
Terms for subject Basketball containing Goals | all forms | exact matches only
allow a goal投中有效
allow a goal判投中有效
cancel a goal判投中无效
credit a goal计得分
elevated goal球篮
field goal除罚球外 投中得分
field goal投中得分
field goal除罚球外投中次数
field goal投球命中
field goal attempts出手次数
field goal percentage投球命中率
field goals投中次数
field goals made投中次数
find the goal投中
goal attack攻篮
goal attempts投篮次数
goal average得失分率
goal circle球篮圈
goal counts投中有效
goal defense防篮员
goal difference得失分
goal from a free throw罚球中篮
goal from the field除罚球以外的投球中篮
goal from the field投球命中
Goal made!中篮!投中!
goal made投球命中
Goal not made!投篮未中!未投中!
goal not made投篮未中
goal shooter投篮员
goal tending violation篮上干扰违例
goal third球篮 1/3
goal throw投篮
make a goal投中得分
make a goal from the outside外围投中
no goal投中无效
one-goal basketball半个场地练习比赛
one-goal basketball"斗牛"
one-goal basketball利用半个场地练习比赛的斗牛
one goal out of two free throws两罚一中
own goal本方篮
score a goal投篮得分
score a goal投中得分
shoot for a goal投篮
solo goal单人得分
successful field goal得分
successful field goal中篮
successful goal中篮
successful goal投篮成功
successful goal attempt得分
successful goal attempt中篮
three-point field goal area3 分投篮区
three-point field goal area三分投篮区
throw for a goal投进一球
throw for a goal投篮
two-point field goal area2 分投篮区
two-point field goal area两分投篮区
valid field goal投中有效