
Terms for subject General containing He | all forms | exact matches only
A manager of Pizza Hut said, when he was about to drop the money in a night depository, the gunman stepped out of the shadows, pointed a pistol at him and grabbed the canvas bank pouch必胜客经理说,他正要把钱放在夜间存款箱子里的时候,那个持枪歹徒从黑暗中闪出,用手枪指着他,抢走了银行帆布袋
As a football player he is second to none作为一名足球队员,谁都超不过他
At the end of the night he drove me home again and we made tentative plans to go to a concert晚聚会结束后,他再次开车送我回家,我们说好了以后去听音乐会
David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun大卫站在巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触
did he do it himself?这是他自己干的吗
do unto him as he does unto others还治其人之身
do unto him as he does unto others以其人之道
do you know what he is你知道他是做什么的吗
During the road trip, he was the team leader, and was responsible for emergency aid自驾游中,他担任领队,负责紧急救援
Foreigners who cannot obtain long-term residency before he or she asks for and gets permission夕卜国人未经请求并获得许可,不能在一国领土内长期居留
had he time, he would of course help you要是他有空,他当然会帮助你
He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo在照相前,他调整了快门
he backed the car into the garage他把汽车倒退着开进〔开出〕 车库
he backed the car out of the garage他把汽车倒退着开进〔开出〕 车库
He bought a heavy-duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven他买了强力清洁剂来清洗布满油污的炉子
He bought a tie clip especially in order to match the tie为了配这条领带,他特意买了一个领带夹
He bought me a giant flower carpet from Turkey他从土耳其给我带回了张大鲜花地毯
He bought us some gingerbread works as present他回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品
He brought the basin of sterilized instruments to the worktable and took them out of the water with a pair of cold tweezers, still without hurrying经过了高温消毒的仪器都盛在一个盆里,他把这个盆端上工作台,用冰冷的镊子从热水里夹出工具,动作还是不慌又不忙
he can but speak他只能说说罢了
He closed out his line of sports cars?他抛售了他的那些跑车
He contacted his consultant to consult with him about his disability他同会诊医生咨询自己的伤残情况
He disliked bars and bodegas他不喜欢酒吧和酒店
he does not think much of that method他不重视那个方法
He fastened on the idea他坚持这个意见〔想法〕
He fastened upon the idea他坚持这个意见〔想法〕
He feels bloated in his abdominal area他感到肚子胀胀的
he gave me what I wanted他把我所需要的给了我
he grew in experience他增长了经验
He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating他胸部觉得闷闷的,好像透不过气来
he has a good knowledge of Chinese history他非常了解中国的历史
He has a hat with a taper他有一顶锥形的帽子
he has been to Beijing too他还去过北京
he has come to see the problem in a new light他终于对此问题获得新的认识
He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate他不易入睡,也难集中精力
He has recently secured a prime retail location in central Athens for the sportswear giant Nike他最近在雅典市中心为体育用品巨头耐克找到了一个很好的零售店铺地址
he has ten books, I have as many他有十本书,我也有同样多
he! he!嘻!
He interposed himself in a traffic accident他卷入了一场交通事故中
he is a doer, not just a talker他不光是说,而且还实干
he is a native of England他是英国人
he is getting no place in his work because he is going at it wrong因为他做得不对路
he is getting no place in his work because he is going at it wrong他工作没有进展
he is much better today他今天好多了
he is my elder by three years他比我大三岁
He is not available right now. But I can leave him a message他现在没有时间。我可以给他留话
He is not good at making decisions他不擅长做决定
he is quoted as as having said that有人引述他的话说
he is quoted as saying that有人引述他的话说
He is short of breath. Even when he has not been exercising, he is breathless他喘气,即使不运动,也是上气不接下气
he is something of a carpenter他会点木工
He is speaking on another phone他正在接听别的电话
he is the last man to do it他最不适于做这件事
he is the last man to do it他决不至于干这件事
he is three years my elder他比我大三岁
He is tied up at the present time. He is not able to take the call他现在有事,没办法接你的电话
he knows that only他仅仅知道那件事
He landed in the hospital after the crackup在交通事故后,他被送入医院
he likes swimming他喜欢游泳
he likes to swim他喜欢游泳
he lives ten miles from where I am living他住在离我住处十英里的地方
He'll be laid up for a few days, but he should be home from the hospital on Thursday他得在床上躺几天,但周四就应该出院
he may well say so他很可以〔不妨〕这么说
He met this trio at a hip hop concert staged in the garden of a mansion在一栋楼房的花园里有一场街舞音乐会,在这里他遇见了这三名青年
He mixed us a drink in the cocktail shaker他用鸡尾酒调酒器帮我们调了一杯酒
he need not come他不必来
he needs three more credits to graduate他需要再修三个学分才能毕业
He often watched the boats returning to the Port Arthur in the late afternoon他常常看到小船在傍晚回到阿瑟港
he only knows that他仅仅知道那件事
he ought to be here by this timeby now, by 3: 30他此刻现在,3: 30应该已经来到这里了
he ought to have arrived by this他此刻该到了
He poured beer into John's beer mug until it was brimming over他往约翰的杯子里倒啤酒,直至酒溢出来
He probably has changed to a new number他也许是换新号码了
He resorted to tariffs and import quotas他诉诸关税和进口配额
He rinsed the teapot out under the tap to get rid of the tea-leaves他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶,以便把茶叶冲掉
He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?他在上班。你要不要他的电话号码?
He's not available right now. Can I take a message?他不在,我可以帮你传话吗?
He's out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message?他出去吃午饭了,你要留言吗?
he said he would come and he did come他果然来了
he said he would come and he did come他说他会来的
he said he would go there the next day他当时说他打算第二天到那儿去
He said it could have been a lot worse, had the ambulance not gotten to you in time他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院,那情况就糟多了
he showed us over the works他陪我们参观了这工厂
he spoke too fast, no one knew what he said他说得太快,谁也不知道他讲了些什么
He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer他的手刚摆到一半,立刻停下来,脱下他的高尔夫球帽,闭上眼睛,深深地鞠躬并默默祈祷
he, too, has been to Beijing他也去过北京
he vouchsafed no reply他没有给答复
he vouchsafedme no reply他没有给答复
He walked away from the car crash他在车祸中安然无恙
he walks when he might ride却还是步行
he walks when he might ride他虽有车可乘
he wanted some string but there was none但一根也没有
he wanted some string but there was none他要一些绳子
he was born of a worker's family他出身于一个工人家庭
He was constantly tormented with headache他不断受到头痛的折磨
He was head pounding, and his mouth was dry他头重脚轻,口干舌燥
He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化
he went that way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
he went the other way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
he went this way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
He will be waiting for you in the lobby at seven他今晚7点在大堂等您
He will immediately take the bill back and pay for it他会立即将账单拿回去并支付
Hello, Sir, my grandpa wants to visit Australia, but he doesn't speak English. May I assist him with his visa application?先生,你好! 我的外公想要去澳大利亚玩,但是他不会说英语。我能帮他填写这张申请表吗?
His nose stuffed up when he had a cold他感冒时鼻子就不通
How can he get a hold of you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
How can he get in contact with you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
how does he stand on this question他对这个问题孢什么态度
I have never seen such a shameless guy. He asked me for 100 dollars for only a one kilometer's ride!我从来没见过这么无耻的人。一公里的路程竟然要我一百美兀
I heard your brother has come back from Hawaii. What special gifts did he give you?我听说你哥哥从夏威夷旅游回来了,他给你带了什么特别礼物啊?
I' m trying to get hold of Mr. Chen. Is he available?我想找陈先生,请问他在吗?
If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准
if he had time, he would of course help you要是他有空,他当然会帮助你
I'll be here when he calls back. Much appreciated他打电话时我会在这,太感谢你了!
I'll just find out if he's in his office我去看看他在不在办公室
I'll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?我要看一看他是否在。请问我该告诉他谁打来的?
I'll see if he's in我看看他在不在
It's a marvel that he wasn't killed in the car crash他在车祸中没死真是万幸
Jack knew Lily never offered to pick up the bill, so he suggested go halves this time杰克知道莉莉从不愿掏钱,所以这次他提议各付各的
Let me see if he's here, hang on. OK?我看看他在不在。等一下,好吗?
Mike has eaten something rotten, so he needs an emergency treatment right now迈克吃了变质的食物,现在需要急诊
milk a he-goat into a sieve做不会成功的事
milk a he-goat into a sieve徒劳无功
OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车
only he knows that只有他知道那件事
Shall I have him call you when he gets back?他回来后,让他给您回电话吗?
The robber is about 180 cm in height, he was wearing a T-shirt and blue trousers. He was running away westward抢劫者身高1米80左右,穿着T恤和蓝色裤子,他向西逃跑了
The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧不同凡响
The wine was a gift from my friend. He bought it in France. How does it taste?这红酒是我朋友从法国买回来送给我的,味道怎么样?
try as he would, he could not lift that rock他虽然做了很大努力,但还是不能把那块石头搬起来
we had finished the experiment when he came他来时我们已做完实验了过去完成时,主动态
we were afraid lest he should get here too late我们恐怕他会来得太迟
what did he do他做什么了
what he says is all true他说的都是真的
what is he他是做什么的
When a customer is not satisfied with a product, he is entitled to return it to the store during a certain period of time顾客如果对产品不满意,其有权在一段时间内退货
When he comes back, can you have him call me at 206 5551212?他回来后,能不能让他打206 5551212这个号码给我?
Where are you? When and where did the robbery take place? What are the characteristics of the suspect? What is his height? What is he wearing? In what direction did he run away?你在何处?何时何地发生的?嫌疑人有什么特征?身高多少?穿什么衣服?往哪个方向逃走了?
who is he他〔他们〕是谁
Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word我想是打错了。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了