
Terms for subject Ceramics containing IT | all forms | exact matches only
As porcelain is fragile, it must be well protected against shake, squeeze and collision瓷器都是易碎品,在保存时应注意防震、防挤压、防碰撞
As regards cleaning, it is recommended that the pieces are washed by hand. If washed by machine, it is necessary to ensure that they are not touching each other in the process谈到清洁,推荐用手清洗。如果机洗,务必保证它们在清洗过程中不会互相碰触
Being made of stone, it may break or chip由于是用石头制成的,它可能会摔断或碎裂
Pure ornament is a feature not essential to the vessel. Intaglio decoration is still rarer than relief decoration. It consists of incised, impressed, and punctured figures纯装饰对于容器来说并不是必需的。凹雕比浮雕装饰更加罕见,包括切刻、压印和刻点
The depiction of a Chinese landscape is very common in ceramics in China, and it is really associated with a Taoist concept of life in an idyllic environment中国制陶业对山水画的应用非常广泛,而这种风格与道家清静无为的人生理想有着千丝万缕的联系
The high frequency vibrating screen for sieving ceramics is suitable for food, pharmacy, chemical, ceramic, metallurgy, rubber, and other industries. It applies to any powder and granule这款高频筛分陶瓷的振动筛适用于食品业、药品业、化学制品业、制陶业、冶金业、橡胶业及其他行业。粉末、颗粒均可使用
These porcelains are very exclusive, very high-status luxury items for the mega-rich The person who kicks it off in England is Queen Mary II in the late 17th century这些瓷器很独特,被当时的超级富豪用作高级奢侈品。真正在英国开启这一时尚的是17世纪末的玛丽二世
When appreciating collections, we should be careful not to knock the porcelain off the desk. Try not to touch it by a sweaty hand鉴赏藏品时注意不要摔落,尽量不用汗手摸
When appreciating collections, we'd better wear gloves and prepare a piece of flannelette on the table. Do not pass it to each other. When one finishes appreciation, the porcelain should be placed on the table again and others can hold and watch看藏品时最好戴上手套,桌上用绒布垫好。赏看时不要互相传递,一人赏看结束应重置于桌上,其他人再捧持观赏