
Terms for subject Logistics containing Free On | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
free on board在指定的运输码头船上交货价 (named port of shipment)
Free on Board离岸价格包括理舱平舱费用在内
free on board clause providing for additional duties to the sellers由卖方代为租船、订或投保的启运地船上交货价
free on board per a由 × × 船装运的船上交货价
free on board truck卡车交货价
free on carriage paid to运费付至某地
Free On Lorry卡车车板交货
free on rail铁路交货价格
Free On Rail铁路车板交货
Free On Train铁路车板交货
free on truck卡车上交货
Free On Truck卡车车板交货