事会
industrial economic management工业经济管理
industrial engineer工业管理师
industrial engineer企业管理工程师
industrial equity工业企业股权
industrial financing corporation工业信贷公司
industrial group产业集团
industrial inertia产业惯性
industrial inertia产业惰性
industrial information产业情报
industrial installation工业装置
industrial layout产业布局
industrial location建厂地点
industrial security committee工业安全 委员会
industrial service equipment specifications工业用设备规格
industrial specialization工业专业化
industrial standard specifications工业标准规格
infringe industrial property违反工业产权
International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property国际工业产权保护公约
International Standard Industrial Classification国际工业分类标准
International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property国际工业产权保护联盟
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People中华人民共和国全民所有制工业企业法
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.松下电气工业有限公司 (1918)
monopolistic industrial products垄断性工业产品
National Industrial and Commercial Bank of China中国工商银行
New industrial cities新工业城市
Our corporation deals in light industrial products我们公司经营轻工业产品
parity indices of industrial and agricultural commodities工农业商品比价指数
preinvestment phase of an industrial project工业项目投资前时期 (包括:投资机会选定 (identification of investment opportunities) 、项目的初步选择 (preliminary project selection and definition) 、项目研究规划 (project formulation) 、最后评价与投资决策 (final evaluation and investment decision))
provide enough support for industrial growth为工业发展提供足够支持
rate of industrial mortality工业倒闭率
representative industrial city典型工业城市
representative sample of the latest industrial development代表工业上最新发展的样品
size and structure of industrial enterprise工业企业规模结构
small-sized industrial enterprises小型工业企业
subsidies or incentives for industrial enterprises给工业企业的补贴或奖励
system of industrial statistics工业统计制度
The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量
They trade in light industrial products他们经营轻工业产品
total industrial output value工业产出总值
United Nations Industrial Cooperative Organization联合国工业合作组织
urban industrial diffusion城市工业扩散
urban industrial expansion城市工业扩散
utilize byproducts for industrial purpose在工业上利用副产品
vigorous development of industrial production工业生产蓬勃发展
volume of industrial production工业生产产量
World Program of Industrial Statistics世界产业统计方案