
Terms for subject Economy containing Enterprise | all forms | exact matches only
a governmental enterprise政府企业
a guarantor enterprise担保企业
a minute enterprise不重要的企业
a multiproduct enterprise经营多种产品的企业
a non-commercial enterprise非营利企业
a parastatal enterprise半国营企业
A private enterprise agrees to fund the project一家私有企业同意为此项目提供资金
a wholly foreign-owned enterprise外商独资企业
accounting for public enterprises公营企业会计
accounting principles for business enterprises企业会计原则
accumulated fund of each enterprise每一单位累积基金
activate enterprises of large and medium scale搞活大中型企业
adopt flexible measures with regard to small enterprises and minor commodities放活小企业和小商品
advanced enterprise先进企业
agricultural enterprise农业企业
agricultural handicrafts enterprise农业手工企业
agro-enterprise development农业企业发展
agro-industrial enterprises农工企业
agro-industry enterprise农产品加工企业
allocation of circulating funds for enterprises增拨企业流动资金
amount of circulating fund used by enterprises企业占用流动资金的金额
an acquired enterprise被购企业
an acquiring enterprise购方企业
an enterprise expansion fund企业发展基金
an unincorporated enterprise不具有法人资格的企业
an unincorporated government enterprise非实体性政府企业
associated enterprises联营企业
average size of enterprises企业平均规模
big owner of private enterprises大企业主
building enterprises建筑业
capital-intensive enterprise资金密集型企业
capitalist enterprise资本主义企业
China Society of Enterprise Management中国企业管理协会
commercial enterprise商业企业
company of enterprise公司企业
concentration of enterprises企业集中
co-operative enterprise合作企业
depreciation funds remarked for enterprises企业折旧基金
embark in an enterprise兴办企业
embark on an enterprise举办企业
embark on an enterprise创办企业
embark on an enterprise兴办企业
enterprise administrative expenses企业管理费
enterprise asset management企业资产管理
enterprise budget企业预算
enterprise cash holding企业持有现金
enterprise concept企业概念
enterprise fixed fund企业固定基金
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative美洲国家创导进取计划该创议或计划是 1990 年 6 月美国为了启动建立半球贸易体系的进程,在拉丁美洲寻求与利益国家或国家集团签订贸易和投资框架协议,以消除贸易和投资障碍问题
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative美洲企业创议
enterprise fund国营事业基金
enterprise in the field of maritime transport海上运输企业
enterprise labour union企业工会
enterprise net income企业净收益
enterprise of collective ownership集体所有制企业
enterprise of joint investment合资经誉企业
enterprise of ownership by the whole people全民所有制企业
enterprise performance management solution企业动态管理方案
enterprise's own resources企业的自有资金
enterprise tax业税
enterprise technology solutions企业技术对策【方案】
enterprise value企业经营值
enterprise value企业价值
enterprise-wide document Management system企业文件管理系统
enterprise-wide management system企业整体经营系统
enterprise zone开发区
enterprises of collective ownership集体所有制企业
entrepreneurial income of unincorporated enterprises非公司企业主所得
exemption of enterprise established in the free zone自由贸易区企业免税
factory-farm enterprise农工联合企业
Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits不断下跌的汇率一直是企业利润亏损的引发因素
farm-industry-commerce enterprises农工商联合企业
financial enterprise金融企业
financing of overseas investment and overseas enterprise海外投资和海外企业的资金筹措
five small industrial enterprises五小工业
fixed assets preproduction enterprise未投产企业固定资产
foreign enterprise外国企业
foreign enterprises外国企业
foreign-backed enterprise外资关系企业
foreign-invested enterprises外商投资企业
form of enterprise organization企业组织形式
free-enterprise system capitalism自由企业制度资本主义制度
free private enterprise system自由私人企业制度
funds to tap the potential of existing enterprises and finance their technical transformation挖潜改造资金
Future development of our enterprise would be jeopardized if the quality is poor质量不好就会不利于将来企业的发展
geological prospecting enterprises地质勘探企业
government enterprise国营企业 (revenue, 收入)
government enterprise公营企业
government sponsored enterprise政府主办型企业
governmental enterprises政府企业
government-operated enterprise国营企业
government-owned enterprise国有企业
government-sponsored enterprises政府资助的企业
guarantor enterprise担保企业
human side of enterprise企业的人力问题
income of unincorporated enterprises非公司企业收入
income-generating enterprise in agriculture创收型 农业 企业
income-generating enterprise in agriculture带来收入的企业
individual enterprise私人企业
industrial enterprises run by commercial units商办工业企业
input supply enterprises投入供应企业
integrated industrial and trade enterprise工业贸易结合企业
invest heavily in an enterprise对某一企业进行大量投资
joint enterprises合营〔联合〕企业
key enterprise重点企业
knowledge-intensive enterprise知识密集型企业
labour intensive enterprise劳动密集型企业
labour-intensive enterprise集中使用劳力的企业
large scale enterprise大型企典
levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises征收企业资源差别费税
local enterprise地方企业
locally-administered stated enterprise地方国营企业
loss-making industrial enterprise亏损工业企业
management problem in large-scale enterprises大规模企业中的管理问题
manufacturing enterprise生产企业
manufacturing enterprise制造企业
manufacturing enterprises制造企业
materials and equipment enterprise物资企业
medium and large industrial and commercial enterprise大中型工商企业
medium and small enterprises中小企业
medium-size enterprise中等规模企业
milk an enterprise尽量从企业中榨取好处
mixed enterprise economy混合企业经济
mixed enterprise system公私合营企业体制
most many, much 的最高级 favoured enterprise provision最惠企业条款
multi-marketing enterprise多国销售企业
national enterprise中央企业
national ratio between the after-tax profit to be kept by the enterprises and the amount to be turned over to the state税后利润留交比例
national ratio between the after-tax profits to be kept by the enterprises and the amount to be retained over to the state税后利润留交比例
natural resources enterprise自然资源企业
number of industrial enterprises covered by the provincial statistics省一级的统计口径内的工业企业数
operating surplus of public enterprises公共事业的经营营运利润
operating surplus of public enterprises公共事业的经营利润
Orders from home and abroad flowed into the enterprise国内外订单涌进这家企业
owner of private enterprise私有企业主
parent enterprise主干企业
paying enterprise有收益的企业
paying enterprise盈利企业
personal income from incorporated enterprise个人企业收入
personal income from private enterprises私人企业的个人所得
Petroleum Products Enterprises石油产品供应企业
posts and telecommunications enterprise邮电企业
prices set by industrial commercial enterprises through consultation工商企业协商定价
private enterprise annuity私人企业职工年金
private enterprise economy私人企业经济
private share in a joint state-private enterprise公私合营企业中的私股
productive enterprises生产事业
productive enterprises生产企业单位
profit-making enterprise盈利事业
public economic enterprise公共经济事业
public enterprise公营公司
public enterprise公营企业
public service enterprises公用事业公司 (或企业)
public-operated enterprise营企业
reappraise the stocks and assets of enterprises企业清产核资
receipts from enterprises企业收入
reduction or exemption of enterprise income tax减免企业所得税
reserve tax on enterprises that use petroleum as their principal fuel烧油特别税
resources of the enterprise企业资金
restructuring of enterprise调整产业结构
retain the difference between enterprises within certain limits一定范围内保留企业差别
revenue from enterprises and undertaking企业和事业收入
revenue from state enterprises国营企业上交收入
revenue from state enterprises profits国营企业上交利润
revenue of public enterprise公业收入
revenue-earning enterprise赢利企业
right of autonomy for the enterprise外资 企业自主权 (with foreign investment)
rights, responsibilities and interests of an enterprise企业权、责、利
rights, responsibilities and interests of an enterprise企业责权利
routine operations of an enterprise企业日常经济活动
run all enterprises with diligence and frugality勤俭办一切企业
run the enterprises industriously and thriftily勤俭办企业
set up enterprises and other establishments兴办企业和其它事业
sink fortune in enterprise将财产投资于企业
sizeable enterprise大型企业
small agro-enterprise小型农业企业
small and medium sized enterprise中小型企业
small and medium-sized enterprises中小企业
small-sized hi-tech enterprise小型高技术企业
socialist enterprise社会主义企业
socialist state run enterprise社会主义国营企业
State enterprises are facing very keen competition both from home and abroad国营企业面临着来自国内外的激烈竞争
state oil enterprises国有石油公司【企业】
state owned enterprise国营企业
state _private enterprise公私合营企业
state trading enterprises国营贸易企业
state trading enterprises国营商业企业
state-owned enterprises中国、日本、新加坡等国有企业
State-trading enterprise国营贸易企业
streamline vt., reorganize and merge the existing enterprises对现有企业的整顿、改组和联合
subsidy system in public enterprise公营企业津贴制
super large-sized Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise超大型中外合资企业
surplus of government enterprises政府企业盈余
syndicate a mining enterprise以企业组合管理开矿事业
system of economic responsibility of enterprises企业经济责任制
technology-intensive enterprise技术密集型企业
the advertisement for inviting enterprise招徕生意广告
the boom in enterprise企业景气
the enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger企业管理费明细账
The enterprise has a heavy consumption of water该企业对水的消耗量很大
The enterprise is hoping to cut down its staff by natural wastage该企业希望通过自然减员如辞职、退休,等等来缩减工作人员 (e. g., resigning, retiring, etc.)
the enterprise profit drawing企业利润提成
the enterprise profit drawing企业利润的提取
The existence of this public enterprise is to be perpetual该公营企业的生存是永恒的
the group of enterprise联合企业
the group of enterprise企业集团
the microlevel of enterprise cooperation低一级的企业合作
the ownership by national entity in the enterprise国家实体对企业拥有所有权
The project of the bridge is completely funded by private enterprises大桥工程完全由私人企业资助
The rate of income tax levied on the enterprises was 18% that year那年企业所得税税率为18%
the spirit of enterprise企业精神
the various special purpose funds at the disposal of enterprises留归企业单位支配使用的各种专项基金
This enterprise is under control of two heavy shareholders这个企业由两家大股东来控制
tourist enterprise旅游企业
transport enterprise运输企业
unincorporated enterprise不具有法人资格的企业
unincorporated government enterprise非实体性政府企业
upgrade existing enterprises改造现有企业
utility enterprise公用事业企业
value of the enterprise企业价值
We are a state enterprise manufacturing exclusively machine tools我们是专门生产机床的国营企业
wholly foreign-owned enterprises外商独资企业
world enterprise国际性企业