
Terms containing Face-Up | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.face up对〔配〕研
gen.face up配刮
gen.face up着色
tech.face up配研
tech.face up涂色
adv.face up整齐摆放零售商品
auto.face up面朝上
archit.face up涂色 (美化用)
telecom.face up正面向上MS
auto.face up正面
auto.face up整平
tech.face up滑配合
tech.face up面朝上
tech.face up面向上
tech.face up对研
gen.face up把表面弄 〔磨,削〕平
archit.face up bonding
met.face up bonding正焊
chem.face up bonding面朝上焊接
subm.face up position仰卧姿势
textileface up spreading布面向上铺布
gen.face up to正视
sport.face up to拼争
gen.face up to大胆面向
textileface up well面朝上好看钻石
agric.face-up bonding正焊[法]
tech.face-up bonding正面焊接 (法)
spaceface-up bonding正焊 (法)
spaceface-up bonding正面结合
tech.face-up bonding面朝上焊接 (法)
busin.face-up bonding正面焊接法
avia.face-up bonding正焊法
telecom.face-up feed卡片正面馈送
tech.face-up feed正面馈送
cosmet.If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin如果你醒来觉得脸有点肿胀,这种爽肤水是你最好的选择。它可以镇静和收紧你的皮肤
wushu.Palm faces up手心向上
tech.run-up on dam face抬高坝面
gen.The latest from Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki looks astonishing, but fails to face up sufficiently to the politics of its subject日本动画大师宫崎骏此次的新作虽令人眼前一亮,但实则缺乏对此类政治题材的深度理解