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Terms for subject Business containing In a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a lull in trade贸易暂停
act in a way contrary to the objective laws违反客观规律
administrator in a bankrupt estate破产财产管理人
allocate goods in a concentrated way and ship by installments分期发货
allocate goods in a concentrated way and ship by installments集中分配
allowance in respect of a dependent spouse配偶赡养费
amount of labour in a certain form一定形态的劳动量
arrange by the state plan in a unified way计划统一安排
assistant in a shop店员
authority and responsibility embodied in a job职位所具权责
authority and responsibility embodied in a position职位所具权责
be cast in a lawsuit败诉
be stored in a barn入仓
beginning of a slump downturn in the business cycle周期性看跌
bill of exchange in a set多联汇票即国外汇票一般为二联或三联式汇票,三联中任何一联均可兑付,但其中任一联承兑后,其余二联即自动失效,不予兑付
bill of exchange in a set成套汇票
bill of exchange in a set成套汇票
bills in a set成套票据
both parties in a lawsuit诉讼双方当事人
bring in a finding of non liquet法院做出"拒绝受理"的裁定
buy a pig in a poke瞎买
buy a pig in a poke乱购买
buy a pig in a poke草率购买
buy a pig in a poke不看货就买
calling in of a currency一种货币的停止流通
calling in of a currency某种货币的停止使用流通
change the name of the owner in a register过户
claim in a patent application有关专利使用的索赔
claim in a patent application请求保护专利权
consign money in a bank银行存款
consign money in a bank在银行存款
default in the repayment of a loan拖延还款
defence of a respondent in arbitration proceedings仲裁程序中被告的抗辩
deposit in a security押金
deposit in a security保证金
deposit money in a bank将钱存入银行
distribute in a unified way统一分配
drawn in a set成套汇票
enter a item in an account入账
enter an account in a book将账目记入账内
establish a corner in rice囤积粮食
establish a corner in the market垄断市场
fill in a check填支票
fill in a check填写支票
fill in a sheet填表
fraction defective in a bad lot不合格率
goodwill method in admission of a new partner接纳新入伙人的商誉法
He held my arm in a vise-like grip他的手像老虎钳一样紧紧抓住了我的手臂
holdings in a business company持有某公司的股份
in a form acceptable to the bank, collateral security银行认可的质押品
in a long run从长计宜
in a single payment一次付清
in a state of equilibrium处于均衡状态
in lieu of a job代替一个就业机会
in lieu of a raise代替一个升迁
industrial product amount calculated with a unit in kind工业产品实物量
interest in a business企业权益
investment in a partially owned subsidiary对部分所属子公司投资
investment in a partnership对合伙企业投资
keep in a cool place放置冷处
keep in a dark place置于避光处
labor process realized itself in a product在产品中实现的劳动过程
leave a gap in the plan计划留有缺口
leave a sum in the bank存款于银行
locking in a rate锁住汇率
lodge money in a bank将款存入银行
lodge money in a bank在银行存款
lose money in a business生意亏本
make out a document in duplicate将文件缮写一式两份
manager responsibility system in a key project under construction项目经理负责制
number of items in a sample货样抽验项目总数
number of items in a sample货样抽查项目总数
observation in a form形式调査
Our brake pads have a ready market in America, but delay in payment really annoys me我们的盘式刹车片在美国很畅销,但拖欠货款让我很头疼
Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there我们的产品已在海外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎
put a factory in operation将工厂投产
put in a claim for damage损失索赔
put in a claim for damage提出损失赔偿要求
put in for a job申请工作
put the enterprises in a better shape整顿企业
reinstate a clause in a form of agreement恢复协议的有效条款
renounce one's claim to a share in the profits放弃其应得股利润的要求
run a business in partnership合伙经营
service in a group of associated enterprises联营企业集团内部提供的劳务
shares in a company公司的股份
sink a large capital in投入大量资本
stag in a new issue购买新证券的证券投机商
stipulation for effective payment in a foreign currency用外国货币支付有效的约定
This is a trial order. Please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market If successful, we will give you large orders in the future这是试销订单。请先仅给我们发100套,看看市场如何。如果反响不错,我们将大量订购
trigger off a sharp advance in price引起物价急剧上涨
vest property in a person授给某人财产
vest property in a trustee财产交受托人管理
We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment我们在英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件